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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Raise the flame shield: Your "controversial" gaming opinion.

KungKras said:
artur-fernand said:
KungKras said:
I hate SCE. And I think companies like Sony and Microsoft have no business making consoles. I think it has taken the soul out of gaming consoles, and it has hurt PC gaming.

Wait, so you think only Nintendo should make consoles? Is that what you're saying?

I think Nintendo and Sega, and perhaps similar gaming-focused companies should make consoles.

You honestly think we would be better if Sony and Microsoft never entered the gaming industry? So in the 5th gen, without the PS1, games would still be using cartridges and would be severely limited - no MGS and FFVII-IX, to name a few. We would not see a new AAA 1st party new IP in 20 years, Nintendo and Sega would both keep using the same ips forever - like Nintendo already does anyway.

I cannot possibly understand why you think that would be better. Also, the Wii U from the "gaming-focused" Nintendo has less scheduled releases than PS4 and One.

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People who said Rayman Origins is boring have no friends
Every game is overated,JUST PLAY IT AND HAVE FUN WITH IT

adriane23 said:
Kantor said:
adriane23 said:

There is no such thing as a good retail game that was only made for the PC.

I strongly disagree with most of the things you said, but those are just opinions. This is just not true.

StarCraft II, The Witcher, Civilization V and plenty of others.

The whole genre of RTS sucks (add that to another one of my opinions) in my opinion, so that rules out Starcraft.

You had to go all the way back to 2007 for The Witcher, but I'll give you that one.

There really isn't anything else though, I'm afraid. 99.999998% of great games are either multiplate or console exclusive.

I'm sure there are several exclusives on that list, but I will grant you that there are more great games made nowadays that are not on PC than that are only on PC. But the large majority of great games are on both PC and consoles.

(Former) Lead Moderator and (Eternal) VGC Detective

DanneSandin said:
IamAwsome said:

Alright, *gulp*, here I go

I think hardcore gamers are stuck up, and uptight prissies because they always dismiss new ideas, and they expect whatever they want. Whenever something drifts away from the "norm" cough*Motion*cough, they trash it like it's the worst thing out there. Why aren't gamers more open minded? How can we call ourselves "hardcore" gamers is we shoot down anything that we personally don't like?

When the Wii first launched, it got a lot of flak for "not appealing to the core gamer". How many core gamers (and by core, I mean people who tore it down in 06/07) actually bothered to try the Wii with something that uses the motion well (Mario Galaxy, Wii Sports, and any FPS)? When the PlayStation Move launched, it fell off the map pretty quickly, and before you say it was a fad, I tell you, software sells hardwre, and how many noteworthy PS Move/Wii/Kinect games launched in 2012-2013? Developers haven't supported motion control because the hardcore hasn't suported it. Maybe if the "hardcore" wasn't do elitest, and welcomed new concepts with open arms gaming wouldn't be so stagnant right now. 

If we rejected new ideas than gaming would still be stuck in the stone age. Ganers should be more open about new  ideas, and not just shoot them down on the spot. I could talk about other things like mobile, drm, online etc., but I an tired, so this will have to do. 

This! This so much! Hardcore gamers are killing the industry!! fuck all of you them!!

So are you serious about this or are you just being sarcastic?

I have a lot of gaming opinions like that, but I've never hid them for fear of getting "flamed". I always say what I think, regardless of what anyone else is going to think of it.

And quite frankly, it's not all that "controversial". I just happen to think that a lot of modern games/franchises, such as Uncharted, GTA, Call of Duty, Halo, God of War, etc., are grossly overrated, and not QUITE as great as many people hype them up to be. That would have to go for The Last of Us too, which people are currently trumping up as the single greatest piece of gaming EVER MADE. Hyperbole at it's best.

Also, FFVII, while not a BAD game like many of the ones that followed it, is the single most overrated rpg of all time.

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artur-fernand said:
KungKras said:

I think Nintendo and Sega, and perhaps similar gaming-focused companies should make consoles.

You honestly think we would be better if Sony and Microsoft never entered the gaming industry? So in the 5th gen, without the PS1, games would still be using cartridges and would be severely limited - no MGS and FFVII-IX, to name a few. We would not see a new AAA 1st party new IP in 20 years, Nintendo and Sega would both keep using the same ips forever - like Nintendo already does anyway.

I cannot possibly understand why you think that would be better. Also, the Wii U from the "gaming-focused" Nintendo has less scheduled releases than PS4 and One.

Sony did not contribute CD's to gaming. In fact, Saturn did it first.

Sony did not contribute the third party games on PS1 to gaming. Third parties did. And they would have put those games on other platforms if there was no PS1. 

Yes, gaming would be much better off without them. You fail to see, that the end goal of companies like MS and Sony is the Xbone. Sony might have opted out of that path now to get a tactical lead over MS, but make no mistake. What Sony contributed to gaming, is the industry mindset and path, that will ultimately lead to consoles being Xbones.

EDIT: Sega made new first party IP all the time. Stop your revisionism.


IamAwsome said:
DanneSandin said:
IamAwsome said:

Alright, *gulp*, here I go

I think hardcore gamers are stuck up, and uptight prissies because they always dismiss new ideas, and they expect whatever they want. Whenever something drifts away from the "norm" cough*Motion*cough, they trash it like it's the worst thing out there. Why aren't gamers more open minded? How can we call ourselves "hardcore" gamers is we shoot down anything that we personally don't like?

When the Wii first launched, it got a lot of flak for "not appealing to the core gamer". How many core gamers (and by core, I mean people who tore it down in 06/07) actually bothered to try the Wii with something that uses the motion well (Mario Galaxy, Wii Sports, and any FPS)? When the PlayStation Move launched, it fell off the map pretty quickly, and before you say it was a fad, I tell you, software sells hardwre, and how many noteworthy PS Move/Wii/Kinect games launched in 2012-2013? Developers haven't supported motion control because the hardcore hasn't suported it. Maybe if the "hardcore" wasn't do elitest, and welcomed new concepts with open arms gaming wouldn't be so stagnant right now. 

If we rejected new ideas than gaming would still be stuck in the stone age. Ganers should be more open about new  ideas, and not just shoot them down on the spot. I could talk about other things like mobile, drm, online etc., but I an tired, so this will have to do. 

This! This so much! Hardcore gamers are killing the industry!! fuck all of you them!!

So are you serious about this or are you just being sarcastic?

No, I'm serious. Hardcore gamers don't really want innovation; that's why they bitched so much about Wii. And that's why so many keep on buying CoD

I'm on Twitter @DanneSandin!

Furthermore, I think VGChartz should add a "Like"-button.

im currently playing candy crash! biatch!!!!


Civilization and Fire Emblem are boring for me

Zizzla_Rachet said:

Saw this over on NeoGaf and people are having a ball with it, figured we try it here...

Here is the original OP from Gaf

State your "controversial" gaming opinion here, members of GAF: opinion that you personally held close at heart but at odds against the majority of video game enthusiasts here in GAF or at large.

However, please be careful not to venture into trolling territory please :) And remember, do not herald your own personal opinion as the absolute truth that others must abide to or else.

Since the OP Over at Gaf started it out so will I

I think Uncharted is a closet DudeBro Game <- ~.~

And the OP say avoid trolling & imediately after saying that guess what he do, yep trolling.


Anyway want controversial? I believe that Diablo III, Final Fantasy XIII, Resident Evil 6 & the new Silent Hill (this one less that the rest) is garbage & don't deserve the scores critics gave them not int he slightest also I believe that the companies behind those titles just milk the franchises w/o to even give a fck what the fans really want/expect to see from those titles, also I believe that companies like CAPCOM, KONAMI & even SONY abandon the JRPG fans they have make the previous years in PS1 & PS2 were they have released amazing games like Breath of Fire, Suikoden, Legend of Dragoon/Legaia/Wild Arms & more & don't give a fck now about them because those games sell less that other huge blockbuster action titles & they concentrate there avoid make any new JRPG like a plague, with few words they sell out to mainstream casual gamers & don't even bother with us JRPG fans.