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ethomaz said:

2.75Ghz is the GDDR5 memory clock... some guys in GAF are doing the same confusion (I already corrected two)

And now the Xbone goes GOLD they can finally do the FCC certification... what make the Major Nelson comment about before July silly.

There are two things that the FCC tests for, FCC Part 68 and FCC Part 15.  FCC Part 15 is what a every computer device gets tested to determine what frequencies it emits, if any.  However, because the Xbox One and PS4 both intentially emit frequencies, they're a Class C device (The GameCube, PS2, and Xbox were all Class B devices).  The only thing the FCC would do is verify that the device doesn't emit radiation outside of the permitted frequency range. 

That said, my guess is that they certified at 1.75GHz, however I highly doubt that they would have to recertify at if they did originally start with 1.6GHz.  Reason being is you're not worried about the processor, you're worried about the unit itself giving off radiation (a frequency) that you don't expect.  The processor is giving off something at or around 1.75GHz.  In most cases, it's higher.  I seriously doubt they'd bother with recertification if the rest of the system functions properly and doesn't emit any unexpected radiation.

After all, you can buy a motherboard that has absolutely no processor on it.  The motherboard doesn't need to be tested with every single possible processor to ensure that it doesn't emit unintended background radiation.  They just need to test the board with a processor to ensure there are no flaws in the design that permit unintended background radiation.

Bottomline, yes the Xbox One could have easily gone through certification at and passed, and they likely won't have to recertify.