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I have never said the PS3 sucks - though I haven't been a fan of it. I saw what I liked on the 360 and bought a system. I got a Wii to flip, but kept it after playing WiiSports. Now, I bought a PS3 because of the full BC on the 20gb. After playing it for almost a week, I have to admit I think it's cool, but I have some issues about it.

The biggest thing is - the lack of upscaling. You have tons of DVDs and they pretty much look the same. With HDMI, yeah, it upscales, but not over component. That's a big no-no.

As far as the graphics, they are pretty much the same as the 360s. Maybe it will excel one day soon. However, having BR in the PS3 is cool - if you want BR. If you don't and wanna game, it's ok. In the end, though, even though I like the PS3, it's not worth $400 to me. I would have been mad if I had bought that 60gb PS3 for $499. I am glad I paid $300 for it. It was worth that - but I wouldn't pay any more than $300 for it.