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The closer MS gets to PS4 specs, the less specs matter. Now that we have that out of the way, its time to see when Sony will get working retail units going since my understanding is all recent showings have been PCs with PS4 hardware in them. I think that is the last big thing people have been worried about.
I'm just glad that people now better understand that the Wii Us lower clock speed than PS3/360 doesn't mean its not next gen as the other 2 next gen consoles are also lower. All that means is the CPU can do more with less power.
I am interested in seeing the difference in a PPc based chip and one for mobiles like in PS4. General PPC based chips are more efficient than normal PC chips and I am curious to see how mobile chips stack up as well. I guess I need to look into it myself as anything I get here will be somewhat bias depending on the platform the responder likes.

Maybe once everyone gets done playing the specs game we can focus on what really matters. The actual games.