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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Phil Harrison: Xbox One Will Never Come Without Kinect

Some awesome predictions done here. Out of spite mostly but still good for some laughs along the way.

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Phil Harrison seems to have built his career around lying his ass off with a straight face. Who can forget his classic one-liners from his days at Sony during the PS3 launch? "Rumble is a last-gen feature" was one of my personal favorites. Dude should just get a PR job at a tobacco company or run for Congress - he's got the skills.

Talk about shooting your mouth off gone wrong.

I am the Playstation Avenger.


LordPhil said:
DerNebel said:
Never = 6 months... got it.

Wonder if that definition also applies to Titanfall 1 never coming to PS4.

September release confirmed!

Titanfall's Game of the Year Edition ( or whatever they're going to call the rerelease that will come out towards the end of the year with the reduced price and all the DLC content included ) will find its way to PS4 later this year because EA doesn't want to miss out on another 3 to 5 million sales.

S.T.A.G.E. said:

Phil Harrison said never? Hmm....Yeah so that means June guys. :)

Triple Kill! Quodra Kill! ULTRA KILL! ... GODLIKE!!!!

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adriane23 said:
Talk about shooting your mouth off gone wrong.

Good ol' Philly will never learn it seems!

       ---Member of the official Squeezol Fanclub---

Gnac said:
wilco said:
Problem with Microsoft is they never really committed to the future they were preaching about. If they really believed in all digital they would have gone disk-less and if they really believed in kinect it would have been built into the actual game system. Nobody will be convinced if you half ass it.

This is typical of the whole industry though. You could argue that Nintendo were never really committed to WM+, or Sony not really bothered about EyeToy. The balance board got used for maybe a dozen things despite being SOME BIG SHIT, and let's not talk about how many things actually required a PSMove / WonderBook setup. Project Morpheus, IllumiRoom and Wii Vitality Sensor also have a lot in common: they are hype objects.

Thats true and its a shame because when these companies do commit they win big. Nintendo committed heavily to motion controls and won big. Sony committed to CD/DVD/Blu Ray and succeeded (less so with blu ray but still a success). Microsoft committed to broadband, the list goes on. People know when a company truly believes in something and I think everyone could see that Microsoft didn't really believe that kinect was integral to the xbone experience.

was't he also the man behind the "milo" hoax

Hahaha this is beautiful. Why do we always have some old thread of something MS or a MS fan has said that went totally the other way? What was happening in 2013?

Bet with Adamblaziken:

I bet that on launch the Nintendo Switch will have no built in in-game voice chat. He bets that it will. The winner gets six months of avatar control over the other user.

wilco said:
Problem with Microsoft is they never really committed to the future they were preaching about. If they really believed in all digital they would have gone disk-less and if they really believed in kinect it would have been built into the actual game system. Nobody will be convinced if you half ass it.

with the backlash they got from the xone reveal, its a a good thing they didnt commit