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If it's like ACiT or the ones before (even Deadlocked) on console then I'm all for it. Just don't tarnish Ratchet's legacy with another A4O or FFA. Make it a core game. No tower defense. No family co-op move crap. Just good old Ratchet. You can innovate with weapons, platforming tools, and by moving the story forward. You don't need some stupid gimmick. All the other Ratchets before those had a different feel. Make the space combat deeper or bring back those awesome hoverbike races in GC only make it deeper obviously and make it a multiplayer mode (local and online). Hell make it an improved Deadlocked if you must or a downloadable title like Quest for Booty (my favorite downloadable game of all time).  All of these are great ways to mix things up without abondoning your core, just like the moon platforming and hoverboots in ACiT gave it a unique feel.  Just for the love of god don't pump out another shallow, heartless, stain on the series that exhausts people both with its bad quality and frequency. Look at the sales. You sold more when you made ACiT like games. Please Insomniac, this franchise is my favorite of all time. Ratchet 2 and 3 WERE my PS2 days. ACiT and UYA battle for my favorite game of all time for god's sake (depending on which I played last)! I don't want another abomination.

Sincerely, a real fan

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