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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Why do people think the PS3 sucks

PS3 is very nice. Sony PR is the opposite.
And they should take care of that multiple SKU's issue...

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twesterm said:
JBoogie said:
Nintendo_Dude said:
It's too expensive.

Its worth its value. And its only like $50 more than the default 360 and you get more for your money

 I don't care either way what people think of whatever console, but when you say you can defend anything people throw at the PS3 you should probably come back with more than it's worth its value.

You might as well just reply to everyone with nuhuh, I think the PS3 is cool and that's my proof so there! 

The fact that the low end PS3 is more expensive than the high-end 360.


So why did they call it the 360?because when you see it, you'll turn 360 degrees and walk away- some guy on Gamespot
Rath said:
It doesn't suck but its hardly problem free, to be honest a large amount of the problem actually came from Sonys bumbling PR. Telling consumers they will buy the console even if it doesn't have games, telling them rumble is 'last gen' then adding it and saying that BC is an important part of their strategy then dropping it like a rock are just some of the major screw ups their PR team has made in the last year or so.

However if you want me to list some problems with the console;
Unnecessary use of HD media adding to the launch price
Said launch price being far too high
Actual physical size being extremely large
Apparently extremely hard to develop for leading to huge dev budgets
Far too many changes causing large amounts of confusion (20GB, 40GB, 60GB, 80GB)
None of them make the console suck by any means though.

lol I quoted that onto my Microsoft OneNote app so I can post it again for reference, and I have you as the quoter. I also saved the link to this thread as reference as to end all PS3 fanboy hate threads.

To answer the OP, I don't think it sucks. I just hate how Sony marketed the system and how they try to lower the price by lying and backstabbing customers on the commercial, BY NOT SAYING WHY THE SYSTEM COSTS $399. They NEED to mention WHY the 40GB model is being sold at that price and what features, or lack there of.

because you can't eat it


NOW A PUNISHER CAB!!!!!!!!!!!!!

zackblue said:
Trust me in the United states, every gamer that does not own a ps3 thinks its a worthless waste of money.

Ive heard several lies, like some guy I talked to the other day, he said that people returned the ps3 since it "brokedown" and bought a 360 and scram out the ps3 sucks.

This I think is fanboy talk, I know its not near the truth.

 Not so, I know a lot of people in my town that like the PS3, just not enough to get one, or because of a lack of money. Heck, I even know a lot of people who have one. Of course, there are also just as many people who hate it because they are rabid Halo fans. Halo is THE reason they got their 360s too...

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Naraku_Diabolos said:
Rath said:
It doesn't suck but its hardly problem free, to be honest a large amount of the problem actually came from Sonys bumbling PR. Telling consumers they will buy the console even if it doesn't have games, telling them rumble is 'last gen' then adding it and saying that BC is an important part of their strategy then dropping it like a rock are just some of the major screw ups their PR team has made in the last year or so.

However if you want me to list some problems with the console;
Unnecessary use of HD media adding to the launch price
Said launch price being far too high
Actual physical size being extremely large
Apparently extremely hard to develop for leading to huge dev budgets
Far too many changes causing large amounts of confusion (20GB, 40GB, 60GB, 80GB)
None of them make the console suck by any means though.

lol I quoted that onto my Microsoft OneNote app so I can post it again for reference, and I have you as the quoter. I also saved the link to this thread as reference as to end all PS3 fanboy hate threads.

To answer the OP, I don't think it sucks. I just hate how Sony marketed the system and how they try to lower the price by lying and backstabbing customers on the commercial, BY NOT SAYING WHY THE SYSTEM COSTS $399. They NEED to mention WHY the 40GB model is being sold at that price and what features, or lack there of.

 its on the box....

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It doesn't suck for me. It just doesn't have any games I would want purchase one for at the moment.

I have never heard of any reasonable person here or anywhere saying the PS3 sucks're just getting defensive for nothing.

There is a negative stereotype towards Sony. A lot of people also think Blu-Ray is not needed even though it is to push the technology. Basically it comes to short sightedness. People never look to the future but only the present. Also, before it was released I heard a lot of people tell me it was going to blow up or have a horrible failure rate. It seems that a lot of the negative press has hurt Sony this time around. The PS3 is clearly the best system of this generation.

I have never said the PS3 sucks - though I haven't been a fan of it. I saw what I liked on the 360 and bought a system. I got a Wii to flip, but kept it after playing WiiSports. Now, I bought a PS3 because of the full BC on the 20gb. After playing it for almost a week, I have to admit I think it's cool, but I have some issues about it.

The biggest thing is - the lack of upscaling. You have tons of DVDs and they pretty much look the same. With HDMI, yeah, it upscales, but not over component. That's a big no-no.

As far as the graphics, they are pretty much the same as the 360s. Maybe it will excel one day soon. However, having BR in the PS3 is cool - if you want BR. If you don't and wanna game, it's ok. In the end, though, even though I like the PS3, it's not worth $400 to me. I would have been mad if I had bought that 60gb PS3 for $499. I am glad I paid $300 for it. It was worth that - but I wouldn't pay any more than $300 for it.