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Forums - Gaming Discussion - What gaming stories moved you WITHOUT a cinematic presentation like Heavy Rain or TLOU?

The 7th gen has seen a strong shift towards a Hollywood-esque approach to storytelling in games.

While this can be a good thing when done well, I find stories can be just as well told the old fashioned way, through text, notes, and minimal cutscenes.

Have you ever been touched by a gaming story that didn't use frequent and long cutscenes or movie-like in-game story sequences?

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*Waits for the unavoidable (Insert SNES JRPG) post*

The plot twist in that Mario game I played lately was very touching. I couldn't believe Bowser would kidnapp Peach.

Game of the year 2017 so far:

5. Resident Evil VII
4. Mario Kart 8 Deluxe
3. Uncharted: The Lost Legacy
2. Horizon Zero Dawn
1. Super Mario Odyssey

Pac-Man told a pretty harrowing tale of survival, death, and rebirth.

From this generation, Id have to say Halo Reach. Or the last part of Halo Reach.

I didnt want it to end.


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From this gen I'd say Zelda SS... Maybe not MOVING, but it was good - and it wasn't cinematic.

I'm on Twitter @DanneSandin!

Furthermore, I think VGChartz should add a "Like"-button.

world of goo

I have to say ZombiU

Listening to the prepper talk through the gamepad was epic. His wasted efforts trying to convince you not to go on some quest for the others. He added so much to the feeling and experience. Such an emotional plea. I loved it.

Hotline miami. It didn't really move me but it had an interesting story.

The walking dead game was superb in terms of telling a story and making you feel for the characters.