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Forums - Sony Discussion - Insomniac reveal Ratchet and Clank Into the Nexus. PS3 exclusive.

kowenicki said:
Madword said:
kowenicki said:
People really want another R&C...?

I was under the impression (maybe incorrectly) that the last few of R&C sold badly... so I'm not convinced there are lots of people out there that want a new R&C game... even my kids are not fussed about them these days...  perhaps some kind soul can dig up the sales/release dates of the previous R&C games.

It's being suggested that its for PS3... so i'm even more confused... I know Sony want to show that the PS3 is still alive and kicking for a bit longer, but I'm more interested in PS4 games and in particularly new IP... guess have to wait until at least Gamescom for that.

Thanks for digging that up :)

I know they released a couple in quiet times, but i think some of those sales cant be right.... seem very low... even by what i was expecting...haha :)

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No thanks unless for PS4. I had enough Rachet in my PS3

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Madword said:
kowenicki said:

Thanks for digging that up :)

I know they released a couple in quiet times, but i think some of those sales cant be right.... seem very low... even by what i was expecting...haha :)

Tools of Destruction and A Crack in Time are the only mainline games. All 4 One is a sort of spin off coop game, Quest for Booty is a PSN game, and Full Frontal Assault is also a PSN spin off game. So the main games sold 2.4 and 1.7 million. Not that high, but not low either.

I'm pretty sure it's a just Ratchet & Clank title, as that is what numerous legit pictures have revealed, plus it's by Insomniac. I seriously Sony has any interest in making more crossover games after PSMH and PASBR pretty much bombed. Worlds collide just be referring to worlds within the R&C universe, like a big war or something.

I just hope that if it is another R&C, that Insomniac doesn't completely f*ck it up like they did with the last 2. That is easily my favorite series, and for a true R&C to be hitting PS4 would be the greatest news in the world to me.

0331 Happiness is a belt-fed weapon

How do they make two games at the same time?

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the2real4mafol said:
How do they make two games at the same time?

They made 3 Resistance + 3 Ratchet & Clank games from 2006-2011.  They're a big studio.

Even bigger now.  They have two teams at Burbank and one in North Carolina, as far as I know.

I'll wait, but honestly I have not been impressed with Insomniac as of late.

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Angelus said:
Judging by the things Sony fans have said about Insomniac recently on these forums, I imagine none of them much care.

A4O, FFA, and Fuse all sucked.  If Insomniac gets back to ACiT form then I will be a happy camper.  They're at their best when their MAIN team is making Ratchet and Clank without stupid gimmicks.  See my post in the other thread about new Ratchet.

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I've never played Ratchet and Clank...

seems very Rachet and Clank-ish....which I never played.....though I'd be one happy "son of a gun" if it was Resistance 4