fatslob-:O said:
That sounds disappointing considering I was expecting to get something that would have at least 30%+ performance advantage against the Titan X this year ...
We already have that, ARK Survival Evolved maxed out brings an OC'ed Titan X to it's knees and Tom Clancy's The Division with Nvidia HFTS is obliterating tons of hardware left and right ... What I want to see is someone doing ray tracing at 720p on real time framerates of 20 fps on the highest end hardware ... |
To be more precise I got it from Linus for the Nvidia 1080 info:
As for maxing things out, ARK is only doing this due to the fact the game hasn't even been completely optimized, Star Citizen runs more smoothly for others than Ark and Ark is a multiplat title while SC won't be. The devs behind Ark are also putting out a spinoff of their Survival of the fittest portion out into early access on top of trying to handle ARK on PC and X1 let alone PS4, I honestly don't see that game being fully optimized for PC and as such the high end current cards are deliberately going to be crushed unfairly.
Nvidia gameworks isn't a rig ender though, nor should it be and that's an issue loads of PC gamers are pointing out over on sites like Youtube. TD is another multiplat title that's not 100% stellar for PC either from the benches and PC port reports I'm seeing, a game like that at 1080p that looks practically the same as a PS4 should not be completely wiping out a GPU like my 980, multiplat console ports should never be doing that, like at all, crammed FX or not, in fact crmaming a few FX in there is the last thing I want crushing my card and forcing me to go out and spend another £5-700 just to get a few wavy hair or snow particles.
Mankind, in its arrogance and self-delusion, must believe they are the mirrors to God in both their image and their power. If something shatters that mirror, then it must be totally destroyed.