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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Raise the flame shield: Your "controversial" gaming opinion.

- Half-Life 2 is a rather average game and Valve is way too arrogant for their mediocre skills, with a few gems released here and there.

- Naughty Dog and Hideo Kojima have masked their average game-making skills with second class storylines and scripted events. Yes, even TLOU. Guess rarity created some value with all the dudebro games out there.

- The only thing good about Quantic Dream is their character design skills.

- Dragon Age 2 is a pretty amazing story if anything.

- To second what some already said, Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare was probably one of the best games this generation and the GameCube rocked way more than its sales might led to believe.

- Resident Evil 5/6 and Final Fantasy XIII/XIII-2 are only considered bad because people keep in mind their predecessors when playing them. They're just as good as most games released this gen and it just goes to show how gaming quality fell overall.






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enditall727 said:
hatmoza said:
I secretly want to hit a shovel across the heads of people who like Flower.

You want to hit them in the hea so they can move out of the way so you dig up a bunch of flowers to plant in your backyard so you can plat Flower virtually back there the next time you get high? Pretty good idea, hat lol


At the other comment


Nah you aint gonna get banned. I guess i should guess.You are saying that they ruined FF because we bought the FF games that we claimedsclaimed we didn't like? Or is it a deeper and harsher thing that you're certain will get you banned? Just asking..

It's a joke it's not like I bashed anything, but many of the things I said, lots of people will disagree with.

The fans didn't ruin FF though. You can't blame people for buying a game to at least try it or because they like the franchise. With XIII-2, you can see SE trying to fix what XIII did wrong, though XIII did so much wrong that going even further is quite pointless.

Metal Gear Solid 4 was a decent game at best, mainly because its story was a mess and it focused too much on shooting.

Bethesda's game are buggy messes that make me cry with the potential they've wasted. Mediocre games at best, though they have lots of potential.

- Ocarina of Time is the most overrated game of all time. It has a number of issues (technical ones even), the story and characters are non-existant, and it's pretty damn boring at times. I cannot get over the fact that it's the only game ever to have a near-perfect 99 on Metacritic.

- Ico is also EXTREMELY overrated. Solving puzzles gives me no "mission accomplished" feeling, there is no story AT ALL, the majority of the dialogue is on a ficticious language, the camera is weird, soundtrack is pretty much not there...

- Final Fantasy XIII is on my top 3 on the series, alongside IX and VII, and it's on my top 5 of the generation. Possibly top 10 ever. It's MUCH better than FFVI. In fact, IV, V, X and XII are all better than VI as well. FFVI has a pretty huge pacing problem on the second half (the World of Ruin) and WAY too many characters - half of which are completely uninteresting and/or useless to the overral plot.

- I think Sega consoles are pretty meh. The Master System is extremely insignificant, the Saturn was an abysmal failure and the Dreamcast is decent, but died way too early to see if it was gonna become a great console. The Genesis/Mega Drive's library has a huge arcade feel to it - games have limited lives and continues, many of them don't even have passwords, let alone a saving system...Even series that always had infinite continues have limited ones on the system, like Castlevania Bloodlines. Sonic 1 and 2 need to be finished in one seating, and if you die too many times, you guessed it - back to the beginning of the game.
It's a home console, not a fucking arcade. The system's success feels like a freak accident considering Sega's history.

LBP is the most innovative and best platformer in the last decade.

 Next Gen 

11/20/09 04:25 makingmusic476 Warning Other (Your avatar is borderline NSFW. Please keep it for as long as possible.)
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Xen said:

It's a joke it's not like I bashed anything, but many of the things I said, lots of people will disagree with.

The fans didn't ruin FF though. You can't blame people for buying a game to at least try it or because they like the franchise. With XIII-2, you can see SE trying to fix what XIII did wrong, though XIII did so much wrong that going even further is quite pointless.

On a sidenote, I really don't like hearing over and over how horrible FFXIII is and how it ruined the series. 90% of the time, people will say fake, imaginary issues to the game, like a "button-mashing battle system" or things that already existed on the series for years, like the classic "it's too linear".

I digress.

I have to say that Mario Galaxy 1 & 2 are possibly the most overrated games of all existence.

artur-fernand said:
Xen said:

It's a joke it's not like I bashed anything, but many of the things I said, lots of people will disagree with.

The fans didn't ruin FF though. You can't blame people for buying a game to at least try it or because they like the franchise. With XIII-2, you can see SE trying to fix what XIII did wrong, though XIII did so much wrong that going even further is quite pointless.

On a sidenote, I really don't like hearing over and over how horrible FFXIII is and how it ruined the series. 90% of the time, people will say fake, imaginary issues to the game, like a "button-mashing battle system" or things that already existed on the series for years, like the classic "it's too linear".

I digress.

And I don't like hearing that it's any good. It isn't. If you wanna discuss, we can do it on my wall.

I'm excited for the Xbox One.

Wright said:

I have to say that Mario Galaxy 1 & 2 are possibly the most overrated games of all existence.

i think they might be, ill probably be getting my hands on a wii soon, so ill judge them soon