fatslob-:O said: ARK may not be the most optimized game there is out there but the performance impact is somewhat justifiable when it is one of the best in terms of foliage quality and geometric detail ... Nvidia GameWorks is fine for the most part and it's definitely becoming a genuine tool to explore the limits of PC hardware ... If you don't like your framerate tanking there's always an option to lower your settings, you can't have everything. Concessions are needed and the devs aren't obligated to not add on new features from console ports either ... I want VXGI, HFTS, Nvidia Flex, HairWorks, and FlameWorks altogether even if it kills my framerate ... Everybody needs to determine what's important for them in a perf vs quality scenario ... (For me I value higher quality visuals so I'm OK with gaming @ 30fps even on PC!) |
Honestly I'm finding Escape from Tarkov to be that bit better in terms of visuals, the guy you play as even goes well out of his way to grab objectes or the fact you can't simply hug a wall and point your gun out as the wall obstructs how well you hold your gun. YOu also get plenty of different forms of crouching rather than most games that offer a standing, crouch and prone options.
Whatever you say but me and others are seeing things differently with gameworks than you are and how things are being used. If AMD manages to get the leg up on Nvidia (and they will with time) without demanding you to buy a new card every few months a new effect is crammed in then we'll see the better GPU manufacturer and one that knows where to put the actual power.
I don't buy new high end cards only to have a multiplat game with a few loaded fx to cripple my frames, that's completely illogical and anti consumer from my pov.
I honestly don't need all those, I'd rather trade for better quality of textures and settle for HBAO+ or even an AMD option that seems to work on both branded GPU's (and doesn't cost your very soul). You seem to want to kill your fps but I on the other hand don't, it's clear you and I come from very different pov's and lifestyles along with understandings.
For me I value having both because I paid to get both, not paid to get both but only get one and that's pretty much what I'm seeing from time to time. If I bought an 8gigs VRAM GPU for nearly 1k, I would damn well expect to get both and at the same time not having it drained thanks to last minute effects being thrown in to make it appear as if it's leagues apart from being a console port.
Mankind, in its arrogance and self-delusion, must believe they are the mirrors to God in both their image and their power. If something shatters that mirror, then it must be totally destroyed.