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Forums - Gaming Discussion - EA Games To Cost 80 Dollars Next Gen?!?!?!

Games are just not worth $80 in general but in these times of an poor economy thats just asking for people not to buy your games. You would think with how fast tech drops in price that games this gen would be less,maybe in the $50 range and as some of EA's series (Madden,Fifa,NBA,NCAA ect...) that dont change hardly anything each year should be even lower then that. Whos gonna buy a roster update every year for $80? Its crazy to think how greedy some companys are

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well looks like BF4 will be the first and last next gen title, its preordred for $60, if it goes up i will change it to another launch game. If console gameing got that expensive i would be exclusive legacy console gamer and pc steam setup.


So the internet cries over 24 hour checkin and drm.

Welcome to the alternative.

Well done you idiots. Your now gonna cost me an extra £1000 this gen in game costs

What scares me is that if EA gets away with it....we might see even more people raking up game prices.

Wonder if the same will apply here. Nintendopie  Was obviously right and I was obviously wrong. I will forever be a lesser being than them. (6/16/13)

Also. The article is wrong. Almost 90% of games release at 39.99. Not 44.99.

The prices are going to jump from 39.99 to 54.99.

Thanks sony you pathetic used game idiots. How is this helping consumer. Bring back drm please and cheaper games.

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Screw them! Not buying Mirror's Edge 2 now until it is cheap and 2nd hand. Just greed here.

Hopefully, retailers will not charge those prices. COD was supposed to be £55 but no shops sell it at that

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@Multimedialover:'ve been led to believe that the DRM will definitely bring down game prices...

Player2 said:

Don't hold your breath, because the PC version don't have the uber-awesome new graphics engine, so this is a possibility.

Are you referring to Frostbite 3?

--::{PC Gaming Master Race}::--

Multimedialover said:
So the internet cries over 24 hour checkin and drm.

Welcome to the alternative.

Well done you idiots. Your now gonna cost me an extra £1000 this gen in game costs

Really Dude? Games eventually drop in price but this DRM bullshit doesn´t fade 

Edit: Plus there are Retailers that are going to sell it for less just to be more competitive. 

"£55 translates to around $80"

yeah but it's already with VAT included.
Tax rate is 20% in the UK. Means £44 without VAT, so $66.