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Forums - Gaming Discussion - RE4 vs Last of Us


RE4 or LoU?

RE4 185 29.98%
LoU 331 53.65%
Haven't played both games 66 10.70%
Undecided 34 5.51%
Cthulhu said:
I voted The Last Of Us as I believe is a better game, but RE4 is also one of the best games ever made, though my favorite RE is 5 (weird huh??)

Did you play solo or with a buddy? Honestly RE5 was one of my fav game to play because of the coop play (playing solo wasn't so bad either, just the game itself didn't feel like RE at all).  So I wouldn't think it's weird of you to say that.

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curl-6 said:
SlayerRondo said:
 saying a game is better quality than the Last of Us, I think would be very hard to reason.

Not really. Granted I haven't played the entirety of TLOU, but it's quite easy to point to pacing and the action-lull balance as areas of advantage for RE4, so an argument for RE4 wouldn't be hard to reason.

Not really. The Last of Us had great pacing between exploration, action and story elements. Not to mention characters that have far more fleshed out personalities than those in RE4.

This is the Game of Thrones

Where you either win

or you DIE

SlayerRondo said:
curl-6 said:
SlayerRondo said:
 saying a game is better quality than the Last of Us, I think would be very hard to reason.

Not really. Granted I haven't played the entirety of TLOU, but it's quite easy to point to pacing and the action-lull balance as areas of advantage for RE4, so an argument for RE4 wouldn't be hard to reason.

Not really. The Last of Us had great pacing between exploration, action and story elements. Not to mention characters that have far more fleshed out personalities than those in RE4.

But one could easily reason RE4's pacing as better.

curl-6 said:
SlayerRondo said:
curl-6 said:
SlayerRondo said:
 saying a game is better quality than the Last of Us, I think would be very hard to reason.

Not really. Granted I haven't played the entirety of TLOU, but it's quite easy to point to pacing and the action-lull balance as areas of advantage for RE4, so an argument for RE4 wouldn't be hard to reason.

Not really. The Last of Us had great pacing between exploration, action and story elements. Not to mention characters that have far more fleshed out personalities than those in RE4.

But one could easily reason RE4's pacing as better.

They both have such good pacing, i would argue that it's hard to do. Especially in favor of RE4.

This is the Game of Thrones

Where you either win

or you DIE

I've only played RE4, but I hope that eventually I can play the Last Of Us.

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SlayerRondo said:

They both have such good pacing, i would argue that it's hard to do. Especially in favor of RE4.

One could simply say that it's better for a game to not to let story dictate its pace so much. That's not hard.

I need to play RE 4. But TLoU is a bloody great game.

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