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Forums - Politics Discussion - Is being Gay an evolution of humans?

Ummm evolution requires procreation.

There is one possibility, that is that somehow guys who are straight but have homosexual tendencies are procreating more, and that somehow, homosexual tendencies result in more gay gene offspring. This would make sense as men who are more feminine usually dress better, take better care of themselves, and are generally regarded by women as desirable partners, because douchebags have ruined things for the rest of us.
Anyway, that's a possibility....but it doesn't really hold up to the rest of the animal kingdom. Gay animals don't look any more attractive to the opposite sex. Yet gay animals persist regardless of their attractiveness, and gay offspring are still being born to hetero parents.
The fact of the matter is that everyone is wired differently. I have proof that gay people are natural because people like Einstein were born. People like Edison, people like Ted Bundy, people like Attila the Hun, people like Usain Bolt.
Wtf prof, what are you talking about?
I'm saying that the human race is what it is because every person is made very differently from each other. We are NATURALLY created to accomplish many different things as an entire species. Rainman, for example, cannot function in an adult way but can count how many matches were in a box that fell on the floor in a second.

Everyone is different, that's just how it is. We are WIRED intrinsically to do things that ON AVERAGE we shouldn't be able to do.

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Wright said:
IHateLife said:
Yoshiya said:

^This. Personally I think that the fact many older civilisations that accepted homosexuality had higher proportions of homosexual people shows just how true this is.

Nah, as far as I can remember back to when I first had memory as a kid, I've always liked girls(kindergarden age was my first crush, girl around the same age, then there were others of all ages, it was just naturally that way for me), and guys were just there to have physical fights and brawls with to sharpen my ass kicking skills. The fact that I have no problem with homosexuals is a sign that I'm pretty comfy with my sexuality and I just never liked guys that way even for a little bit, straight as a super high velocity sniper bullet, kinda funny how gay men always want to pick me up in the book stores when I'm browsing though hehe..... then I open my mouth and they just know I'm not gay lol.

Understanding your priorities earlier than the rest of us don't void my argument less valid

As long as you can understand that it's an argument in which you can't prove, then we are cool. -_^b I'm pro choice on the matter, I don't like the idea of people looking at other people with a disgusted face just because they choose to be with the same sex as it's not like they are commiting the act of murder or robbery or anything like a physical crime.

Wright said:
reggin_bolas said:

Where did I ever use the Bible to justify my assertions? Not a hard pill to swallow at all, these "countries" you refer to is Europe which is overwhelmingly leftist. In the US you still have a divide. 

Those who favor homosexuality are almost always politically leftist. If you take away the politics and religion behind homosexuality you end up with a common sense position which does NOT favor homosexuality. It is naturally offensive to an unbaised person. 

...because all unbiased people are straight?

I'm sure there are homosexual persons who know what they do is wrong and who aren't politically indoctrinated or religiously indoctrinated. 

IHateLife said:
Wright said:

Understanding your priorities earlier than the rest of us don't void my argument less valid

As long as you can understand that it's a argument in which you can't prove, then we are cool. -_^b I'm pro choice on the matter, I don't like the idea of people looking at other people with a disgusted face just because they choose to be with the same sex as it's not like they are commiting the act of murder or robbery or anything like a physical crime.

Yeah. It's more like an opinion than an argument, but it's the one I've always trusted. You can't prove it, but you can't deny it either.


We agree, though, on everything else!

reggin_bolas said:
Wright said:

...because all unbiased people are straight?

I'm sure there are homosexual persons who know what they do is wrong and who aren't politically indoctrinated or religiously indoctrinated. 

I doubt Plato considered himself wrong.

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reggin_bolas said:
Seece said:

It's acceptable to me, it's not acceptable that you use the bible, that's not a measure of anything. Given the majority of polls in civilised countries show support for homosexuality you're wrong.

What is unnatural is homophobia, thankfully it's being stamped out and the people that are homophobic look foolish.

I know it's a hard pill to swallow ;)

Where did I ever use the Bible to justify my assertions? Not a hard pill to swallow at all, these "countries" you refer to is Europe which is overwhelmingly leftist. In the US you still have a divide. 

Those who favor homosexuality are almost always politically leftist. If you take away the politics and religion behind homosexuality you end up with a common sense position which does NOT favor homosexuality. It is naturally offensive to an unbaised person. 

We'll have to agree to disagree, and I don't believe that at all. Take religion out of it and the whole reasoning it became an issue in the first place is gone. You have no evience or statistics to say it is offensive to 'unbiased people' either, this sounds like wishful thinking because you're homophobic.

As the world becomes more informed they'll become less ignorant and hateful and realise there is no reasoning to dislike homosexuality, thus it's stupid to say unbiased people don't favour homosexuality, it's natural along with everything else you're born with.


reggin_bolas said:
Seece said:
reggin_bolas said:

That's not an acceptable definition or use of the word natural. And your last sentence is heavily politicized. It again shows that outside of the political framwork, homosexuality is simply offensive to most people. 

It's acceptable to me, it's not acceptable that you use the bible, that's not a measure of anything. Given the majority of polls in civilised countries show support for homosexuality you're wrong.

What is unnatural is homophobia, thankfully it's being stamped out and the people that are homophobic look foolish.

I know it's a hard pill to swallow ;)

Where did I ever use the Bible to justify my assertions? Not a hard pill to swallow at all, these "countries" you refer to is Europe which is overwhelmingly leftist. In the US you still have a divide. 

Those who favor homosexuality are almost always politically leftist. If you take away the politics and religion behind homosexuality you end up with a common sense position which does NOT favor homosexuality. It is naturally offensive to an unbaised person. 

I say just let it be, you can't let everything in the world bother you, and this certainly isn't something you can do anything about. It's not like they are walking up to you with an erect penis and are trying to bend you over or anything(or if you are a woman, in which case would be shoveling their vaggies on your face). You can always take the side of "who gives a shit?"

Wright said:
reggin_bolas said:
Wright said:

...because all unbiased people are straight?

I'm sure there are homosexual persons who know what they do is wrong and who aren't politically indoctrinated or religiously indoctrinated. 

I doubt Plato considered himself wrong.

First of all, I don't accept your implication that Plato was gay. Second, the more important point is behavior is self-serving. If you play video games, chances are you find that an acceptable hobby and something you likely defend against criticism. Homosexuals while they can be unbaised theoretically, are most likely not the right people to ask for an unbaised opinion.

Straight is the norm. 

reggin_bolas said:
Wright said:
reggin_bolas said:

Where did I ever use the Bible to justify my assertions? Not a hard pill to swallow at all, these "countries" you refer to is Europe which is overwhelmingly leftist. In the US you still have a divide. 

Those who favor homosexuality are almost always politically leftist. If you take away the politics and religion behind homosexuality you end up with a common sense position which does NOT favor homosexuality. It is naturally offensive to an unbaised person. 

...because all unbiased people are straight?

I'm sure there are homosexual persons who know what they do is wrong and who aren't politically indoctrinated or religiously indoctrinated. 

No they're told it's wrong by religious and ignorant people, eventually (not always unfortunately) they come to realise there is nothing wrong with it.

It's disgraceful for people to say otheriwse with young impressionable children/teenagers out there, anyone who does should be ashamed of themselves (not least for being so ignorant)


I mean no disrespect to homosexuals and i have nothing against them and i do not support any discrimination of homosexuals, but i believe that something developed wrong in the womb