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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Xbox Empire - New thread up soon!

crissindahouse said:
Goatseye said:
Xbox has a close relationship with UK developers.

Not really surprising, isn't UK the only market besides USA where MS even knows the devs? ^^

Remedy? :p 

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Ryuu96 said:
TiagoCosta said:

Battletoads being developed by Ruffian Games.

Lol I saw that yesterday, who is he?........

I honestly wouldn't give it any credibility at all, never heard of the guy or saw him, just seems like guessing


Ruffian Games making Battletoads wouldn't surprise me though


TiagoCosta said:
Ryuu96 said:



At least he is being honest about it.  And most leaks or rumors dont have a source.  Their source is somebody theyre talking to either in real life or somebody on the internet theyre talking to.


JayWood2010 said:
TiagoCosta said:


At least he is being honest about it.  And most leaks or rumors dont have a source.  Their source is somebody theyre talking to either in real life or somebody on the internet theyre talking to.

That's why I asked if his source (guy he talked to) was legit aka trustful, I didn't ask for any link or anything. 

He didn't interpret my question that way tho, my English failed me.

TiagoCosta said:
DexInDaJungle said:

Yeah, I wouldn't keep doing it knowing it's annoying my friends :P

Also, Diamond no Ace is fantasitc. One of the few sports anime I actually like. I'm so sad it ends in like a month :(

Did you watch major? It made me like baseball when we don't even play it over here at all. 

I'd like a baseball game on XBO, now that I think about it.

I haven't. I don't really like Baseball but DnA is just special!

Im surprised there isn't a Baseball game on XBO, don't understand why EA or 2K don't make them?

Around the Network
DexInDaJungle said:

I haven't. I don't really like Baseball but DnA is just special!

Im surprised there isn't a Baseball game on XBO, don't understand why EA or 2K don't make them?

I recommend it tho 

Baseball is even more niche than jp games, that's why. Only a few countries care for it (Japan, US, Cuba..)

TiagoCosta said:
DexInDaJungle said:

I haven't. I don't really like Baseball but DnA is just special!

Im surprised there isn't a Baseball game on XBO, don't understand why EA or 2K don't make them?

I recommend it tho 

Baseball is even more niche than jp games, that's why. Only a few countries care for it (Japan, US, Cuba..)

The sport seems to even be dying in it's main market due to all these steroid scandels so I guess it makes some sense that the market just isn't big enough to invest in it. It's not like a Banjo game since you would actually have to get a license from the MLB and other leagues to use their players and brands. Too much trouble I suppose.

Anyway I will give Major a look! Thanks :)

Definitely getting Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons, I wanted to try it out.

Very excited about IDARB xD Looks like it will be blast to play. I just need to get my friends to get it as well.

And Brothers is great. If you havent played it, get it.


Never heard of IDARB, might as well try it out though since its free :P