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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Xbox Empire - New thread up soon!

Wright said:

Because RPGs made in Japan tend to be better than those made in the western countries.

Gotta disagree with this.

West and East both have a fair share of trash and quality.


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So guys can we talk about something else?

What is youre most wanted game announcements at E3 (all consoles)


Carl2291 said:

Gotta disagree with this.

West and East both have a fair share of trash and quality.

All I'm saying is that East trash is better than West trash.

JayWood2010 said:
So guys can we talk about something else?

What is youre most wanted game announcements at E3 (all consoles)

I think overall, the most wanted thing for me right now is Fallout 4.

Aside from that? Gears, Mass Effect and Im holding onto hope for either Left 4 Dead 3 or Portal 3.


JayWood2010 said:

What is youre most wanted game announcements at E3 (all consoles)


Xbox One/PS4: Catherine 2

WiiU: The Last Story 2

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JayWood2010 said:
So guys can we talk about something else?

What is youre most wanted game announcements at E3 (all consoles)

JRPGs, no specific one  

Ok, how about this. What is your favorite game this generation? That isnt a JRPG guys.


JayWood2010 said:
Ok, how about this. What is your favorite game this generation? That isnt a JRPG guys.

I'd like to say Dead Rising 3, but haven't been able to play it properly yet.


All things considered, my favourite "game" so far has been P.T.


My experience is only from playing on friends consoles and my PC but of this gen I think Forza Horizon 2, Bloodborne and Dragon Age are my favourites so far.