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Forums - Gaming Discussion - X360 after 2007...

You should be more worried about the Wii after 2007. By then the gimmicky controller fad will have worn off and people will be left looking at shitty looking games and wondering what came over them. The herd mentality.. And most as smart as a member of a typical animal herd.

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@ Engeland.

Yes, you are kwaad... Now your disguise wears of...


And now im gonna report you for trollin my threat with your false statements like Wii is a fad... Gimmicky controller... Shitty lookin games...             It's just bullshit!!!


And furtheron STAY ON-TOPIC!...


StarcraftManiac said:

@ Engeland.

Yes, you are kwaad... Now your disguise wears of...


And now im gonna report you for trollin my threat with your false statements like Wii is a fad... Gimmicky controller... Shitty lookin games... It's just bullshit!!!


And furtheron STAY ON-TOPIC!...

All that is true, heh. Should make it easier for the 360 after 2007...but whatever. Not sure how off topic it was considering half of your comments to start the thread were about the Wii and how you are dreaming for FF13 on the Wii. As soon as people realize games like that are not happening on the Wii the sooner you'll just get a PS3 or 360. I guess it'll take time to convince you, though.

Anyway this thread really makes no sense because we don't know much about any system after 2007. Why does kwaad (if that's who it is) keep getting banned?  your thread was all about wishing and hoping that Microsoft and Nintendo get their lineups right so they are successful.  It was very fanboy, so not sure why it's any better.


But what has Microsoft on their sleeves im askin you...

What games can they bring out?!

What kind of Big games are there coming from other devs in the future (talkin about REAL BIG NAMES, like RESI: 5)?!

And What about the Wii... Will it fade out in 08-09 ~NOOOOO~ Or will it be the new PS2...?! ~Plz... Let it be that way...~

You even asked about the Wii.  So again I ask:  why was he banned?  Must be some other thread...*sigh*.

Lets keep this on topic before the locking takes place, eh? At any rate, X360 software sales vastly outpace Wii and PS3 as of 2007. X360 s/w sales are on par at this point & time with wii (X360 2006 vs. Wii 2007). Example: What Wii games have sold incredibly well this year? For the 360, we've had GOW sell about 500k more, Crackdown with 650k, GRAW 2 with 500k, GH2 with 500k. This doesn't include the 3-5 other games with 250k+ this year. Sales for the past 4 weeks have been neck and neck with Wii due to SPM and strong Wii play sales. However, outside of the past 4 weeks, the 360 has been ahead by around 100k to 200k per week. In December, the Wii sold 3.0m s/w units, versus the X360's 5.2m units. Therefore there is no argument, outside of people trying to justify something that just isn't there. The 360 isn't selling great in hardware, but the software tier ratios are just insane. They are nearly twice as much as the 3.0 the Wii and PS3 are currently at.

Back from the dead, I'm afraid.

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I think the point of my initial post which has been referenced is that having a game go multi platform will benefit the developer and the gamers. So I think its a good thing. It will also benefit the cheaper console. Since Wii cannot handle the next gen graphics, I see this helping the 360 the most. DMC4 is a good example. Sony was claiming it was a console seller, but now its gone multi. So it may become a system seller for 360. Now FF is another story. Something tells me that many FF fans will be happy with Nintendo's wii. This could mean 10-15% market share taken away from Sony.

I think people are grossly underestimating the 360. Once the 360 price drop hits, its hardware sales will pick up and that should boost its already insane software sales. Will it sell as well as the Wii? Not likely, Japan is too much of an anchor for the 360 when comes to worldwide sales. Since the PS3 isn't exactly lighting up the charts in Japan either, It think the 360 will continue to out pace the PS3 in world wide sales.

Darc - I agree 100% with you. The issue is that between a price drop, and easily the best holiday lineup ever (Mass Effect, Halo 3, GTA IV, Lost Odyssey, ect), sales will do very well. How well? We will see. But I do anticipate sales of 2.5m in Nov-Dec in the USA.

Back from the dead, I'm afraid.

I must say that I think the idea of xbox360 dying of after 2007 is a little bit strange looking at the late line up for 2007. Halo and GTAIV should drive sales. More than that is that microsoft soon can get some japanese RPG:s out, Blue Dragon and Lost Odessy could drive some sale in the west too. Another factor I want to point out is that I doubt that the crowd that is buying a xbox360 is the same buying a Wii, if the purschaser doesn't have both. A price drop could mean more sales without doubt, but if I shall be honest I have more fait in the games coming out than a pricedrop. 3rd party support for Microsoft should continue to be strong during 2008 and most likely also for 2009. With the good software sales that Microsoft shows and the possibility for the xbox360 to sell 10 millions in USA before PS3 hits 5 million in USA should be enough to get support.



Buy it and pray to the gods of Sigs: Naznatips!

mrstickball said:
Darc - I agree 100% with you. The issue is that between a price drop, and easily the best holiday lineup ever (Mass Effect, Halo 3, GTA IV, Lost Odyssey, ect), sales will do very well. How well? We will see. But I do anticipate sales of 2.5m in Nov-Dec in the USA.

I agree that the XBox 360 will sell very well over the holiday period and be a very strong presence on North America for quite awhile. What I don't agree with is that the "XBox 360 has the best holiday lineup ever" because the majority of games comming out for the XBox 360 (Halo and GTA4 obviously excluded) are untested properties. I can't help but be reminded of how every XBox game that could produce a pretty screenshot was instantly considered a "Killer App" back in the day and yet most of the games turned out pretty average or bad; I just get the feeling that many of these "great" XBox 360 games are going to suffer the same fate.