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The only thing I've heard about an FFVII remake (besides the nedless rumors that spawned in 2001) is that FFVII could come to the PSN with updated graphics. That could please a lot of the FF fanboys for awhile but it's not a real remake.

Personally I don't think an FFVII remake is going to come to the PS3. But I don't think it's going to the Wii either. I just don't think it's going to happen this gen, and if it does it's going to be at the very end of the generation. I still thinkit's a little soon and all the key members are still busy. When Nomura is done with Versus XIII he is no doubt going to be pulled into KH3 immediately, which could suck up his time for another 2-3 years. And then what after that? KH4? You know it's going to happen and if they want 2 KH per gen, it will.

Tag - "No trolling on my watch!"