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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Watch Dogs Current Vs. Next Gen Footage(Videos)


What do you think of the footage?

Kill it with fire 29 13.36%
WTF 17 7.83%
Wow, just wow 14 6.45%
atrocity 1 0.46%
looks meh 26 11.98%
Best looking game ever-sarcasm 8 3.69%
looks ok at best 17 7.83%
Wow, so watch dogs is on the ps2? 67 30.88%
looks good 38 17.51%


Around the Network

Its the "can't use 7gb ram" PS4 version

Yes its a joke.. So serious..


Face the future.. Gamecenter ID: nikkom_nl (oh no he didn't!!) 

NiKKoM said:
Its the "can't use 7gb ram" PS4 version

Yes its a joke.. So serious..

People have been spoiled with next gen Watch Dogs that they forgot that current gen isn't as powerful as next gen.




iceboy151 said:
People have been spoiled with next gen Watch Dogs that they forgot that current gen isn't as powerful as next gen.

I've been spoiled with GTA V lolz

Around the Network

Sleeping Dogs looks better than both of these

Funny enough.

If anyone has seen NFS:MW you'd realise that the Wii U is capable of the top video.

Yes. - contribute your stuff... satire, comics, ideas, debate, stupidy stupid etc.

CGI-Quality said:
PullusPardus said:

Sleeping Dogs looks better than both of these

Funny enough.



Yeah, definitely not.

I think he was referring to the current gen version of Watch Dogs Vs. Sleeping Dogs. Obviously next gen version of Watch Dogs looks better. The character models look shit lol

edit - nevermind he said "both of these"

CGI-Quality said:
PullusPardus said:

Sleeping Dogs looks better than both of these

Funny enough.


Okay , maybe not, but I do remember it being a good looking game, i think there was a "HD texture add on" or something.

while we're on the subject play Sleeping dogs, its a good game.

MDMAlliance said:
ninjablade said:
Ji99saw said:
I'm actually surprised how fugly that was, I definitely not expecting that. Is that what the Wii U version is going to look like? Any one know?

i expect the wiiu/360/ps3 version to be on par with each other, so yes.

Of course you would be in this thread.  Watch the Wii U version be clearly superior to the 360/PS3 versions and you'd still be saying "THEY IS ON PAR HERP DE DERP"

i would bet my account the wiiu version will be on par or at best slighty better then the ps3/360 versions, any body willing to make the bet