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Chazore said:

Wait, you managed to do the main story already?.

Even back when I was playing Skyrim, it took me a few days to more or less finish the main story (even though the Parthanax Q is incomplete).

I've seen one user I recently started watching, and his endeavour with one NPC was funny for a watch, though he was baffled by the fact he had little choice in dialogue (let alone changes to the NPC's behaviour and somehow said NPC kept forgetting that they had the exact same convo moments ago made me chuckle).

Atm I'm seeing a mix of folks who are amazed by the vistas of the planets (those showing off multiple screens of said vistas), and those who like exploring, but are disappointed in finding planets that are straight up barren. I've also seen some people comparing this to Skyrim, in that some wish SF had Skyrim's hand crafted approach, where the content was scattered about the map, but it meant that the player always had something to look for or adventure towards.

I would have thought that with the self generated approach, that they would mix aspects like prefabs with the self made planets, to at least give players more to explore per planet, even if it's nothing tied to the main story, it'd at least be better than landing on a planet that is devoid of anything at all.

I'm not likely to grab SF tbh, especially seeing as how my hw is unlikely to run it well enough, but I was never really grabbed by the game since it's day 1 announcement/gameplay reveal. I liked Prey, but that was more of a linier action game set in space. I like NMS/Starbound because those 2 games allow for free roam exploration/base building (though NMS actually allows for ship to ship combat, whilst Starbound doesn't, you can only invade ships in that game). 

That being said, I do wish people would stop taking offence to the game's shortcomings and just see the game for what it is, not what it was hyped up to be, or the brand studio behind it (people lauded Witcher 3 and then 2077, but then CDPR shat the bed and now that rep with their brand is tarnished, so people shouldn't let themselves get over-hyped anymore). People seem to think those criticising BGS or SF, (like myself) hate the game, but that isn't entirely true. There are some that flat out dislike it of course, but then there's folks like me who weren't caught in by the hype, didn't have the tinted glasses slapped on since day 1, and were able to step back and see what could have been done better, or what was missing.

Even you, someone that has played the main story, and put hours into the game are able to see what is there and what is not, without being the branded form of "hater". People just need to stop attaching their personalities/lives around a mere game (Like I really love Starbound for example, and yet hardly anyone on this forum gave a care for it when I droned on about it years ago, and I came to terms with that).

What I don't get, is that the past 5 or more years, we've been seeing these RPG games adding guns into the mix, and then of course the RPG aspect overrides the realism of using a gun, so enemies end up becoming bullet sponges, and I know that more or less was a thing for Fallout 3, but it's weird to see this with SF and other games like Destiny 2 (even though that falls into MMO and MMO's basically get that bullet sponge free pass for what they are) having this (especially when I've seen players with space age guns in SF vs people on a colony ship with guns that are practically 20th century based). 

I did use console commands for infinite weight (+5000 lol) because f encumberance - which took off a lot of the time. Cause I ain't dealing with muling all my gear constantly between me, my companions to the ship and back to merchant every other mission or so. Didn't even bother with ship building, nor crafting because the game's in-game combat is pretty easy and and ship combat I didn't really bother with as I'm mostly fast travelling everywhere anyways and only occasionally being attacked in space. Plus ended half reading and skimming and skipping a lot dialogue in game because goddamn, most of the NPC's take so long to go around to say anything. And the story and characters being so generic and uninteresting.

Honestly the most annoying thing is, is that this game has so much potential but dragged down by a old relic of a engine and Todd set in his old ways. If it were a seemless world and crafted with more care and only a several planets instead of 1000's of randomly made planets and cut out a lot of meaningless dialogue and made the quests higher quality and story more focused and better written. Actually bother to put effort into modern animation and rigging. The gameplay, actually moving on from the old Bethesda formula and Ai and NPC's not stuck in 2011.. then maybe it would've been a game that would've really set it apart from the rest. Just like Skyrim did back in the day. But they just released the same game with new skins on an old relic of an engine and tried building off that. It just feels so incredibly dated now. Maybe Bethesda fans will love it but for me, its just fine. Feels like a game of old. And this being a space game and RPG with practically no exploration is just a complete missed opputunity.

As for bullet sponges I found it okay for this game. Outside of a few enemies and bosses it was managable. Won't go into more detail as I don't want to spoil it for you (potentially) or others.

But yeah a lot of us shit of CP 2077 on launch but at least CDPR offered something new. Not saying SF is a bad game. I enjoyed playing it but its a case of what could've been and this year has already seen some fucking amazing games. Anyways apologies for the rant lol. Completed just in time for Phantom Liberty which I'm super excited for..

Last edited by hinch - on 14 September 2023

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zero129 said:

I replied to Hinch in my edited reply to you. Very good he could finish the game so fast and found it boring, i guess if i didnt take time to play it or enjoy it id feel that way too. Anyway thats his opinion.

Also i dont care about that video. You say his not a hater but he is talking about how Ms fans are saying Xbox is back and redfall and now this shows they are not...

As if i give a fuck about that??.. Its Starfield im talking about, its starfield im enjoying (I also really enjoyed Cyberpunk and that had a lot of haters too). Why would i care about xbox being back or not?. Its PC i play on not consoles....

Yeah, nah. You edited it and just had to tell me you did just that recently, not within the original reply. Why did you suddenly decide now to edit in the reply to him after I told you about labels?. 

Why does it matter what time he took to complete it anyway?. it's his own opinion like you said, so time shouldn't really have a factor in it for you.

I know you don't, but I said above the video that people are in fact using the argument he showed up in that video on those talking about Starfield in a manner that isn't praise. Joe is in fact not a "hater" lol, if you actually cared to look into the guy's content, you would see that he is a PC guy like us, who actively shits on bad fan takes, on any platform (literally the reason why I posted that video was because he is now taking shots at people defending the state Redfall is in with what state SF is in).

Believe it or not, he was also talking about Starfield in that video, which again, you would know if you had watched it.

I don't think I need tell you why on earth Cyberpunk got it's criticisms...

if you're enjoying the game, keep playing it. There is virtually no need for you to interact with me at any turn whenever I so much as mention Starfield, because I know you are looking for ways to personally jab me, and I don't want to have to get a mod in here, because of you going about trying to insult me and also silence me on my own opinions (don't even try to say you aren't, because you are. No one else in here has been trying to bark me down the way you are at every single turn). 

Last edited by Chazore - on 14 September 2023

Mankind, in its arrogance and self-delusion, must believe they are the mirrors to God in both their image and their power. If something shatters that mirror, then it must be totally destroyed.

hinch said:

I did use console commands for infinite weight (+5000 lol) because f encumberance - which took off a lot of the time. Cause I ain't dealing with muling all my gear constantly between me, my companions to the ship and back to merchant every other mission or so. Didn't even bother with ship building, nor crafting because the game's in-game combat is pretty easy and and ship combat I didn't really bother with as I'm mostly fast travelling everywhere anyways and only occasionally being attacked in space. Plus ended half reading and skimming and skipping a lot dialogue in game because goddamn, most of the NPC's take so long to go around to say anything. And the story and characters being so generic and uninteresting.

Honestly the most annoying thing is, is that this game has so much potential but dragged down by a old relic of a engine and Todd set in his old ways. If it were a seemless world and crafted with more care and only a several planets instead of 1000's of randomly made planets and cut out a lot of meaningless dialogue and made the quests higher quality and story more focused and better written. Actually bother to put effort into modern animation and rigging. The gameplay, actually moving on from the old Bethesda formula and Ai and NPC's not stuck in 2011.. then maybe it would've been a game that would've really set it apart from the rest. Just like Skyrim did back in the day. But they just released the same game with new skins on an old relic of an engine and tried building off that. It just feels so incredibly dated now. Maybe Bethesda fans will love it but for me, its just fine. Feels like a game of old. And this being a space game and RPG with practically no exploration is just a complete missed opputunity.

As for bullet sponges I found it okay for this game. Outside of a few enemies and bosses it was managable. Won't go into more detail as I don't want to spoil it for you (potentially) or others.

But yeah a lot of us shit of CP 2077 on launch but at least CDPR offered something new. Not saying SF is a bad game. I enjoyed playing it but its a case of what could've been and this year has already seen some fucking amazing games. Anyways apologies for the rant lol. Completed just in time for Phantom Liberty which I'm super excited for..

Can't blame you on the encumbrance there lol. I tend to mod my ES/Fallout games with either perks for that sort of thing, or in Skyrimn's case, the backpack mod, to basically extend my inv space.

Did you try any of the space combat with the bog-standard ship at first?. I mean if it's not as varied/challenging then I can imagine that would make ship building more of a cosmetic kind of vibe. 

Well from what I gathered from someone's findings, the way their tile system worked, meant that the game could have done the seamless entry like SC/NMS, but at the same time, we know that their engine is just not up to snuff to do all that and everything else at the same time (like I've noticed when playing NMS that upon entry, there is no simulation actively happening until the ship is near ground level).

I had the idea a few hours ago, that they probably would have been better off sticking to 50 worlds. Why 50?, well 25 of those worlds can be self generated, but the hubs will be handcrafted, yet static and placed in certain locations to trim down the barren feel to some of those planets. The other 25 would be completely hand crafted and based across the main campaign and serve for factions as well (this would give more reason to fight for certain planets or decimate them).

At least then, with 25 self generated ones, you would get half the splendour of self generation with a dash of hand crafted in the mix, and another 25 completely hand crafted and serving more of a purpose for story missions, meaning you can farm 25 planets and explore them, the other 25 can serve for story/faction gameplay.

I don't think SF is a bad or shitty game tbh. I just feel like BGS should have done better. I mean this game was in dev for years and years, and hearing that it's been relying on self generation more than hand crafting content, kinda waters down their usual approach to how they make their own worlds, their own stories (even if their writing has also aged somewhat for the worse in some areas). 

I'm still going to hold out hope that TES VI will do something new, or at least look better than what we have currently (not blind hope mind you, but hope that they'll learn from 76/SF). All I mainly want from them is a world that feels alive in the next ES, as well as making my choices matter, giving me consequences to my chosen actions, having NPC's interact with me in a more believable manner. 

Mankind, in its arrogance and self-delusion, must believe they are the mirrors to God in both their image and their power. If something shatters that mirror, then it must be totally destroyed.

No Unicorn Overlord for PC which makes me sad :(

Damn Vanillaware.

At least FFVII Rebirth exclusivity is only 3 months long.

Jizz_Beard_thePirate said:

It's all fun and games until big daddy 4090 gets involved and shows the multi-generational advantage Nvidia has over Apple

Apple wins a lot due to how the RAM is integrated with the CPU and basically works like a giant last level cache... or 3D V-cache. And you can already see The GPU however isn't really boosted all that much by, working similarly to the gamecache on AMD GPUs, so mainly making sure it's not getting bottlenecked by bandwidth.

But what really boosts the Cinebench CPU scores are the huge re-order buffer (ROB, apparently the biggest ones in the chip industry, even beating server chips by a large amount) and especially Apple's big media engine, which both boost the cinebench result by a nice amount without having to increase clock speeds or increase the nominal IPC of the CPU itself. This however also means that the Cinebench results are not indicative for workloads that don't make use of the media engine, where it should then be quite a bit slower than current X86 CPUs.

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Chazore said:
Jizz_Beard_thePirate said:

Only 3 month exclusivity? Maybe I should sell my PS5 cause hot damn, I am getting zero use out of it and FFVIIR only being exclusive for 3 months means easy wait for PC version.

Likely due to the new CEO making changes (I imagine at least).

Still going to wonder if they decide to take up on that 6 month offer with Epic though (the one where they get 100% of the profits for 6 months, then elt it touch Steam). 

I doubt they will opt in to the 100% revenue share to launch on Epic only because your giving away 100% of the Steam sale you could of had without getting paid to keep it exclusive but if Epic send them a cheque to make it exclusive for a year they will for sure.

WoodenPints said:

I doubt they will opt in to the 100% revenue share to launch on Epic only because your giving away 100% of the Steam sale you could of had without getting paid to keep it exclusive but if Epic send them a cheque to make it exclusive for a year they will for sure.

I guess we'll find out after those remaining months of PS exclusivity.

Mankind, in its arrogance and self-delusion, must believe they are the mirrors to God in both their image and their power. If something shatters that mirror, then it must be totally destroyed.

Here come the Friday news:


Fanatical's Bundlefest is over, but it still has a new Star Deal and a bundle for us:




The Witcher 3 Next-Gen Combat Redux Mod Released
Modder ‘suaohoward’ has released a new mod for The Witcher 3 Next-Gen that attempts to make the game a bit more difficult than before.
The Witcher 3 Combat Redux will force attack and dodge moves to consume stamina. It will also make Igni and Quen less effective, and it will remove the on-screen indicators for when enemies attack. Combat Redux also makes a number of changes to the game’s stamina system.
This mod also brings some improvements to the parry and counter systems. For instance, players can now parry and counter almost every weapon. Not only that but both parry and counter are more effective than before.
>> There are no screenshots nor videos of the mod.

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim gets a mod that introduces dynamic animations based on the character’s skill level or race
Modder ‘JaySerpa’ has released a pretty cool mod for Skyrim Special Edition that introduces dynamic animations based on the character’s skill level or race.
The Skill Based Dynamic Animations Mod currently covers magic, archery and sneaking, and they are for both the player and the NPCs. In order to showcase the new dynamic animations, the modder shared the following GIFs.
>> There are three gifs and an over 2 minutes video.

Every Starfield player should use these 3 essential mods
The avalanche of Starfield mods hasn't stopped since its release. You can tweak everything from its inventory screen to the difficulty of its firefights. But out of all the mods out there, a few are so useful that they're borderline essential.
There are three mods that you should install to smooth out some of Starfield's roughest spots. None of them make fundamental changes to how you play the game, so you don't need to worry about spoiling your first playthrough.
>> One of the three mods makes NPCs walk faster. This mod should finally please some of you. The article has some screenshots.

Starfield modder plans to improve Inner Monologue mod with custom personal commentary
Starfield has been out for little more than a week, yet there are already more mods than you could shake a spaceship at. One of the newest additions to the ever-growing modding community is this—the Inner Monologue mod by Somnia.
Right now, it helps keep you in character by replacing all the immersion-breaking text tooltips that pop up in the corner with your own personal thoughts. In future, though, Somnia plans to make those thoughts even more personal to your roleplaying style.
"This mod is a simple fix, no weird external monologue telling you what you can and can't do," says the mod description. "Now it's your own inner thoughts. Much scarier."
>> Once again, no screenshots nor videos of this mod.


Tomb Raider I-III Remastered offically coming to PC in February 2024
Aspyr Media has announced official remasters of the first three Tomb Raider games that will become available on PC in February 2024. In order to celebrate this announcement, the team shared the first gameplay trailer which you can find below.
>> Keep in mind that it's a remaster, not aremake. The graphics are akin to those fro mthe PS360 era, if not a bit worse.

Star Ocean The Second Story R PC demo available for download on Steam
Square Enix has announced that the PC demo for Star Ocean The Second Story R is now available for download on Steam. In order to celebrate this announcement, the team has also shared a new trailer that you can find below.

Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes will officially release in April 2024
505 Games and Rabbit & Bear Studios announced that their upcoming JRPG, Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes, will officially release on April 23rd, 2024. In order to celebrate this announcement, the teams shared a new gameplay trailer which you can find below.

Cyberpunk 2077 Update 2.0 will release on September 21st
CD Projekt RED has announced that the highly anticipated Update 2.0 for Cyberpunk 2077 will release on September 21st. In order to celebrate this announcement, the team shared some new gameplay trailers which you can find below.

Avatar: Frontiers of Pandora gets an official story trailer
Ubisoft has released an official story trailer for its upcoming Avatar game, Avatar: Frontiers of Pandora. In Avatar: Frontiers of Pandora, you play as a child of two worlds, born Na’vi but raised by the RDA. Fifteen years after your abduction, you are free and must reconnect with your lost heritage.

Helldivers 2 gets a brand new “State of Play” gameplay trailer
Arrowhead Game Studios has released a brand new gameplay trailer for Helldivers 2 at State of Play 2023. Helldivers 2 is a third-person squad-based shooter that sees the elite forces of the Helldivers battling to win an intergalactic struggle to rid the galaxy of the rising alien threats.

Here’s how to fix the stuttering issues in Mortal Kombat 1 on PC
Mortal Kombat 1 is currently available to those who have pre-ordered its Premium Edition. And, unfortunately, the game currently suffers from major stuttering issues on PC during its cut-scenes. Thankfully, though, there’s a way to fix these stutters and get a smooth gaming experience.

NEOWIZ adds Denuvo to Lies of P three days before release
Lies of P is one of the most anticipated Souls-like games of 2023. The game releases on September 18th and it appears that NEOWIZ has listed the Denuvo anti-tamper tech on its Steam store page, three days before release.
>> Sneaky little b*stards.

Please excuse my bad English.

Currently gaming on a PC with an i5-4670k@stock (for now), 16Gb RAM 1600 MHz and a GTX 1070

Steam / Live / NNID : jonxiquet    Add me if you want, but I'm a single player gamer.

Friday news, part two:

Baldur's Gate 3's third patch has a release date, will bring the RPG to PC gaming's black sheep—the humble Mac
Continuing its rapid pace of updates, Baldur's Gate 3 will be getting its third patch in less than a month. As revealed by Larian Studios on Twitter/X yesterday, Patch 3 will be dropping September 21.

Warhammer 40,000: Rogue Trader's release date is an appealing invitation in a post-Baldur's Gate 3 world
RPG fans out there are really getting their fill this year, and it looks like 2023 might be going out with a bang. The release date trailer for Warhammer 40,000: Rogue Trader has just dropped, and—barring any unexpected delays—we'll be getting our hands on Owlcat Games' latest RPG on December 7.

Destiny 2 is going to delete one of its main currencies because players used exploits to stockpile too much
There must be an almost erotic thrill to eliminating an entire currency at the click of a button. That's what is going to happen in Destiny 2 at the end of November when Season 23 launches. Bungie today announced that it will be completely deprecating Legendary Shards, which are a material used to pay for all sorts of items in the game. Unlike previous material deprecations, the studio also said that it will not be offering anything by way of compensation. Legendary Shards are just going to be gone.

A surprise sequel to my favorite co-op game just launched and you have a month to claim it for free
If you have a designated co-op buddy, you need to be playing the We Here Here series. I've been calling them some of the best co-op games for years and it continues to be true, especially today as the developer Total Mayhem Games has stealth launched another game in the series—for free, if you claim it by October 13.

Immortals of Aveum studio lays off nearly half its staff less than a month after releasing the game
Just a few weeks after the release of its debut game Immortals of Aveum, a fantasy FPS that replaces guns with magical spells (that feel mostly like guns), Ascendant Studios has laid off nearly half its staff.
"Today, we are heartbroken as we part ways with friends and colleagues at Ascendant Studios—about 45% of our team," Ascendant CEO Bret Robbins said on Twitter. "This was a painfully difficult, but necessary decision that was not made lightly; nevertheless, we have to make this adjustment now that Immortals of Aveum has shipped.

Decorate the inside of Starfield ships to your heart's desire with one simple console command
Between surprisingly accurate recreations of pop culture spaceships, funky corner ships that trick enemy AI, and this one that is somehow just an entire F1 car, I am endlessly impressed by what the Starfield ship builder is capable of. Even I, a kid who didn't know what to do with Legos, managed to put together a cruiser with my ideal blend of boxy utility and sleek angles. By comparison the inside of ships are very dull—other than placing objects from your inventory on tables, you're stuck with whatever stock furniture comes with the ship modules you attach.
Unless you're playing on PC, actually. There's an easy way to enable interior decoration within your ship with a single Starfield console command. Once active, you can craft and place anything in your ship that you would usually be able to place in a house or apartment in Starfield's major cities. I've already spruced up my main hab area with a few comfy chairs, a coffee maker, refrigerator, and paintings to introduce a bit of color to the sea of white and gray.

Hades 2 launches in early access in 2024, will aim to repeat what made the first game a surprise hit
Following its announcement in December 2022, we now know that Hades 2 will release on Steam and the Epic Games Store in early access in the second quarter of 2024.
When it does reach this initial stage of availability, Hades 2 will follow a similar roadmap as the first game. Supergiant plans to release regular "major updates" that address player feedback and add substantial story and character updates to the roguelike action game over time.

This JRPG with the Persona devs backing it was the coolest Nintendo Direct announcement that could actually come to PC
The Nintendo Direct 2023 announcements have been mouthwatering for Nintendo Switch owners this year—a Prince of Persia sequel, an OG Tomb Raider remaster, and a bunch of other goodies. But none have been so exciting for PC Gamers as this: the possibility of a world where we may get to partake in the joys of a new, open-world, tactical JRPG.
That's a reality the devs at Vanillaware and Atlus studios could soon bring us with the new Unicorn Overlord game, if rumours that the studio is experimenting with PC port solutions are anything to go by.
>> Don't lose your hope yet, Basil. You may still be able to play the is game on PC... one day.

Stig Asmussen, director of Star Wars Jedi: Survivor, is leaving Respawn Entertainment
Stig Asmussen, the director of Star Wars Jedi: Survivor, is leaving Respawn Entertainment "to pursue other adventures".
Originally reported by Bloomberg, Asmussen's departure was later confirmed by EA in a statement, explaining "Stig Asmussen has decided to leave Respawn to pursue other adventures, and we wish him the best of luck."

Baldur's Gate 3 lead character artist reassures amateurs it's 'in the artists' nature to doubt ourselves'
This week lead character artist at Larian studios, Alena Dubrovina, took to Artstation with a heartwarming Artblast entry. Not only does it showcase some of Baldur's Gate 3's incredible 3D work, concept art, and animation, it also stands as an attempt to inspire future generations of game artists.

All Genshin Impact codes from the version 4.1 livestream
The Genshin Impact 4.1 livestream is the first to air since the new aquatic region of Fontaine launched, and so it's a great opportunity to grab some livestream codes for wishing on new and upcoming characters. With Fontaine's release, we had the three siblings, Lyney, Lynette, and Freminet, but in 4.1, the slightly terrifying-looking Neuvillette and Wriothesley look to be the new five-star characters.

Amnesia: The Bunker's Halloween update plans to make this year's scariest game even more terrifying
I've only played an hour or so of Frictional's horror sequel Amnesia: The Bunker, partly because 2023 is stacked with huge games, but also because I find it incredibly intense. Its ingenious combination of, player-driven objectives, self-induced time pressure and a big, nasty something that stalks you dynamically through its First World War bunker setting, makes for a dreadful experience in the truest sense of the word. It's so unrelenting that I struggle to muster the courage to leave the game's central safe room.
Fortunately, Frictional's planned Hallowe'en update to the game has a solution. Of sorts. As reported by RPS, The Bunker is soon to receive a new difficulty mode called Shellshocked, introducing an array of changes designed to make the experience even more horrible. Foremost among these is how it removes the obstacles that make your safe room safe, which on the plus side means you no longer have to worry about leaving it.

Digital Eclipse is remaking the original Wizardry, and you can play it right now
Surprise! Like a dual-wielding rogue pouncing from the shadows, Digital Eclipse has simultaneously revealed and launched a remake of the original Wizardry.
To afford the game its full title, Wizardry: Proving Grounds of the Mad Overlord was one of the first computer RPGs, and the first to feature party-based play. Released in 1981,Wizardry spawned a series ran for twenty years, with the final entry thus far, Wizardry 8, releasing back in 2001.

And now, the weekend deals at GOG and Steam:



And with that, we've reached the end of the news. Until next time, I wish you a happy and gaming weekend.

Last edited by JEMC - on 15 September 2023

Please excuse my bad English.

Currently gaming on a PC with an i5-4670k@stock (for now), 16Gb RAM 1600 MHz and a GTX 1070

Steam / Live / NNID : jonxiquet    Add me if you want, but I'm a single player gamer.

Intel 14th Gen Core i9-14900K, Core i7-14700K, Core i5-14600K CPUs Listed By Canadian Retailer, Only Cost 3% Higher Than 13th Gen

Intel Core i5-14600K CPU Benchmark Leak Shows Up To 10% Performance Gain Over 13600K At 160W Peak Power

ASUS’s Record-Breaking GeForce RTX 4090 ROG MATRIX GPU Launches On 19th September

Analyzing Starfield’s Performance on Nvidia’s 4090 and AMD’s 7900 XTX

Very in-depth article but as you read through it, it really shows that Starfield was tuned for Radeon GPUs as it takes advantages over the larger register files instead of the smaller ones found in Nvidia GPUs. A 4090 over comes this by sheer amount of SMs but it is big reason why we see 7900XTX be so close to 4090. The article says both are working as intended and there isn't in "gimping" for Nvidia which is technically true. But there is a difference between being optimized to leverage certain architectural advantages that are out of the norm for games with one GPU vendor while not doing the same for the other.

Last edited by Jizz_Beard_thePirate - on 15 September 2023


PC Specs: CPU: 7800X3D || GPU: Strix 4090 || RAM: 32GB DDR5 6000 || Main SSD: WD 2TB SN850