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I seen that some xbox fans are still pissed about the DRM policies that where going to be used with the xbox one. I'm here to tell you that a turn around like this is not heard of in any big corporation or bizz.  The turn around means they listened and gave into the consumer, most companies take a long time to react and change policy.



The situation is actually very ironic.

Xbox fans have been defending the One left and right, but what they don't concede is that NONE of these changes (read improvements) would have been implemented if  it wasn't for the scorn and ridicule that EVERYONE else on the internet was spewing at MS.

So STOP thanking MS and praising them for "listening". Thank the SCORES of people that hate them for being vocal enough so they would change.

They were booed at Evo for a reason, and they are getting hammered on Youtube for a reason. Fact is that the "haters" as you call them don't care about the 180 they're pulling - they simply care about the principles that they stand for. And that's not changed.

My personal reason for "hating" MS is Windows. Ubuntu is free and everyone should be using a free OS. They are making obscene amounts of money simply due to their stranglehold on the market. I cannot excuse them for that. And if they bring that same ethos (which they obviously do) into a console launch then it simply means that I don't want any part of that.

Had 2x 360s though. Cause PS3 was shitty back in 2007.