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fatslob-:O said:
Chazore said:

Rumours are going around that what Nvidia have in store is only going to be a slight step up over the 980ti, if someone like me who has a 980 or lower then it would be a decent upgrade but with two 980's, not so much.

That sounds disappointing considering I was expecting to get something that would have at least 30%+ performance advantage against the Titan X this year ...

Chazore said:

AMD has their Pro Duo for VR creation (pretty much at that price) and others to come, I do hope both really bring their A game before years end or next year because next year is when I plan to go with an entirely new build and use this current one as a backup/rendering rig.

I honestly don't see any new end hardware being used to the fullest, not with how the market is going on with console ports, the only slightest high end use would be effects or power hungry AA options/effects crammed in, apart from that we'll have to wait to see more games like Star Citizen if we want new ahrdware to be properly utilized. 

We already have that, ARK Survival Evolved maxed out brings an OC'ed Titan X to it's knees and Tom Clancy's The Division with Nvidia HFTS is obliterating tons of hardware left and right ... 

What I want to see is someone doing ray tracing at 720p on real time framerates of 20 fps on the highest end hardware ... 

One good thing about the GPU market is that neither Nvidia nor AMD (especially AMD) have the luxury to not go for the max they can, because they have a lot to lose.

That said, I think the problem lies more in the rest of the industry than in AMD/Nvidia. The 14 and 16nm manufacturing processes aren't ready yet to produce the big chips that are needed for Fury/Titan class cards, GDDR5X won't be here until summer (we may still see it in board partner cards, but not reference models) and HBM2 seems to be too expensive for the mainstream market if what Raja Koduri said in the PCPer interview.

I still think that we may get cards that are ˜10% faster than the current flagships at a lot lower power consumption and price, which seems small but it's still more than what we get from every new gen of Intel CPUs .

Please excuse my bad English.

Currently gaming on a PC with an i5-4670k@stock (for now), 16Gb RAM 1600 MHz and a GTX 1070

Steam / Live / NNID : jonxiquet    Add me if you want, but I'm a single player gamer.