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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Skyrim comes out ahead in Amazon UK's Game of the Generation Poll

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Three PS3 exclusives, two of them from Naughty Dog. What a gen it's been for them. It wouldn't surprise me one bit if they were to top themselves next gen.

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Shouldn't they wait till the generation is actually over till making a game of the generation poll? They could at least wait till the PS4 and Xbox One are released this is just way to soon. And is Skyrim really that good? I would never think it would be game of the generation but I also haven't played it so idk.

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As flawed as the game is, Skyrim gave the player an adventure worth taking. Amazing amount of content, player freedom to explore and interact with the world of Skyrim how he/she saw fit (something that I quite appreciate in today's blockbuster cinematic dominated experiences), and a masterful soundtrack made for a game that I sunk more than 360 hours into.

So yeah, not my favorite game of the generation, but it's certainly up there. I'll raise a glass to its success. Cheers to Skyrim.

Well It's by popular opinion. Your also offering a game that is multiplatform over a exclusive one in the poll. But apparently even all the horrible bugs Skyrim on the PS3 had couldn't stop it from becoming the best game this gen.

But I agree, a poll like this shouldn't take place till the XB1 and PS4 are on the market at worst. It should have occured sometime by the end of 2014 when current gen AAA games are few and far between.

It's just that simple.

A game released with so many bugs is GotG?


Shouldnt be in the Top 16. Not even the best TES game of the generation. Had much, much more fun with Oblivion.


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Slap in the face to any honest developer who takes the time to ship complete and finished products.

The poll is void. Game of the generation comes out this month. 

Fair enough. The game has masses of content, some fun questlines and the mods on the PC version have transformed the game into so much more than the shipped product. The DLC has also been relatively good.

You can argue that it shouldn't be up to modders to create content for a game but Bethesda went to the trouble to create and release the mod tools, so I think it's an integral part of the experience.

green_sky said:

The poll is void. Game of the generation comes out this month. 

Well played, good sir.


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It should be "most overrated game of the generation", IMO. I don't agree with it being the best game of this gen, since I find Oblivion a much better game than it and it isn't a game I would put on my top 10 of this gen. The hype was so crazy around Skyrim that everyone forgot to see beyond the praises and 10s it received from the gaming media.