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hellobion2 said:

Hello I was wondering if anyone here on VGchartz has been on steam for 20 years and how long do you think a gaming laptop can last if I take care cleaning it every six months?

12 years for me on Steam.

Different factors such as build, how often you play, what environment, etc

My last gaming laptop is still around (from 2014) but I barely use it.

My first laptop I got from 2008 is still usable but I rather not use it.

My first gaming desktop lasted 10 years and right now on year 5 on my current one.

Around the Network
JEMC said:

And the weirdest, not PC related news, to close this round up:

The solution to space junk might be space lasers because lasers solve everything obviously
As any child running around the park holding a plastic raygun will tell you, most issues can be resolved by the correct application of a suitable amount of lasers, preferably of the pew-pew variety. However, one startup is aiming to solve the very real problem of orbital debris by using honest-to-goodness satellite mounted space lasers, which may end up proving once and for all that our childhood instincts were correct. 

The satellites are planned to be operated by Orbital Lasers, a startup backed by Japanese satellite operator SKY Perfect JSAT, and have been jointly designed by the operator in collaboration with the Riken research institute (via The Register). The plan is to use a technique called laser ablation to emit a powerful laser beam that vaporises the surface of a targeted piece of debris, and it's the impulse emitted from this vaporisation that can not only prevent it from rotating in its current trajectory, but also be used to decelerate it, causing it to fall into Earth's atmosphere and burn up.

A bunch of powerful lasers pointing to Earth? What could go wrong?

That's been in the works for over a decade now. It's generally called a laser broom.

The lasers are not pointed to Earth, and wouldn't do anything if it did btw, due to light dispersion in the atmosphere.

The idea is to melt and literally pulverize debris in LEO (Low Earth Orbit), which is getting REALLY cluttered, to the point that any collision with a satellite of sufficient size could spell the end of spacefaring for the forseeable future until those debris have fallen back to earth. Keep in mind that even just a loose bolt in space is so fast that it has about the same energy than modern anti-tank rounds fired from a battle tank, so anything hit by debris will get obliterated. I mean, just look at this picture when a Space Shuttle got hit at it's cargo bay:

If the piece would have been just a bit larger, it would have punched a hole right through the entire space shuttle, meaning the astronauts would have been stranded in space, as their heat shield would have been too damaged for re-entry. There's a reason why satellites and the ISS have to make avoidance maneuvers if there's even just a 1 in 10000 chance of an object hitting them, they're just that devastating.

The laser broom is supposed to slowly take out those little objects. Even if they are not obliterated, it will slow them down, meaning they'll get faster to re-entry. Just for reference, in 2019, out of 20k objects catalogued in space around earth, only 11% were actual working satellites, all the rest were debris and derelict satelllites...

Jizz_Beard_thePirate said:

Lol Apple

People are already using the Apple Vision Pro in the most unsettling ways, like while driving a Tesla, for instance

JEMC said:

For most of us, myself included, the following article will look like some kind of gibberish, but for the few that are tech savvy, this could be an interesting read (if you haven't read it before, of course):

Examining AMD’s RDNA 4 Changes in LLVM

Nice read. Most interesting is that AMD seems to intend incuding a prefech, like CPUs do, and more fine-grained tensors. This could have a big influence over it's performance if done right.

Last edited by Bofferbrauer2 - on 05 February 2024

-Adonis- said:
Oneeee-Chan!!! said:

Looks like Granblue Fantasy relink was a massive success on steam.

That's nice !

The number of players is still growing 😉

Another week, another round of news:


Resident Evil 4 remake sold well over 6M copies, comprehensive gold edition coming this week
The Resident Evil 4 remake is closing in on 6.5 million copies sold, with Capcom reporting that 6.48 million units have been sold since its 2023 launch. The remake of the 2005 survival horror classic drew widespread attention, as Resident Evil 4 is one of the series' most beloved and bizarre entries. The remake was launched to huge acclaim in 2023, and hit 3 million copies sold in just two days.
"Resident Evil 4, launched in March 2023, contributed to sales growth, reaching 6.48 million units cumulatively, supported by ongoing promotional measures," said Capcom in a public financial report document summarizing the first nine months of this financial year. Based on earlier numbers, that's an additional million copies from October to December 2023. Capcom also reported healthy net sales growth over the previous financial year.
Not specifically to celebrate or anything, but Capcom has also announced that a gold edition of Resident Evil 4 will release this week, on February 9, 2024. It's a bundle that will come with both the Separate Ways story DLC and the Extra DLC Pack. The Extra DLC Pack is a set of cosmetics, costumes, music, and weapons that originally came with a Deluxe Edition.

GOG has launched two new sales:

Steam has two new deals:

Humble Bundle has the Exceptional Indie Allies Bundle, with 7 games to get during 18 days:

Fanatical has lots of new deals:




Playstation 4 emulator, fpPS4, can now run 144 games on PC
The team behind one of the best Playstation 4 emulators, fpPS4, has updated its compatibility list, revealing that the emulator can now run 144 PS4 games. Of those 144 games, 108 are actually playable. Still, the fact that the emulator can launch 144 PS4 games is pretty impressive. (...) For those wondering, fpPS4 can launch the Alpha Test version of Bloodborne at around… wait for it… 1fps. And that’s on its menu. So no, even now, Bloodborne is nowhere to be playable on it.
>> The article has an over 10 minutes long video of the emulator.

SafeDiscShim allows you to run SafeDisc-protected games on modern Windows
Now here is something for our old-school PC gamers. RibShark has just released a beta version of SafeDiscShim, a tool that will allow you to run and play SafeDisc-protected games on modern Windows.
For those unaware, SafeDisc was a DRM that was featured in a lot of of games that came out in the late 90s/early 00s. However, in 2015, Microsoft decided to block all games that used the SafeDisc DRM. Microsoft cites security concerns over the software due to the way in which it becomes “deeply embedded” in the system.
According to its creator, this tool does not rely on any drivers to function. Instead, it automatically loads alongside SafeDisc-protected games and intercepts any communication requests that would have been sent to the driver. The tool then sends the expected response itself, allowing the game to boot.
Previously, you could use a NoCD/NoDVD crack to run your older titles. These cracks, more or less, did a similar job to SafeDiscShim. The main difference is that SafeDiscShim will not crack the DRM. As such, you’ll still have to put your CD/DVD on our drive.
In short, this is a legal way via which you can replay your older games. So, go ahead and download the tool from this link.
>> The article doesn't have any screenshots nor videos.

Take a look at this Fallout 2 Remake in Fallout 4’s Creation Engine
A team of modders is currently working on a Fallout 2 Remake in Fallout 4’s Creation Engine. And below, you can find its latest trailer, showcasing 2 minutes of gameplay footage from it.
This project will be called Fallout 4: Project Arroyo. From the looks of it, this fan remake of Fallout 2 is in a really early development stage. The team is also recruiting people to help it. So yeah, I don’t expect this mod to come out in 2024 or 2025.
Still, I’d really love to see a modern-day remake of Fallout 2. Sadly, though, it may already look dated by the time it comes out. After all, the Creation Engine is not an engine that can push amazing graphics. So, be sure to temper your expectations.

NVIDIA’s RTX TrueHDR modded to work in all PC games
In January, NVIDIA released the Geforce 551.23 WHQL Driver which had a new feature, called RTX Video HDR (or TrueHDR). This feature allowed all RTX gamers to convert in real-time any streamed non-HDR video into an HDR video. And, modder ’emoose’, converted this tool to work in all PC games so that you can enjoy them in HDR.
As the modder noted, the latest driver features some hidden “TrueHDR” profile settings. These settings allow you to apply RTX HDR onto non-HDR-enabled games too. So, basically, think of it as an alternative to Windows Auto-HDR.
From the looks of it, all DX9/DX10/DX11/DX12 games are compatible with it. There is also a chance that this tool may also work with OpenGL/Vulkan games.
You can download this tool from this link. Do note that you’ll need driver 551.23 (or future versions) and WDDM 3.1 to enable it. And yes, this tool will only work with RTX GPUs. So, sadly, our AMD fans won’t be able to enable it.
Do note that TrueHDR currently isn’t compatible with NVIDIA’s NIS. It’s also not compatible with DL-DSR/DSR resolutions. So, make sure to disable them if you want to use this mod. I also don’t expect newer versions to fix these compatibility issues.
>> No screenshots or videos about this mod.

Here are 25 minutes of gameplay from the unofficial PC port of Marvel’s Spider-Man 2
Last month, we informed you about the release of an unofficial PC port of Marvel’s Spider-Man 2. And, last week, the modding team behind it released a new version for it. Thus, we’ve decided to share two videos from it, showing 25 minutes of PC gameplay footage.
As you will see, this unofficial PC port is not perfect yet. There are still some missing textures, shaders and effects. However, it looks miles better than its launch version. Regarding the gameplay mechanics, most of them appear to be in place. All cut-scenes seem to work and even the boss fight with The Sandman seems to work well.
I also noticed a lot of stuttering issues in both of these videos. From what I could see, there might still not be support for KB&M (so you might have to use a controller). So yeah, don’t expect a feature-complete package.

Lordbound is a new DLC-sized mod for Skyrim that will add a new region with over 40 quests, 50 new dungeons and 60+ hours worth of content
The Lordbound Dev Team is currently working on a new DLC-sized mod for The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. This fan expansion will be called Lordbound, will add a new region of roughly 3 km² in size with over 40 quests and 50 new dungeons.
Lordbound aims to offer 60+ hours worth of content through main questlines and side content. The mod promises to have the biggest main quest you’ve ever played in Skyrim, with choices and consequences that change the state of the valley. Plus, it will have fully-voiced NPCs and an original soundtrack.
Lordbound sounds really ambitious, and you can find below two trailers for it. The first video showcases some of its environments, whereas the second one shows off some of its dungeons.
Lordbound has been in development for over six years. Its last dev update was in April 2023, almost a year ago. So, I guess it’s been in some kind of development hell? So, let’s hope that the mod is still in development.

Grand Theft Auto San Andreas RTX Remix Path Tracing drops below 50fps on an NVIDIA RTX4080 at 1440p with DLSS 3.5 Quality
YouTube’s ‘MxBenchmarkPC’ has shared a video, showcasing Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas with an RTX Remix Path Tracing Mod. The YouTuber has also included some comparison scenes with a Performance Stats Overlay. And, from the looks of it, you’ll need an NVIDIA RTX 4090 to run it, even at 1440p with DLSS 3 Quality.
Without the RTX Remix Mod, GTA: San Andreas runs with over 300fps in the open-world areas. In those areas, the YouTuber was CPU limited (they used an Intel Core i7 10700F). In the interior areas, we could see framerates that could reach 800fps. And when they enabled Path Tracing, the game took a MASSIVE performance hit. In an interior area, it went from 844fps to 48fps. And that was WITH DLSS Quality at 1440p. Ouch.
>> The video lasts less than 2 minutes.

Unreal Tournament 2004 RTX Remix Path Tracing Beta Mod Released
Unreal Tournament fans, here is something special for you today. Modder ‘Rune_Storm’ has released a beta/demo version of his RTX Remix Path Tracing Mod for Unreal Tournament 2004.
As with all RTX Remix Mods, this one will add full ray tracing/path tracing effects to UT2004. However, since it’s in a beta state, it has a number of visual issues. Additionally, not all of the game’s maps currently work in RT. So, like with most RTX Remix Mods, you should temper your expectations. This demo does not represent the quality of the final version. So yeah, I expect this game – and all the others we’ve shared these past couple of months – to look better with RTX Remix.
You can download this RTX Remix Mod from this link. At the end of the article, you can also find some screenshots, shared by NVIDIA’s Jacob Freeman. Do note that NVIDIA is NOT behind this RTX Remix project.
As you will see, the game looks cool with these Path Tracing effects. And again, this is a really early version of the mod. It still needs a lot of work, no doubt about that. So, take these screenshots as “proof-of-concept” images and nothing more. And can somebody start working on an RTX Remix Mod for the first Unreal game?

Fallout: New Vegas mod turns power armor into the beastly tank suit it was meant to be, might finally get me to play something other than a sneaky sniper
The Titans of the New West mod for Fallout: New Vegas recently got a 2.0 update and a fresh trailer showing off its complete reinvention of the game's power armor. Titans of the New West aims to nail the power armor fantasy of the 2D games, turning you into a lumbering hulk straight out of Warhammer 40K.
When it comes to first-person RPGs like the ones on Bethesda's Gamebryo/Creation engines, I always want to be a sneaky bastard, play it like Thief or Deus Ex, some variation on Skyrim's vaunted stealth-archer. It doesn't help that Fallout's iconic power armor is kind of diminished in its first two 3D entries, 3 and New Vegas. You're basically choosing to be a slower, clunkier version of your guy with few mechanical benefits, and you don't even look that cool⁠—the games' weird, bulky but not imposing power armor almost augments the flaccidness of that classic Gamebryo Stance™.

A group of modders have spent 10 years honing a remake of StarCraft 1 and Brood War in StarCraft 2, complete with remastered cutscenes and custom unit models
StarCraft: Mass Recall is one of those absolutely wild mods: a full remake of StarCraft 1 and Brood War in StarCraft 2, complete with new models and cutscenes. Since StarCraft 2 is now free-to-play, that means this long-running project is as well.
We first reported on Mass Recall all the way back in 2015, when the mod was just one year old. At that time, you could already play the entire SC1 and Brood War campaigns, as well as three "hidden" maps, but the project has grown and developed in substantial ways in the past nine years.
Back in 2019, Mass Recall showed off its 7.0 update, including in-game cutscenes, maybe one of the mod's most impressive features. Mass Recall also tastefully combines the high-res mission briefing screens from the official StarCraft 1 Remaster with StarCraft 2's full 3D character models. These days, Mass Recall also includes Enslavers Redux, a StarCraft 2 conversion of a highly-regarded StarCraft 1 fan campaign.
>> The article has a three minutes video.


Until Dawn Original vs Remake Early Graphics Comparison
A couple of days ago, Sony revealed a remake of Until Dawn for PS5 and PC. And yesterday, YouTube’s ‘Cycu1’ shared an early graphics comparison video between the original version and this upcoming remake. So, let’s take a look at it, shall we?

Starfield will get support for AMD FSR 3.0 Frame Generation next week
Bethesda has just announced that a new beta patch for Starfield will be released next week that will add support for AMD FSR 3.0 Frame Generation.
>> And by next week, they mean this week we've started today.

Silent Hill 2 Remake vs Original Early Graphics Comparison
A few days ago, Konami released a new gameplay trailer for Silent Hill 2 Remake. So, here’s today an early graphics comparison video between the original version and the upcoming remake. This video will give you a glimpse at what Bloober Team has achieved.

Dragon’s Dogma 2 may run with 60fps only on PC
According to some people who have played a preview build of Dragon’s Dogma 2, this upcoming action title may be locked at 30fps on current-gen consoles. So, if these reports are accurate, Capcom’s latest game will run with 60fps only on the PC.
>> I hope it's not locked to 60fps on PC.

Uncharted Drake’s Fortune Remake references found in The Last of Us Part 2
It appears that Naughty Dog was, at one point, working on a remake for the first Uncharted game, Uncharted Drake Fortune. And, earlier today, X’s member ‘Speclizer’ provided some proof of this.

Please excuse my bad English.

Currently gaming on a PC with an i5-4670k@stock (for now), 16Gb RAM 1600 MHz and a GTX 1070

Steam / Live / NNID : jonxiquet    Add me if you want, but I'm a single player gamer.

The Monday news, the sequel:

Steam bullied into adding a dwarf tag by the short king tag team of Deep Rock Galactic and Dwarf Fortress
By rock and stone, they did it: Dwarf Fortress publisher Kitfox Games and Deep Rock Galactic developer Ghost Ship Studios have managed to convince Valve to add an official 'dwarf' tag to Steam. But not without a little confusion leading up to the big triumph.

The brothers who founded Until Dawn studio Supermassive step down together after 16 years
Supermassive co-founders and brothers Pete and Joe Samuels have announced their departure from the developer best-known for the brilliant Until Dawn (which coincidentally has just been announced for PC). Pete Samuels has been the Guildford-based studio's CEO since its founding in 2008, which came after a career including stints at the late great Psygnosis and Electronic Arts. Joe Samuels acted as the company's commercial director.

Sims competitor Life By You delayed to June to refine gameplay and 'add more life' to character faces
The life simulation game in development by Rod Humble and team at Paradox Tectonic, Life By You, is sliding back a few months in the release calendar of new 2024 games. Previously planned for early access in March, it will now launch on June 4.

Skate developers confirm a Steam release is coming, console testing will begin this year
We've known since mid-2021 that Skate, the free-to-play reboot of the long-running skateboard sim that was first announced back in 2020, will be coming to PC. And now we know where: In a brief video clip shared on Twitter, EA finally confirmed that Skate will land on Steam.

Palworld server costs near $500K per month as network engineer is ordered to 'never let the service go down no matter what'
Monster-collecting survival game Palworld has amassed an astonishing 19 million players, and that extraordinary success isn't coming cheap for its indie developer: Palworld's projected February server costs are over 70 million yen, according to a post from Pocketpair CEO Takuro Mizobe. That comes to over $475,000 USD.

Catapult your Diablo 4 character straight into godhood with Blizzard's bonus XP event next week
The latest Diablo 4 season might have the fastest way to earn XP ever, but Blizzard is going to let you make it even faster next week.
On February 6, Diablo 4's Lunar Awakening event will sprinkle Sanctuary, and its dungeons, with unique Shrines that boost your XP gains by 50% for 30 seconds when you activate them. Local events will also spawn around the open world that will help you earn reputation with a new faction for cosmetics and other rewards.

Satisfactory will have its 1.0 release this year
Coffee Stain Studios has announced that their factory-building sim game, Satisfactory, will leave early access this year for a full 1.0 release. Satisfactory has been in development since 2019, and has to date released eight major updates to buyers during that time. The 1.0 release will include the full version of the game's narrative story alongside a "factory-load" of new features, Coffee Stain said in a press release.

Gloomwood developers exploring new advances in rat behavioral AI
Stealth-horror immersive sim Gloomwood has development continuing apace, with the latest development preview bringing attention to extremely important—nay, vital—advances in rat-based gaming technology. A couple videos posted by developer Dillon Rogers over the past few weeks shows off some cheese-seeking AI behavior for Gloomwood's rat NPCs, behavior that made its way into the January 30th update.

Moonbreaker, the digital miniatures game from Subnautica developer Unknown Worlds, has released
Super unique digital miniatures game Moonbreaker has launched out of early access and into 1.0 as of this week, releasing its skirmish combat and painting fun with a whole stack of updates, tweaks, and new features. The highlight for many is a new single-player experience, Boss Run Mode, that takes you through 10 rounds of battle on four new maps to unlock the game's lore via big battles with nasty boss opponents.

The T'au are coming to Warhammer 40,000: Battlesector
Warhammer 40,000: Battlesector, the turn-based strategy game whose singleplayer campaign casts you as 40K's ultimate goth space marines, is adding another DLC faction. Joining the previously added Sisters of Battle, Necrons, Orks, and Daemons of Khorne will be the technogoth universe's resident mech-piloting alien weebs, the T'au.

Please excuse my bad English.

Currently gaming on a PC with an i5-4670k@stock (for now), 16Gb RAM 1600 MHz and a GTX 1070

Steam / Live / NNID : jonxiquet    Add me if you want, but I'm a single player gamer.

Around the Network

Why settle with two when you can have three? Here's the third, and last, part of the news:

The original tabletop deckbuilder Dominion is free-to-play on Steam, with AI powered by neural networks
Before you jump down my throat, no, Dominion wasn't the first tabletop game with deckbuilding in it, with predecessors like StarCraft: The Board Game. Dominion was, however, the first to build an entire game around the mechanic, giving birth to the genre that would hop to PC with Dream Quest, Slay the Spire, Monster Train, and so on.
Dominion was unavoidable at board game night in 2008, with everyone wanting to pretend to be medieval landlords who could buy up markets and villages and occasionally witches in the tireless hunt for the thing every board gamer wants—victory points. Digital versions followed, in the form of apps and a browser-based Dominion you can still play. What makes this version different is that the AI opponent is powered by neural networks, and it certainly seems competent. It beat me on the easiest difficulty a couple of times, though to be fair I was still trying to remember how to play since it turns out 2008 was actually a while ago and I've forgotten all the combos.

Survive a harsh world in the demo for a city builder that looks like a Moebius drawing come to life
A demo of upcoming city builder Synergy has released on Steam, and it's looking like Synergy might just play as good as it looks. The game is about leading your people, inhabitants of a harsh desert planet widely hostile to human life, to a new region where they must reconsider how to live and thrive. Much of the game is about analyzing the resources you find and how to best use them in a sustainable way.

Seeing a video of Elden Ring maps loaded into Armored Core 6 makes me think an AC would just dominate the Lands Between
After showing off how puny Tarnished are in comparison to Armored Core 6's maps, dataminer Dropoff has now gone in the opposite direction, demonstrating some beastly-huge mechs thrashing about in comparatively tiny Elden Ring environments.

Hellcard brings its chunky co-op deckbuilding to a full release
One of the more unique and interesting deckbuilders to emerge in the last few years was Hellcard, a battler that put up to three characters against hordes of enemies coming from every direction—with nasty elites and bosses liberally sprinkled in for flavor. Developer Thing Trunk have now released the full game, with Hellcard exiting early access on February 1st.

This browser-based 'endless crafting game' starts you off with fire and water, but it quickly escalates to God, the Big Bang, and 'Yin-Yoda'
A toadstool, the Universe, King Midas, the Golem. This is not a free association exercise, but rather a list of concoctions my coworkers and I have produced in Infinite Craft, a deceptively simple browser game by developer Neal Agarwal, who you may know for creating a delightfully "unhinged browser game about passwords" last year.

Star Wars Jedi: Survivor force pulls the grammy for best video game soundtrack
Star Wars Jedi: Survivor has scooped this year's Grammy for best video game soundtrack making it the second game to receive the award since its inauguration last year.

The Last Of Us co-creator and director teases a potential third entry: 'there's probably one more chapter to this story'
Naughty Dog's The Last of Us Part 2 recently received an all-singing all-dancing remaster for PlayStation 5, which was both something of a surprise (the game was only released in 2020) and managed to over-deliver with a slew of new modes, cut content, creator commentary, and of course native 4K. Sony hasn't yet announced whether the game will make its way to PC, but the remaster of the first game arrived on Steam just seven months after its console release.
As part of the TLOU2 Remastered celebrations, Naughty Dog has now released the documentary Grounded 2: Making The Last of Us Part 2. The full thing is above and, fair warning, it's two hours long and obviously contains every narrative spoiler going. Towards the end, series co-creator and co-director on both entries Neil Druckmann casually mentions the prospect of a third entry in the series.

Please excuse my bad English.

Currently gaming on a PC with an i5-4670k@stock (for now), 16Gb RAM 1600 MHz and a GTX 1070

Steam / Live / NNID : jonxiquet    Add me if you want, but I'm a single player gamer.

JEMC said:

Sims competitor Life By You delayed to June to refine gameplay and 'add more life' to character faces
The life simulation game in development by Rod Humble and team at Paradox Tectonic, Life By You, is sliding back a few months in the release calendar of new 2024 games. Previously planned for early access in March, it will now launch on June 4.

Sad this was delayed again, but really hoping it turns out well. I enjoy Sims games but a fresh take on them from another developer could be just what's needed.

Bofferbrauer2 said:
JEMC said:

And the weirdest, not PC related news, to close this round up:

The solution to space junk might be space lasers because lasers solve everything obviously
As any child running around the park holding a plastic raygun will tell you, most issues can be resolved by the correct application of a suitable amount of lasers, preferably of the pew-pew variety. However, one startup is aiming to solve the very real problem of orbital debris by using honest-to-goodness satellite mounted space lasers, which may end up proving once and for all that our childhood instincts were correct. 

The satellites are planned to be operated by Orbital Lasers, a startup backed by Japanese satellite operator SKY Perfect JSAT, and have been jointly designed by the operator in collaboration with the Riken research institute (via The Register). The plan is to use a technique called laser ablation to emit a powerful laser beam that vaporises the surface of a targeted piece of debris, and it's the impulse emitted from this vaporisation that can not only prevent it from rotating in its current trajectory, but also be used to decelerate it, causing it to fall into Earth's atmosphere and burn up.

A bunch of powerful lasers pointing to Earth? What could go wrong?

That's been in the works for over a decade now. It's generally called a laser broom.

The lasers are not pointed to Earth, and wouldn't do anything if it did btw, due to light dispersion in the atmosphere.

The idea is to melt and literally pulverize debris in LEO (Low Earth Orbit), which is getting REALLY cluttered, to the point that any collision with a satellite of sufficient size could spell the end of spacefaring for the forseeable future until those debris have fallen back to earth. Keep in mind that even just a loose bolt in space is so fast that it has about the same energy than modern anti-tank rounds fired from a battle tank, so anything hit by debris will get obliterated. I mean, just look at this picture when a Space Shuttle got hit at it's cargo bay:

If the piece would have been just a bit larger, it would have punched a hole right through the entire space shuttle, meaning the astronauts would have been stranded in space, as their heat shield would have been too damaged for re-entry. There's a reason why satellites and the ISS have to make avoidance maneuvers if there's even just a 1 in 10000 chance of an object hitting them, they're just that devastating.

The laser broom is supposed to slowly take out those little objects. Even if they are not obliterated, it will slow them down, meaning they'll get faster to re-entry. Just for reference, in 2019, out of 20k objects catalogued in space around earth, only 11% were actual working satellites, all the rest were debris and derelict satelllites...

If the satellites aren't pointing down to Earth, does it mean that they fly in a lower orbit than the trash they want to get rid off? Because that can cause extra troubles. Or, they fly above them but fire more towards the horizon and not to Earth?

In any case, space debris are a real trouble and something has to be done about it, be lasers or garbage personel like in the Manga/Anime Planetes.

Bofferbrauer2 said:
Jizz_Beard_thePirate said:

Lol Apple

People are already using the Apple Vision Pro in the most unsettling ways, like while driving a Tesla, for instance

I saw this yesterday while wasting time at Imgur: (do not unmute)

I'd say that the future looks bleak, but this is happening now, it's the present, and it's even more depressing.

Bofferbrauer2 said:
JEMC said:

For most of us, myself included, the following article will look like some kind of gibberish, but for the few that are tech savvy, this could be an interesting read (if you haven't read it before, of course):

Examining AMD’s RDNA 4 Changes in LLVM

Nice read. Most interesting is that AMD seems to intend incuding a prefech, like CPUs do, and more fine-grained tensors. This could have a big influence over it's performance if done right.

Thanks. A shame that there won't be a high-end RDNA4 product, but if the rest of the parts perform as they should and are well priced, we'll all benefit from the competition.

Zippy6 said:
JEMC said:

Sims competitor Life By You delayed to June to refine gameplay and 'add more life' to character faces
The life simulation game in development by Rod Humble and team at Paradox Tectonic, Life By You, is sliding back a few months in the release calendar of new 2024 games. Previously planned for early access in March, it will now launch on June 4.

Sad this was delayed again, but really hoping it turns out well. I enjoy Sims games but a fresh take on them from another developer could be just what's needed.

Well, if they want to steal some of The Sims playerbase, they need a game as polished as possible at launch. Otherwise they're doomed to fail.

Please excuse my bad English.

Currently gaming on a PC with an i5-4670k@stock (for now), 16Gb RAM 1600 MHz and a GTX 1070

Steam / Live / NNID : jonxiquet    Add me if you want, but I'm a single player gamer.

A new one, from today until the 12th.

Please excuse my bad English.

Currently gaming on a PC with an i5-4670k@stock (for now), 16Gb RAM 1600 MHz and a GTX 1070

Steam / Live / NNID : jonxiquet    Add me if you want, but I'm a single player gamer.

JEMC said:

To be honest, it wouldn't surprise me. And not because of the rumors about Sony coming with a new Vita (which I think it's nuts and come from the same people that bring the new handheld topic every time Sony launches a new console), but because MSoft sees that Valve is dominating the handheld PC market and they are doing it with a linux based OS.

So, naturally, they have to do something about it and, instead of making a better Windows that has the same cool features that SteamOS has, like quick resume play, and leave it to Asus, MSI and Lenovo to take the fight, they'll try to do it by making their own device, which won't be much different than the other Windows based ones and, therefore, it will be kind of pointless.

Also I don't really want MS pushing their OS into that space, since I want to get off the Windows OS train. Valve's proven that they can do good stuff with Linux and I'd rather see that pushed more than an OS that is including more tracking, more AI crap and generally feels less based for gaming with each iteration.

Also both of them are only doing this because Valve dipped it's toes into the water. When Nintendo was doing it for years, the other two flat out gave up and stopped bothering, so this isn't because they want to do this, they are doing this because of the money Valve is making and the popularity. 

People will see this as "competition", but really it's just more further fracturing.

Mankind, in its arrogance and self-delusion, must believe they are the mirrors to God in both their image and their power. If something shatters that mirror, then it must be totally destroyed.