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Pemalite said:

That's what I just did. Haha

In all honesty though. The performance gains can be as little as 20%.
Which might not be worth the trouble for developers if 70% of PC's don't use packed math anyway yet.

20% is worthwhile in the eyes of western AAA developers ... 

Heck they'll even kill for just 5% since that's HOW MUCH having the best performance means to them ... 

Sooner rather than later you'll see the feature used in EA, Square Enix Europe, Ubisoft, Activision, Bethesda and maybe Microsoft engines ... 

Pemalite said:

It was popular... More-so on the Original Xbox for obvious reasons.
But I doubt any game engine will end up as popular as Unreal Engine 3 ever again.
It was the right engine at the right time while everyone was scrambling to make the big tech jump.

I'd say UE4 has a good chance of maintaining that popularity since it's more popular among japanese developers than it was last gen ...

Pemalite said:

Indeed. And Frostbite was actually very forward thinking as well. Although parts of the engine are starting to show it's age now.

I doubt Bethesda will use iD Tech 6 for Elder Scrolls or Fallout, those games tend to rely on a ton of scripts, something that iD Tech isn't the most proficient at.
Rather they will probably just keep rehashing NetImmerse like they have for the past decade and a half.

Although, I think the end goal for most publishers is to eventually have "one engine to rule them all".

It's fine, as long as EA constantly maintains Frostbite like Activision does with their Infinity Ward engine they'll be up to date ...

Then Bethesda should further develop scripting into id Tech 6 ... (Dishonored 2 has lot's of scripting and it's based off of id Tech 5 so I'm sure they can figure something out.) 

Also Bethesda stopped using Gamebryo, they made their own Creation Engine since Gamebryo's graphics weren't cutting it. If Bethesda can't use id Tech 6 for their RPGs then it's probably in AMD's best interests or pour more resources into developing the Creation Engine in their partnership with Besthesda rather than id Tech 6 which is favourable as it is with their hardware ...

One internal engine to rule them all since publishers don't want their trade secrets going out ...