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The news, the sequel:


Study suggests first-person shooters may be damaging your brain
A study published recently in Molecular Psychiatry has found a possible link between playing first-person action games and the loss of grey matter from your brain's memory center. The four-year study, which tracked groups of 18-to-30-year-olds, found that those who played first-person games for more than six hours per week showed a reduction of grey matter in the hippocampus, the part of the brain that plays a role in the consolidation of information from short-term to long term memories, as well as spatial memory, which is used for navigation and spacial orientation.


Gigantic's first big update will add a mischievous new hero tomorrow
Despite all its challenges, Gigantic released last month to some success. The free-to-play hero shooter lost players after an initial surge, but still pulls in around 2,000 concurrents at its peaks. It's not a phenomenon by any means, but somewhere to start—and now the job of growing begins. Enter Gigantic's first major update, Corruption, which will release tomorrow.


Songbringer, the Zelda-like with hallucinogenic cacti, will be out in September
We described Songbringer when it was announced back in February as "a Zelda-like with galactic war and hallucinogenic cacti." I have no idea what that means, but it has lots of weapons, dungeons, and quests, and a "shirtless carefree dude" named Roq who's on a quest in a distant galaxy to find an "art party" spaceship called Songbringer. That all sounds pretty cool, Oh, and there are boss fights. Lots of boss fights.
The point of all this is to bring to your attention the news that Songbringer now has a release date of September 1, and a new gameplay trailer showcasing its lovely retro styling.


Hearthstone players aren't happy with the Arena mode's forced synergy picks
Hearthstone's Knights of the Frozen Throne expansion has been out for a few days now, bringing with it powerful Death Knight hero cards and exciting new strategies. But there's one change to the game that players are not happy about: the new "forced synergy" picks in Arena.


Agents of Mayhem is out tomorrow, so here's a launch trailer
Agents of Mayhem, the latest Volition open world action game which is kinda a Saints Row game, releases tomorrow. Despite having reservations when I previewed it a few weeks ago, I'm still pretty excited: dumb action games set in neon-lit future cities with characters that can triple jump are few and far between, after all.


The Lighthouse is a neat-looking crowdfunded horror thriller, alpha demo out now [Updated]
Shadow Knights Studio's first foray into videogame development came courtesy of the 2013 one-time game jam project Love Monsters, which eventually found its way onto the App Store. The developer's first PC outing offers a pretty seismic shift in tone towards a "uniquely crafted thriller with glimpses into psychotic, alternate dimensions". That's called The Lighthouse and it's now peeked its head over its $10,000 Kickstarter ask with 21 days left before its campaign expires. It's also got an alpha demo, available to backers.
Update: The Lighthouse, Shadow Knight Studio's debut horror venture, has now wrapped up its Kickstarter campaign more than three times over budget.


Bandai Namco teases 'mysterious' #Projekt1514
Earlier this year, Bandai Namco teased its then unrevealed action role-player Code Vein with the tagline: Prepare to Dine. This was an obvious riff on the publisher's esteemed Dark Souls series, however its latest tease is far less telling.


The Escapists 2 shows off its three timed 'transport' prisons
Of its ten proposed jails, Mouldy Toof and Team 17's The Escapists 2 has so far teased its western-themed Rattlesnake Springs and space-flung U.S.S. Anomaly lockups. Now it's unveiled a further three: Cougar Creek Railroad, HMS Orca and Air Force Con—each of which is a moving, timed 'transport' prison.

Please excuse my bad English.

Currently gaming on a PC with an i5-4670k@stock (for now), 16Gb RAM 1600 MHz and a GTX 1070

Steam / Live / NNID : jonxiquet    Add me if you want, but I'm a single player gamer.

Around the Network
Pemalite said:


Teeqoz said:
Guys I think I got cancer at work today.

A co-worker of mine started saying that AMD CPUs had always been better for gaming than intel CPUs. I told him that you might be able to make that claim for Ryzen (possibly), but that there's no way in hell you could claim that AMD's CPUs beat Intel in gaming before that, unless you go over a decade back. And he just denied it. So I asked him why Intel CPUs always beat AMD CPUs in benchmarks and he told me it didn't matter because the human eye can't see over 30 fps anyway. And this was coming from a PC gamer.


Since the Core 2 Duo burst onto the scene, Intel has held the edge. That cannot be disputed.
For gaming Intel still has the edge with the 7700K.

However, AMD did bring us the first $100 quad-core CPU with the Athlon 2 x4.
And have consistently provided some amazing price/performance gaming CPU's like the Athlon X2 7750, Phenom 2 x4, Phenom 2 x6, AMD FX 6300 and so on. (Ironically I owned most of those chips at some point. Haha.)

And the human eye does not see in framerates... And it can and will discern more than 30fps.

Indeed what I told him was that at around 25 fps, we start perceiving it as continous motion instead of individual frames, but you can still notice the difference in smoothness from higher fps, and it's even easier to feel it when you are actually playing. (and heck, I think 25 fps might be too low for me for perceiving motion as continous if it's rapid. Panning shots or fight scenes in movies often get awfully juddery, or alternatively motion blurry, both of which are disturbing. Bleh)

Pemalite said:

That's what I just did. Haha

In all honesty though. The performance gains can be as little as 20%.
Which might not be worth the trouble for developers if 70% of PC's don't use packed math anyway yet.

20% is worthwhile in the eyes of western AAA developers ... 

Heck they'll even kill for just 5% since that's HOW MUCH having the best performance means to them ... 

Sooner rather than later you'll see the feature used in EA, Square Enix Europe, Ubisoft, Activision, Bethesda and maybe Microsoft engines ... 

Pemalite said:

It was popular... More-so on the Original Xbox for obvious reasons.
But I doubt any game engine will end up as popular as Unreal Engine 3 ever again.
It was the right engine at the right time while everyone was scrambling to make the big tech jump.

I'd say UE4 has a good chance of maintaining that popularity since it's more popular among japanese developers than it was last gen ...

Pemalite said:

Indeed. And Frostbite was actually very forward thinking as well. Although parts of the engine are starting to show it's age now.

I doubt Bethesda will use iD Tech 6 for Elder Scrolls or Fallout, those games tend to rely on a ton of scripts, something that iD Tech isn't the most proficient at.
Rather they will probably just keep rehashing NetImmerse like they have for the past decade and a half.

Although, I think the end goal for most publishers is to eventually have "one engine to rule them all".

It's fine, as long as EA constantly maintains Frostbite like Activision does with their Infinity Ward engine they'll be up to date ...

Then Bethesda should further develop scripting into id Tech 6 ... (Dishonored 2 has lot's of scripting and it's based off of id Tech 5 so I'm sure they can figure something out.) 

Also Bethesda stopped using Gamebryo, they made their own Creation Engine since Gamebryo's graphics weren't cutting it. If Bethesda can't use id Tech 6 for their RPGs then it's probably in AMD's best interests or pour more resources into developing the Creation Engine in their partnership with Besthesda rather than id Tech 6 which is favourable as it is with their hardware ...

One internal engine to rule them all since publishers don't want their trade secrets going out ... 

fatslob-:O said:

Sooner rather than later you'll see the feature used in EA, Square Enix Europe, Ubisoft, Activision, Bethesda and maybe Microsoft engines ... 

I think that's a realistic expectation.
But for now, it's an uphill battle.

The Xbox One, Playstation 4 are the lowest common denominators for the time being.

fatslob-:O said:
Pemalite said:

It was popular... More-so on the Original Xbox for obvious reasons.
But I doubt any game engine will end up as popular as Unreal Engine 3 ever again.
It was the right engine at the right time while everyone was scrambling to make the big tech jump.

I'd say UE4 has a good chance of maintaining that popularity since it's more popular among japanese developers than it was last gen ...

I am just happy that publishers and developers are investing in game engine technology. Games looked rather "samey" last gen due to so many games using Unreal Engine 3... For all the love I had for Mass Effect 3, boy did that game look ugly last gen on release... And that was because of the engine.

Plus, Unreal Engine 3 had extremely shit support on PC as far as supporting tech like Eyefinity goes.

fatslob-:O said:

It's fine, as long as EA constantly maintains Frostbite like Activision does with their Infinity Ward engine they'll be up to date ...

The Infinity Ward Engine is still based on the Quake 3 engine from 17 years ago, so they have pushed it pretty far.
But graphically it is uninspiring, but the engine is built for high framerates and low latency, so it's a good trade off considering how it's been tooled for a specific game.

fatslob-:O said:

Then Bethesda should further develop scripting into id Tech 6 ... (Dishonored 2 has lot's of scripting and it's based off of id Tech 5 so I'm sure they can figure something out.)

Well. Dishonored 2 isn't the same as an Elder Scrolls game.
But it is a step in the right direction.

I believe they will get there with id Tech 7 or even 8. It's allot of work.

fatslob-:O said:

Also Bethesda stopped using Gamebryo, they made their own Creation Engine since Gamebryo's graphics weren't cutting it. If Bethesda can't use id Tech 6 for their RPGs then it's probably in AMD's best interests or pour more resources into developing the Creation Engine in their partnership with Besthesda rather than id Tech 6 which is favourable as it is with their hardware ...

The Creation Engine is basically a retooled Gamebryo Engine which in turn is a retooled NetImmerse Engine.
Essentially they have just been upgrading the engine as needed since Morrowind and deciding to call it something different.

If you think Bethesda built the Creation from the ground up, then you are kidding yourself. :P

Allot of modding, scripting and such translates really well between Morrowind, Oblivion and Skyrim, despite the NetImmerse > Gamebryo > Creation Engine jumps. Heck even some shaders are a direct copy/paste job.

--::{PC Gaming Master Race}::--

Pemalite said:

I am just happy that publishers and developers are investing in game engine technology. Games looked rather "samey" last gen due to so many games using Unreal Engine 3... For all the love I had for Mass Effect 3, boy did that game look ugly last gen on release... And that was because of the engine.

Plus, Unreal Engine 3 had extremely shit support on PC as far as supporting tech like Eyefinity goes.

Less developers are arguably investing less in game engine technology than they are back then because the vast majority of them can't afford to develop their own engines ... 

Pemalite said:

The Infinity Ward Engine is still based on the Quake 3 engine from 17 years ago, so they have pushed it pretty far.
But graphically it is uninspiring, but the engine is built for high framerates and low latency, so it's a good trade off considering how it's been tooled for a specific game.

The current Infinity Ward (7.0) engine DOESN'T look ANYTHING like the Quake 3 engine which is id Tech 3. 99.9% (maybe even 100%) of the code between them is probably different by now so the Infinity Ward engine is practically a brand new and distinct engine ... 

I think the graphics are quite decent for the frame time budget it's given ... (Able to get 70% of the graphical features for half the price which is not bad. With a little more work the engine could top most other engines that operate at 30FPS on consoles in graphical quality.) 

Pemalite said:

Well. Dishonored 2 isn't the same as an Elder Scrolls game.

But it is a step in the right direction.

I believe they will get there with id Tech 7 or even 8. It's allot of work.

TBH, I'd rather AMD just work on the Creation Engine if the new iteration of id Tech isn't going to make it in time ... (Elder Scrolls 6 could already be in development slated for a 2019 release.) 

I also don't think it's going to be a lot of work for id Tech to get the same features as the Creation Engine. Bethesda only needs to look at the code of the Creation Engine and start adapting it for id Tech ... 

Pemalite said:

The Creation Engine is basically a retooled Gamebryo Engine which in turn is a retooled NetImmerse Engine. 

Essentially they have just been upgrading the engine as needed since Morrowind and deciding to call it something different. 

If you think Bethesda built the Creation from the ground up, then you are kidding yourself. :P 

Allot of modding, scripting and such translates really well between Morrowind, Oblivion and Skyrim, despite the NetImmerse > Gamebryo > Creation Engine jumps. Heck even some shaders are a direct copy/paste job. 

The Creation Engine was initially just a fork of the version of Gamebryo used in Fallout 3 ... 

Both have enough differences to be technically incompatible ... 

Heck, the Creation Engine as it is now is unmergeable with the main Gamebryo engine branch. The Creation Engine will resemble even less like Gamebryo as time goes on between AMD and Bethesda's partnership ... 

Around the Network
JEMC said:

Nvidia's next-gen Volta gaming GPUs aren't arriving anytime soon
At some time in the future, Nvidia will cook up new graphics cards based on its next-generation Volta GPU architecture. The question is, when? Nvidia has not announced a release date, though company boss Jensen Huang did put to rest any rumors that Volta might arrive in the gaming scene before the end of the year. That's not going to happen.

"Volta for gaming, we haven't announced anything. And all I can say is that our pipeline is filled with some exciting new toys for the gamers, and we have some really exciting new technology to offer them in the pipeline. But for the holiday season for the foreseeable future, I think Pascal is just unbeatable," Huang stated during a recent earnings call.


Well, he's right when he says that Pascal is more than enough, specially now that Vega has launched and we can see how they compare.

Did anyone really expect gaming Volta to drop this year? If anything it's gonna be a Titan, but even that one I don't really expect before February.

If you demand respect or gratitude for your volunteer work, you're doing volunteering wrong.

Wednesday news (I'm so glad I didn't skip yesterday's news!):



Let's take a look at the Steam's Midweek Madness deals:



Amazon’s Lumberyard Engine source code is now available on GitHub
Amazon has announced that the source code for its Lumberyard Engine is now available on GitHub. This basically means that developers can now directly access Lumberyard source code from Amazon Game Studio’s GitHub repository and use the platform to manager their code.

>>This is the GitHub page... Or it should be, because now it's a 404.






EVE: Valkyrie – Warzone announced for non-VR gamers, will support cross-play between PC and PS4
CCP Games announced today that on September 26th, the virtual reality game, EVE: Valkyrie, will become EVE: Valkyrie – Warzone, representing a major expansion for the renowned multiplayer first-person spaceship shooter. This expansion will support non-VR devices and will enable PC and PlayStation 4 gamers to fly and fight alongside each other, both in and out of VR, in fully balanced online space combat.


Ashes of the Singularity: Escalation – Update 2.4 adds Vulkan and expands modding support
Stardock announced the highly anticipated release of its major v2.4 update and a free Co-op Map Pack DLC for its massive-scale RTS game, Ashes of the Singularity: Escalation. Support for Vulkan, a graphics rendering API that improves OS compatibility and performance, is included in v2.4. Ashes of the Singularity was one of the first DirectX 12 games. and with this update for Escalation, the game continues to bring cutting edge technology to its players by adding support for Vulkan.


New releases on Steam – Night Trap – 25th Anniversary Edition, Observer, Agents of Mayhem
Aspyr, Screaming Villains and Deep Silver have announced that Night Trap – 25th Anniversary Edition, Observer and Agents of Mayhem are now available on the PC. In order to celebrate these launches, the publishers have released the launch trailers for these titles that can be viewed below.


Destiny 2 gets a trailer dedicated to its upcoming PC open beta phase
Activision and NVIDIA have released a new trailer for the upcoming PC open beta phase of Destiny 2. This highly anticipated PC open beta will be launched on August 29th and will last until August 31st.


Destiny 2 PC Beta Requirements Unveiled 4K @60FPS
Destiny 2 PC beta requirements have been unveiled by NVIDIA. 4K @ 60FPS will be achieved if using a GTX 1080Ti.

>>Because the requirements are given by Nvidia, they only talk about their own cards. By the way, the minimum req. involves a GTX 660.


Rock of Ages 2: Bigger and Boulder Hilariously Roll About History
Roll through history, on the way crush, flatten, destroy or speed past your enemies as Rock of Ages 2: Bigger and Boulder will be released later this month.


Gothic horror adventure game, Black Mirror, announced – To be released on November 28th
THQ Nordic is thrilled to reveal its new project: Black Mirror, a Gothic horror adventure, due for release on November 28th. The game will be developed by the Bremen studio KING Art Games, known for “The Book of Unwritten Tales”, “The Dwarves” and “The Raven”.


Horror Survival-Adventure The Land of Pain New Release Trailer
The CryEngine powered horror survival-adventure game The Land of Pain has had Alessandro Guzzo release the new launch trailer.


The Evil Within 2 – The Twisted, Deadly Photographer Trailer Released
Stefano Valentini, an artist with a sick imagination, bad motives and the instinct to take life in a heartbeat has been revealed by Bethesda.

Please excuse my bad English.

Currently gaming on a PC with an i5-4670k@stock (for now), 16Gb RAM 1600 MHz and a GTX 1070

Steam / Live / NNID : jonxiquet    Add me if you want, but I'm a single player gamer.

The second part of the news:


Monolith explains why Shelob is a lady in Middle-earth: Shadow of War
Probably the weirdest thing about the upcoming Middle-earth: Shadow of War is that Shelob, who as I understand it is well-established in Tolkien's mythos as a monstrous, malevolent spider, is in fact a woman. More specifically, a leggy, raven-haired woman with a penchant for whispering in your ear, and who may or may not hold the key to bringing about Sauron's defeat. But Monolith creative vice president Michael de Plater told Eurogamer that this twist in the tale wasn't made simply to get an attractive lady into the marketing materials.


H1Z1: Just Survive has a new map, adds a stronghold system, and drops the 'H1Z1'
You'll be forgiven if H1Z1: Just Survive (now simply called Just Survive, having dropped 'H1Z1' from its name) has slid from your radar over the past year or so. Daybreak's Early Access multiplayer survival sandbox has been a bit overshadowed by a beast of its own making: H1Z1: King of the Kill, which began as a battle royale mode for Just Survive (Brendan Greene of PUBG helped develop it) but was split into its own separate game. King of the Kill blew up, sold millions of copies in Early Access, spawned tournaments (including one that aired on TBS), and remains a fixture on Twitch and a top five game on Steam in terms of playercount.


Make propaganda for your XCOM 2: War of the Chosen campaign with this official app
As a free tease for XCOM 2: War of the Chosen, Firaxis just released Propaganda Center on Steam. It’s standalone photobooth application where you can create and customize a squad or import your soldiers from XCOM 2, and pose them against a variety of colorful backgrounds and state-sponsored messages. Personally, I’m planning on going for a sinister, soothing purple accompanied by the phrase, ‘I am your dad.’ My rule will be long, and pretty chill, honestly. Pizza night, every night. Dad’s buying.


Papers, Please creator Lucas Pope details his next game
The last we saw of Return of the Obra Dinn, the next game from Papers, Please creator Lucas Pope, was a short but tantalizing demo released in November of 2016. We haven’t heard much since, but evidently the game is coming along. In a recent post to Obra Dinn’s TIGForum developer blog, Pope outlined the state of the game and some changes he’s made to it, offering a much clearer look at how it plays.


Creepy stealth game Hello Neighbor is delayed to December
Hello Neighbor, the stealth-creepo game about spying on the weirdo next door (who may or may not be a murderous lunatic), was slated to come out on August 29. That's not going to happen, however, as publisher TinyBuild announced today that it's been pushed back to December 8, a delay that it said is "100 percent our fault."


Nightmarchers is a supernatural RPG-shooter set in post-apocalypse Oahu
Nightmarchers is a "post-apocalyptic open-world RPG shooter," which in itself probably isn't the most exciting amalgam of videogame concepts you're going to hear about today. But then you get to the second part: Players will assume the role of Kai, "resurrected by the gods of Oahu to save the island from the tyranny of Kama and his cult of the corrupt god, Kamapua’a, while watching out for the powerful Nightmarchers who protect the island." And now, I have your attention.


The Good Life is a newly announced RPG by the creator of Deadly Premonition
SWERY, the creator, nay, genius behind Deadly Premonition, and more recently D4, is crowdfunding for a new "mystery RPG". Dubbed The Good Life, it's all about a small town in England whose inhabitants turn into cats during the night. Interested yet? (You should be).


Divinity: Original Sin survey demonstrates that its fans really love isometric CRPGs
Larian Studios, the studio responsible for Divinity: Original Sin and its forthcoming sequel, opened a survey earlier this year to get a read on its audience's taste in RPGs. And as you might expect, the CRPG was the most preferred genre, with Action RPG and strategy games coming in second and third respectively.


PUBG abandons weekly and monthly patch schedule to maintain 'high standard of quality'
When I spoke to PUBG's Brendan Greene a few weeks ago, he told me the promises he made at the beginning of the runaway hit's development regarding launch dates "came from naivety on [his] part". Bluehole has now stressed that the revised "Q4 2017" target is still on-track, but that weekly and monthly updates will be sidestepped in order to maintain a "high standard of quality."


Total War: Warhammer 2 confirms the Skaven as fourth race
Total War: Warhammer 2's announcement trailer first aired back in March and—after showcasing High Elves, Dark Elves and Lizardmen at loggerheads—concluded with a rat nibbling on a corpse. Many speculated this, which features in the above trailer around the 2.28 mark, all but confirmed the Skaven as the turn-based-strategy's then unannounced fourth race. Today, Creative Assembly has confirmed this to be true.

Please excuse my bad English.

Currently gaming on a PC with an i5-4670k@stock (for now), 16Gb RAM 1600 MHz and a GTX 1070

Steam / Live / NNID : jonxiquet    Add me if you want, but I'm a single player gamer.

Let's go with Thursday news, which are a lot.



Player Unknown’s Battlegrounds hits 617K Concurrent Players
Recently Battlegrounds just hit 500,000 concurrent players and now the game has taken another leap, pushing the massive 600,000+ player margin.






Check out Diablo 2 recreated in StarCraft 2 in this Curse of Tristram 'Megatrailer'
We reported last summer that someone going by the name of egod123 was recreating Diablo 2 in StarCraft 2. I noted two things at the time: One, that it looked pretty good, and two, that a cease-and-desist letter from Blizzard would bring the whole thing to a screeching halt. But the latter hasn't happened yet, and so work continues—and it continues to look very good.



Iron Harvest In-Engine Teaser Trailer Released
Iron Harvest has released a new in-engine trailer for their upcoming real-time strategy game featured in 1920+.
Iron Harvest is set in the time of the 1920+, an alternate verison of our own world but created by the Polish artist Jakub Ró?alski. Within this alternate world players will be experiencing what it is like for walking machines to live amongst humans as per normal, equipped with powerful weapons these machines will join players in battle.


F1 2017 – New trailer showcases the game’s key features
Codemasters and Koch Media have today released a new trailer highlighting the thrilling racing that fans will soon be enjoying in F1 2017. Releasing worldwide on August 25th, F1 2017 promises to be the most feature rich game in the franchise’s history.


First gameplay trailer for NBA 2K18 released
2K Games has released the first gameplay trailer for NBA 2K18. NBA 2K18 promises to be the gold standard of basketball simulation across all platforms with unrivaled realism and true NBA gameplay. And to be honest, we do not have any alternative as NBA Live is exclusive to consoles. But anyway, NBA 2K18 is currently planned for a September release.


PREY – Free trial will be available later today
Bethesda has announced that a free trial for PREY will be available in a few hours. According to the press release, and starting today, the critically acclaimed game from Arkane Studios will be available as a PC trial for the first-time ever. Bethesda did not reveal how many levels will be available or for how long PC gamers will be able to play this free trial.


Crackdown 3 has been delayed until Spring 2018
Microsoft has announced that Crackdown 3 has been delayed until Spring 2018. The game was meant to hit stores on November 7th, however Microsoft claimed that the development teams needed some extra time in order to ensure a quality experience.

>>Such news deserves its own thread, and LudicrousSpeed has been the one that made it.


Deep Silver to publish Shenmue III in the second half of 2018
Deep Silver and Ys Net have announced their collaboration to publish YsNet’s forthcoming, long awaited game Shenmue III. As the press release reads, the global publishing deal will cover the release exclusively on PlayStation®4 computer entertainment system and PC: both physical and digital versions. The current release date is scheduled for the second half of 2018.

>>There's a thread about it, made by Shikamo.


The first patch for Hellblade: Senua’s Sacrifice is now available and here is what it fixes
Ninja Theory has released the first patch for Hellblade: Senua’s Sacrifice. According to the release notes, this patch addresses three potential progression stopping bugs, fixes collision issues that could allow players to unintentionally exit the game world, and comes with various subtitle localisation fixes across a number of languages.


Unreal Engine 4-powered adventure game, Reaching for Pedals, releases on September 4th
Blue Entropy Studios has announced that its upcoming Unreal Engine 4-powered adventure, Reaching For Petals, will release via Steam on September 4th. In order to celebrate this announcement, Blue Entropy released a new trailer that can be viewed below.


Planet of the Apes: Last Frontier announced, coming to the PC this Fall, first screenshots
The Imaginarium Studios, the premier performance capture studio for film, television and video games, in partnership with FoxNext Games, today confirmed Planet of the Apes: Last Frontier will be coming out this Fall. Planet of the Apes: Last Frontier is a narrative adventure game of conquest, betrayal and survival with multiple endings.


Kingdom Come: Deliverance – Born From Ashes Trailer
Warhorse Studios has released a brand new trailer for its upcoming story-driven open-world RPG, Kingdom Come: Deliverance. In Kingdom Come: Deliverance, players will follow the events after the death of Henry’s parents as he joins ranks with Sir Radzig to get the training he needs. The game is powered by Crytek’s CRYENGINE and is currently planned for a February 13th release.


Underworld Ascendant to be published by 505 Games in the second half of 2018
505 Games announced today a partnership with development studio OtherSide Entertainment to publish fantasy RPG Underworld Ascendant, the next-generation sequel to the landmark Underworld franchise. The deeply experienced team at OtherSide studio – helmed by industry legends Paul Neurath (Ultima Underworld, Thief) and Warren Spector (Deus Ex, Epic Mickey) – has worked on many leading game franchises, which collectively garnered more than 200 awards and earned over $3 billion in revenues.

Please excuse my bad English.

Currently gaming on a PC with an i5-4670k@stock (for now), 16Gb RAM 1600 MHz and a GTX 1070

Steam / Live / NNID : jonxiquet    Add me if you want, but I'm a single player gamer.

Thursday news, part two:


We Happy Few coming in 2018 as a 'full sized, retail game,' with a full sized retail price
We Happy Few, the game about getting high and being happy in a not-quite-right alt-'60s England, has been available on Steam Early Access and GOG In Development for more than a year now. Full release is coming next year, Gearbox Publishing announced today, on April 13, 2018. But the good news of the launch date comes the bad news of a price hike, which in this case has seen the cost double from $30 to $60.

>>Shikamo has made a thread about it.


Bungie says Destiny silver appeared on Steam 'in error'
Earlier this week, Destiny Silver, the currency used in the game's microtransaction system, went up for sale on Steam. It was only there briefly before being removed, and purchases were automatically refunded later in the day. But an obvious question remained unanswered: What was it doing there in the first place?


Ogre, Steve Jackson's game about a giant cybernetic tank, is coming to Steam in October
Ogre is a tabletop wargame, designed by Steve Jackson and originally released in 1977, in which one player takes control of a massive supertank—the Ogre—while the other tries to destroy it using conventional forces. It's been updated several times since then, and in 2012 Jackson took to Kickstarter to seek $20,000 in supplemental funding for a Sixth Edition release.
At the $300,000 mark, Jackson committed to an "Ogre computer game," which I think is an entirely adorable way to describe it, that would be released for "some platform or platforms" by the end of 2014. "It might very well be a lot sooner," the Kickstarter said.
As it turns out, it's actually a lot later, but a PC game being developed by Auroch Digital was announced last year, and now it's on Steam with a release date of October 5.


The Amazing Eternals is a new FPS by the Warframe studio
Warframe studio Digital Extremes have finally unveiled the game it teased back in May, and it's a first-person shooter with... wait for it... deck building. The Amazing Eternals has been in closed alpha testing for a little while now, but today marks the first proper public look at the game. It looks pretty sweet.


Peter Molyneux's The Trail: Frontier Challenge is now on Steam
22 Cans' "new" game The Trail: Frontier Challenge is actually a rework of a mobile game it released in 2016. Studio boss Peter Molyneux said in July that it would "take the core gameplay and narrative" of the mobile version, and "reimagine" it for Steam as a more strategic experience. It was expected to be ready for release this summer, and sure enough, today is the day.


First LawBreakers patch buffs Gunslinger, nerfs Harrier, and more
I have been playing LawBreakers a fair bit this past week and let me tell you: I am terrible at it. But it's been a long time since I've felt so inclined to get good at a shooter, and picking a character and sticking with it seems to be a better approach here than say, Overwatch or Rainbow Six. So this new patch, which quite dramatically tweaks two characters, will be consequential.


Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire teases barfing pirates and animancy cats
Obsidian has released the latest Kickstarter backer video for its forthcoming fantasy role-player Pillars of Eternity 2. Within, you'll find details on new NPC animations, animancy cats and, um, projectile vomiting pirates.


City of Brass Early Access release date set
As revealed last month, City of Brass is a BioShock-meets-Indiana Jones-type venture that incorporates permadeath. Its creators, Uppercut Games, operate from Australia and have previously worked on Submerged, Epoch and Irrational's first Big Daddy-starring classic. Now, City of Brass has an Early Access launch date: September 18, 2017.


Turn your city into a stage with Cities: Skylines' Concerts expansion
From Mass Transit to Blimpton, Natural Disasters to Snowfall—Cities: Skylines has impressed with its long-term commitment to playful expansions. The latest is of the 'mini' variety, and lets players plan and promote their own city-wide music festivals. 'Concerts', as it's known, is out now.

Please excuse my bad English.

Currently gaming on a PC with an i5-4670k@stock (for now), 16Gb RAM 1600 MHz and a GTX 1070

Steam / Live / NNID : jonxiquet    Add me if you want, but I'm a single player gamer.