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Forums - Gaming Discussion - FFVII remake on the way? (AKA, the rumor that never dies!)

I think we'll see it towards the end of the ps3's life cycle when they can take full advantage of the hardware and have a very large install base.

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I will keep on hoping .......

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Id take a wager that unless the ps3 gains some serious momentum, that kh3 most likely will go to the wii but the ff7 remake will be ps3 exclusive as in sony funds the damn thing cause theyd be retarded not to. That my .2 at least. I feel a little bit better justify buying a ps3 now.




makingmusic476 said:
Is the general consensus that this game will come to the ps3? I figured after the Wii's take off, they'd have more Nintendo fans saying it would head their way.

I think it will hit the ps3 for three reasons:

1. From what I've seen, most fans want a graphical update moreso than a gameplay update, and that's the opposite of the Wii's MO.

2. Remember those tech demos of FFVII they made with the White Engine? Yeah, those aren't possible on the Wii. :P

3. Why divide the FF fan-base between two consoles? If the Japanese stick with the trend of adopting only one console, then most FF diehards will jump on the ps3 bandwagon because of FFXIII, and if FFVII then hits the Wii...well, I just don't think SE would do that. :P

Although, I still don't really believe the whole "Japanese people only buy one console per gen" thing. That's just what I've been told on here and other sites for quite a while.

Most people only buy one console per generation. What you are referring to is that Japan historically has only bought one console as a whole.

In other words,(historically speaking) since the Wii is successful the PS3 will never be particularly successful. Japan has a habit of picking one system early and then only supporting that system. Not that individuals only buy one console.

Historically speaking it's very unlikely PS3 will be anything but a very distant second comapred to how well PS3 will do vs Wii in Europe or either 360 or PS3 will do vs wii in America.

So if Japanese userbase was your only concern... putting your game on the Wii is going to make the most sense based on history.

Which really isn't an issue with Final Fantasy 7.

FF7 could end up on the Wii or PS3. I'd guess the PS3 mostly due to the fact that Sony would pay a lot more for it.

Square-Enix could probably get another headquarters out of the deal.

I'm a PS3 fan first, Nintendo fan second, and I have no problem seeing KHIII on Wii, simply because it's more fitted to a younger audiences. PS3 is becoming more and more for the teen-late-teen users (for the youngest).

as long as we get FFVII remake, Nintendo can have KHIII. ;) besides, we already have KH game for PSP announced.

Soriku (Feb 10/08): In 5 years the PS3/360 will be dead.

KH3 bet: "If KH3 comes to Wii exclusive, I will take a 1 month of sig/avatar by otheres open a thread apologize and praise you guys' brilliance."
Original cast: Badonkadonkhr, sc94597 allaboutthegames885, kingofwale, Soriku, ctk495, skeezer, RDBRaptor, Mirson,

Episode 1: OOPSY!
: Too Human I even expect 3-4 mill entire life and 500,000 first day. GoW2 ( expect 7 - 9 million entire life and over 2 mill first day), Fable 2 (expect 5-6 million entire life and 1.5 mill fist day) BK3 (expect 4 - 5 mill sales entire life and 1 mill first day).. Tales/IU/TLR should get to 2 or 3 million! post id: 868878
Episode 2:
Letsdance: FFXIII (PS3+360) first week in NA = 286K
According to pre-order rate in week 13 (post id: 2902544)
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Kasz216 said:
makingmusic476 said:
Is the general consensus that this game will come to the ps3? I figured after the Wii's take off, they'd have more Nintendo fans saying it would head their way.

I think it will hit the ps3 for three reasons:

1. From what I've seen, most fans want a graphical update moreso than a gameplay update, and that's the opposite of the Wii's MO.

2. Remember those tech demos of FFVII they made with the White Engine? Yeah, those aren't possible on the Wii. :P

3. Why divide the FF fan-base between two consoles? If the Japanese stick with the trend of adopting only one console, then most FF diehards will jump on the ps3 bandwagon because of FFXIII, and if FFVII then hits the Wii...well, I just don't think SE would do that. :P

Although, I still don't really believe the whole "Japanese people only buy one console per gen" thing. That's just what I've been told on here and other sites for quite a while.

Most people only buy one console per generation. What you are referring to is that Japan historically has only bought one console as a whole.

In other words,(historically speaking) since the Wii is successful the PS3 will never be particularly successful. Japan has a habit of picking one system early and then only supporting that system. Not that individuals only buy one console.

Historically speaking it's very unlikely PS3 will be anything but a very distant second comapred to how well PS3 will do vs Wii in Europe or either 360 or PS3 will do vs wii in America.

So if Japanese userbase was your only concern... putting your game on the Wii is going to make the most sense based on history.

Which really isn't an issue with Final Fantasy 7.

FF7 could end up on the Wii or PS3. I'd guess the PS3 mostly due to the fact that Sony would pay a lot more for it.

Square-Enix could probably get another headquarters out of the deal.

 Ah, well that makes more sense.

The only thing I've heard about an FFVII remake (besides the nedless rumors that spawned in 2001) is that FFVII could come to the PSN with updated graphics. That could please a lot of the FF fanboys for awhile but it's not a real remake.

Personally I don't think an FFVII remake is going to come to the PS3. But I don't think it's going to the Wii either. I just don't think it's going to happen this gen, and if it does it's going to be at the very end of the generation. I still thinkit's a little soon and all the key members are still busy. When Nomura is done with Versus XIII he is no doubt going to be pulled into KH3 immediately, which could suck up his time for another 2-3 years. And then what after that? KH4? You know it's going to happen and if they want 2 KH per gen, it will.

Tag - "No trolling on my watch!"

I hope Square Enix does this, I really want a remake of some sort on the PSN or Virtual Console (Wii). That would be some awesome!

I hear this around the internet forums alot, but if this is true Square Enix can expect a lot of money back from the craving FFVII fans.

would be good to see some trailers for it on the ps3, since the only thing they will change from the original is its graphics.. other than that i won't be interested at all

 Also, Konnichiwa, i'm not sure where you conducted that elusive survey, but my favourite FF game is FFVII, by a long shot, and i've never owned a playstation console (i got it on PC), so does that make me an outlier to your guess about how a survey woud result or do you think you should just try not making baseless claims?

Honestly I don't see any major reason for them to remake the game let alone release it on the same platform where you can play the original. That said I would think that unless it was released to as large an audience as possible it wouldn't have the commercial success that would justify the use of resources. A new game would probably generate far more income then rehashing a old game.

Were this game to actually go into development I hardly doubt it would be exclusive unless one of the manufacturers ponies up the funds to make it so. Given the fact that Square is straddling the fence between three competitors trying to balance all sides. Were your platform to get an exclusive game chances are it would cost you another exclusive game.

A remake could very well cost the PS3 Kingdom Hearts. Nintendo might get that game. Microsoft might get a new original intellectual property. Just thinking how it would naturally flow. The only player that might actually pony up the cash for exclusivity of FF7 and be happy to do so would be Microsoft.

Were the game made it could play out in so many ways. The console manufacturer might get it as a token development. The game might be multi platform in an attempt to ensure revenue. Square could take it to a different market they haven't exploited yet. None of the players might want it if strings are attached. You can get this, but not this. Hell this could be something really fantastic in comparison. So the player you least expect might get it, because it is the least desired.

I could see it given Squares track record. They have to toss Microsoft a bone so instead of a Kingdom Hearts, or a future Final Fantasy installment. They give the remake to the 360. Chilling thought isn't it. Anyway its so far off in the future if it happens. That nothing is certain or sacred it could all depend on the landscape and politics.