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We also got rumors that sony was going this route and changed position last minute, not sure if there is any proof to this but I'm sure they most likely did. This was not MS or SONY wanting this so bad, this was third parties like, EA, ACTIVISION and all the other big players. 


Didn't read the whole thread and don't know if it was already mentiones, but cboat confirmed at Neogaf that it was Microsoft, not the publishers who pushed for always on DRM. Besides EA and Ubisoft were all for it while Activision wasn't really happy with it. 

Other than that, it's a good thing they turned around. Be it because of low pre-orders or because they really listened to the fans, who cares. At least the PS4 now has some real competition. And competition is always a good thing, for all of us. You know what Sony does without competition? Memory Sticks and 599 $ consoles. :P

I'm gonna stick to the PS4 myself, but if there will be some exclusives I really wanna have, I might just get myself an Xbox sometime later. It's not completely out of question anymore. 

Official member of VGC's Nintendo family, approved by the one and only RolStoppable. I feel honored.