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- Half-Life 2 is a rather average game and Valve is way too arrogant for their mediocre skills, with a few gems released here and there.

- Naughty Dog and Hideo Kojima have masked their average game-making skills with second class storylines and scripted events. Yes, even TLOU. Guess rarity created some value with all the dudebro games out there.

- The only thing good about Quantic Dream is their character design skills.

- Dragon Age 2 is a pretty amazing story if anything.

- To second what some already said, Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare was probably one of the best games this generation and the GameCube rocked way more than its sales might led to believe.

- Resident Evil 5/6 and Final Fantasy XIII/XIII-2 are only considered bad because people keep in mind their predecessors when playing them. They're just as good as most games released this gen and it just goes to show how gaming quality fell overall.