Bofferbrauer2 said:
That's been in the works for over a decade now. It's generally called a laser broom. The lasers are not pointed to Earth, and wouldn't do anything if it did btw, due to light dispersion in the atmosphere. The idea is to melt and literally pulverize debris in LEO (Low Earth Orbit), which is getting REALLY cluttered, to the point that any collision with a satellite of sufficient size could spell the end of spacefaring for the forseeable future until those debris have fallen back to earth. Keep in mind that even just a loose bolt in space is so fast that it has about the same energy than modern anti-tank rounds fired from a battle tank, so anything hit by debris will get obliterated. I mean, just look at this picture when a Space Shuttle got hit at it's cargo bay: If the piece would have been just a bit larger, it would have punched a hole right through the entire space shuttle, meaning the astronauts would have been stranded in space, as their heat shield would have been too damaged for re-entry. There's a reason why satellites and the ISS have to make avoidance maneuvers if there's even just a 1 in 10000 chance of an object hitting them, they're just that devastating. The laser broom is supposed to slowly take out those little objects. Even if they are not obliterated, it will slow them down, meaning they'll get faster to re-entry. Just for reference, in 2019, out of 20k objects catalogued in space around earth, only 11% were actual working satellites, all the rest were debris and derelict satelllites... |
If the satellites aren't pointing down to Earth, does it mean that they fly in a lower orbit than the trash they want to get rid off? Because that can cause extra troubles. Or, they fly above them but fire more towards the horizon and not to Earth?
In any case, space debris are a real trouble and something has to be done about it, be lasers or garbage personel like in the Manga/Anime Planetes.
Bofferbrauer2 said:
People are already using the Apple Vision Pro in the most unsettling ways, like while driving a Tesla, for instance |
I saw this yesterday while wasting time at Imgur: (do not unmute)
I'd say that the future looks bleak, but this is happening now, it's the present, and it's even more depressing.
Bofferbrauer2 said:
Nice read. Most interesting is that AMD seems to intend incuding a prefech, like CPUs do, and more fine-grained tensors. This could have a big influence over it's performance if done right. |
Thanks. A shame that there won't be a high-end RDNA4 product, but if the rest of the parts perform as they should and are well priced, we'll all benefit from the competition.
Zippy6 said:
Sad this was delayed again, but really hoping it turns out well. I enjoy Sims games but a fresh take on them from another developer could be just what's needed. |
Well, if they want to steal some of The Sims playerbase, they need a game as polished as possible at launch. Otherwise they're doomed to fail.
Please excuse my bad English.
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