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RE4 or LoU?

RE4 185 29.98%
LoU 331 53.65%
Haven't played both games 66 10.70%
Undecided 34 5.51%

I've not played RE4. But I tried playing RE5 and I think that game is a big shitty mess.

From my experience with RE games, which sums up to RE1 and RE5, I don't see how a RE game could come close to the Last of Us.
But I have a very biased opinion, and not much experience with RE games.

 Been away for a bit, but sneaking back in.

Gaming on: PS4, PC, 3DS. Got a Switch! Mainly to play Smash

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mtu9356 said:
GribbleGrunger said:

RE4 was, and still is, one of my all time favourites, but TLOU destroys it in every way.

In what ways?  Obviously graphics, controls, story have generally gotten better over time but for what RE4 did for gaming and 3rd person shooters you have to respect it.

Script, acting, graphics, gameplay, animation, pacing, tone, maturity, control ... Everything.

But like I said, RE4 is still one of my all time favourite games. Sometimes you just have to recognise genius. If TLOU was a film, it would have multiple Oscars written all over it.


The PS5 Exists. 

Too hard! Too hard!

I think Resident Evil 4 might have the edge.

Am I the only one who thinks RE4 was atrocious?

From a narrative perspective it is not even close, with Last of Us winning in a landslide. Gameplay wise it is closer as I think both offered great experiences that were among the best in the time periods they were released.

I give the edge to Last of Us, but be curious how I feel in a decade or so.

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this is a tough one, my favourite game this gen vs the last good game of my once favourite franchise, I'd go with TLOU, because it did everything right, while as amazing as RE4 is, Ashley is also the most annoying and useless NPC of all time.


Resident Evil 5 beats LoU for me, but that's only because it has local co-op.

Are there similarities in the game play? Sure. But the story in TLoU is the best I have seen in ANY video game ever. The atmosphere is the best I have ever seen as well. For sure, the evolution of graphics helped, but still the whole package of TLoU is better than anything out there now. My GOY and bordering my favorite game of all time.

last of us, but not by that much. IMHO that game is what the RE series should and hoped it turned into, not this mangled action fest that 5&6 were. Hell I would go so far to say LoU is the best survival horror made in years. Take note EA and Capcom, you dont have to sacrifice what made your series great. You can still make survival horror and people will respond.

BasilZero said:
I've only played RE4 out of the two.

So my votes goes to it.

I specifically said not to pick one if u haven't played both, that defeats the purpose of the poll :(