JEMC said: To be honest, it wouldn't surprise me. And not because of the rumors about Sony coming with a new Vita (which I think it's nuts and come from the same people that bring the new handheld topic every time Sony launches a new console), but because MSoft sees that Valve is dominating the handheld PC market and they are doing it with a linux based OS. So, naturally, they have to do something about it and, instead of making a better Windows that has the same cool features that SteamOS has, like quick resume play, and leave it to Asus, MSI and Lenovo to take the fight, they'll try to do it by making their own device, which won't be much different than the other Windows based ones and, therefore, it will be kind of pointless. |
Also I don't really want MS pushing their OS into that space, since I want to get off the Windows OS train. Valve's proven that they can do good stuff with Linux and I'd rather see that pushed more than an OS that is including more tracking, more AI crap and generally feels less based for gaming with each iteration.
Also both of them are only doing this because Valve dipped it's toes into the water. When Nintendo was doing it for years, the other two flat out gave up and stopped bothering, so this isn't because they want to do this, they are doing this because of the money Valve is making and the popularity.
People will see this as "competition", but really it's just more further fracturing.
Step right up come on in, feel the buzz in your veins, I'm like an chemical electrical right into your brain and I'm the one who killed the Radio, soon you'll all see
So pay up motherfuckers you belong to "V"