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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Evaluation of the current Nintendo community on VGC

Guess I am not worth even mentioning eh rol!


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Acevil said:
Guess I am not worth even mentioning eh rol!

U have to comment in order to be judged, u now qualify

When the herd loses its way, the shepard must kill the bull that leads them astray.

My body is ready for judgment

Judge me, good sir!

Cobretti2 - Owns all consoles, but buys multiplats on Nintendo for some inexplicable reason.

Not bad.

I actually buy multiplatforms on two or more consoles sometimes haha.

i.e. COD I got it on 360 (buy at discount price - for the few friends who play it), PS3 (had a few friends who played it lol I mainy get the special edition ones to match the rest) and Wii (wii remote controls) lol.

Sometimes I just buy them to support 3rd parties on Nintendo in the hope I don't need three system lol.



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I'll be honest. At first I thought this said "evacuation".


Here lies the dearly departed Nintendomination Thread.

Michael-5 said:
think-man said:
mysticwolf said:
Back in 2010 I was all over the Nintendo board, nowadays its mostly gaming, sony, and pc.

Prepare to be judged 

Why is he frowning?

Cause hes Judge Dredd ^^ he doesnt like smiling.

PDF said:
Is it weird that I find it weird there isn't more enemies of the mushroom kingdom?

I was only made an enemies to buff the list up^^

Arius Dion said:
S.T.A.G.E. said:
Arius Dion said:

I knew I'd get the attention of the enemies of the Mushroom Kingdom with that one : )

EDIT: It was just a joke in bad taste I suppose, DEyon and STAGE, My apologies.

I will only accept if you hand over Princess Peach. Tell Mario to back off, we wont take his abuse any longer and hes abusing my turtle friends. We had to remove his shell because some person *cough*mario*cough* jumped on his shell and his shell and his body switched places with his head hole to the asshole. Do you know what its like to walk ass backwards? I also want my staff back. Also, tell The Mushroom Kingdom we're hiring troopers to watch our area because Mario keeps jumping over our fences and keeps rummaging through our sewers. For some reason all of our gold coins are missing. I know he took it because he's fat. Yes...this is my logic.

These are my list of demands before I accept your apology.

LoL. I can accommodate all requests except for the staff..Luigi uses a shticky (shudders)



Tell you your human realm you have what they call Mc Muffins? Give me that instead of the staff and we're square.

think-man said:
Can you judge users without there permission? I wanna see Turkish, Kowenicki and pezus be judged oh and sales2099

one word can describe all four of them perfectly