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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Xbox One's fast change of policies.



We also got rumors that sony was going this route and changed position last minute, not sure if there is any proof to this but I'm sure they most likely did. This was not MS or SONY wanting this so bad, this was third parties like, EA, ACTIVISION and all the other big players. 


Didn't read the whole thread and don't know if it was already mentiones, but cboat confirmed at Neogaf that it was Microsoft, not the publishers who pushed for always on DRM. Besides EA and Ubisoft were all for it while Activision wasn't really happy with it. 

Other than that, it's a good thing they turned around. Be it because of low pre-orders or because they really listened to the fans, who cares. At least the PS4 now has some real competition. And competition is always a good thing, for all of us. You know what Sony does without competition? Memory Sticks and 599 $ consoles. :P

I'm gonna stick to the PS4 myself, but if there will be some exclusives I really wanna have, I might just get myself an Xbox sometime later. It's not completely out of question anymore. 

Official member of VGC's Nintendo family, approved by the one and only RolStoppable. I feel honored.

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The only thing that matters is what ends up on the shelves for people to buy. FWIW since E3, gaming news has been awash with xbox headlines which have steadily made the console look better and better, whereas reveals after the PS4's E3 have made it look less and less impressive. And MS hasn't even started advertising.

Wake me up when Microsoft unlocks Sunset Riders for Game Room.  Until then, not sure I need to forgive or do anything with Microsoft.  Well, if by unlocking it for Game Room, it suddenly appears on the OUYA I have, then maybe.

silentdj151 said:
NYCrysis said:
U forgot about this one thing that matters most, it's the reason people buy these systems I almost forgot this thing even mattered in all of this clusterfuck... its called games. Sony has had the better games this gen and next gen doesn't look any different with ND, ssm, mm, and gg still having announcements in the near future.  


Sorry I do not like sony 1st party games, great visually but horrible game play.

So in my opinion no Playstation did not have better games...

I do not like HALO anymore will play solo but multiplayer not that good compared to call of duty.

Why sony fans so hostile calm down people

Looking at the sales charts on this site, it would appear that the majority of playstation owners agree with you.

the-pi-guy said:

Sony probably has DRM on their system, but it'll be for pirated games, just as the PS3 does.

Sony definitely has a DRM system, that's what limits dowload title sharing and PS+ title expiration.

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bananaking21 said:
bananaking21 said:

Why else would they do it. It's the only logical answer. 3rd party has lost their ass to gamestop.............

why? well the reason is something has microsoft is very popular with. greed

Corporations are all greedy.

some prove to be more greedy than others

Oh yes, there is one company that comes to my mind: It sold their digi-cams which were only compatible to their own flash-memory-solution which was also more expensive than the competition with absolutely no advantage, sold mobile-phones which were only compatible to their own flash-memory-solution (again more expensive) and currently sell a mobile gaming system which, again, only works with a proprietary memory solution which, again, is more expensive than the competition, with no advantages.

Goatseye said:

You have to be mentally unstable to trust a corporation that is trying to make money. But I like MS the most out of 3 because they're not scared of making choices and games that I like.
They're natural leaders and not "Mr me too".

I'm very excited for Illumiroom, the goggles thing and to see how Kinect 2.0 will fare this time. And Killer Instinct.

Lol. Kinda ironic considering they have done a full reversal and are following the pack of Nintendo and Sony in a lot of ways. 

OT - its all about reputation and MS generally seems to have a much lower one than either Nintendo or Sony. Microsoft's reputation was very high when they started this gen and  has gone down steadily ever since. Sony had a horrible start but its efforts to remedy its slow start means it has gained a lot of kudos and loyal fans since. Sony seem not to have considered drm from day one and have stated so and I for one totally believe them. Sony seem a bit more aware of regional issues and more considering of the fact that not everyone everywhere will have good broadband so I dontbelieve they considered any sort of logging-in-regularly drm. MS, imo, seems to focus on the US to an unhealthy amount and I can see them not considering the effect outside the US.

Put simply if Sony and MS said the same thing, I would believe Sony but look at MS as if they were putting one over on me.

<a href=""><img src="" border="0"></a>

fauzman said:
Goatseye said:

You have to be mentally unstable to trust a corporation that is trying to make money. But I like MS the most out of 3 because they're not scared of making choices and games that I like.
They're natural leaders and not "Mr me too".

I'm very excited for Illumiroom, the goggles thing and to see how Kinect 2.0 will fare this time. And Killer Instinct.

Lol. Kinda ironic considering they have done a full reversal and are following the pack of Nintendo and Sony in a lot of ways. 

OT - its all about reputation and MS generally seems to have a much lower one than either Nintendo or Sony. Microsoft's reputation was very high when they started this gen and  has gone down steadily ever since. Sony had a horrible start but its efforts to remedy its slow start means it has gained a lot of kudos and loyal fans since. Sony seem not to have considered drm from day one and have stated so and I for one totally believe them. Sony seem a bit more aware of regional issues and more considering of the fact that not everyone everywhere will have good broadband so I dontbelieve they considered any sort of logging-in-regularly drm. MS, imo, seems to focus on the US to an unhealthy amount and I can see them not considering the effect outside the US.

Put simply if Sony and MS said the same thing, I would believe Sony but look at MS as if they were putting one over on me.

You mean like Sony is following 360? Kinecteye, paid subscription etc... Sony didn't do anything, if MS did something was to reverse it's policies to the existing ones.

MS's reputation is just lower to you folks that don't do business  with them. That's your job, to nag at everything they do although you don't buy from them.

Sony didn't give a damn about your choices, they left the DRM to 3rd parties and never advocated for their peasants. But you believe in a money making giant corporation, there's nothing I can do about that.

Unhealthy amount of attention from MS in US(and UK). Well, I would've done the same to tell you the thruth. Those are the two countries that treat them for what they are(business company) instead of most of the countries that treat them like American imperial flagship. I know a lot of people in Europe don't buy Xbox because it's "Amurican". Japan, about the same. In 2008,2009 MS pumped the most JRPG out of 3 but didn't move a niquel in that area.

X1 is the most ambitious console out of the 3 and it makes sense for MS as they didn't just want to upgrade their graphics card(like the competition).


I seen that some xbox fans are still pissed about the DRM policies that where going to be used with the xbox one. I'm here to tell you that a turn around like this is not heard of in any big corporation or bizz.  The turn around means they listened and gave into the consumer, most companies take a long time to react and change policy.



The situation is actually very ironic.

Xbox fans have been defending the One left and right, but what they don't concede is that NONE of these changes (read improvements) would have been implemented if  it wasn't for the scorn and ridicule that EVERYONE else on the internet was spewing at MS.

So STOP thanking MS and praising them for "listening". Thank the SCORES of people that hate them for being vocal enough so they would change.

They were booed at Evo for a reason, and they are getting hammered on Youtube for a reason. Fact is that the "haters" as you call them don't care about the 180 they're pulling - they simply care about the principles that they stand for. And that's not changed.

My personal reason for "hating" MS is Windows. Ubuntu is free and everyone should be using a free OS. They are making obscene amounts of money simply due to their stranglehold on the market. I cannot excuse them for that. And if they bring that same ethos (which they obviously do) into a console launch then it simply means that I don't want any part of that.

Had 2x 360s though. Cause PS3 was shitty back in 2007.

walsufnir said:

Oh yes, there is one company that comes to my mind: It sold their digi-cams which were only compatible to their own flash-memory-solution which was also more expensive than the competition with absolutely no advantage, sold mobile-phones which were only compatible to their own flash-memory-solution (again more expensive) and currently sell a mobile gaming system which, again, only works with a proprietary memory solution which, again, is more expensive than the competition, with no advantages.

*SIGH* Really!? You're really doing this!?? How about:

- $130 for a 250GB HD

- $100 for a WiFi adapter


That "one company" didn't need you to spend any money on these. But keep on gunning with your pathetic arguments. I don't know how you people can't see that people are hating on Xbone for a reason.

The PS3 has simply put been better since 2009. Almost anyone would agree with that. So if you want to "keep the Sony fanboys" out of these threads then stop making these stupid statements.