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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Who should get fired over this mess?

No one. Stop head hunting like you have a stake in the matter. This goes for everyone.

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Don Mattrick

As they like to copy SONY now, they should all get on stage in front of the watching world and bow profusely, apologising for their incompetence and then get terminated. Lol

In my opinion firing people just to make point ist always a bad idea. Decisions like those recently made by Microsoft are not made by single persons. Firing them is not fair and it wouldn't pose a good image of the company. I remember when people criticised Microsoft, when they supposedly fired that guy because he twittered something that made bad press. If they fire somebody now, it would be yet another reason to bash Microsoft. - My Browsergame, but sadly only in german :(

You can play as an octopus, though!

I think Phil Harrison. He should go to Nintendo this time. And balance to the galaxy will be restored.

So it is happening...PS4 preorder.

Greatness Awaits!

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Don. He has come across as a prick.And Phil Harrison. He was a bumbling idiot with the PS3. Not sure why MS even put him in a position to see the public with the xbone.

He was pretty much the first one to confuse the general public and mess up everything. The Don Mattrick came in and decided to shit on everything.

Get a 360 to have you seen TitanFall. He is the worst PR I have seen for a long, long time. He even out did Crazy Ken near the end. Not an easy task.

No one.

It was a purposed idea that would have been very profitable for MS. They took a risk and then realized that it was definitely going to fail. Now they've made a good choice and changed ways.

It won't hurt them in the long run.

Can it be Don, please?

Doritos pope ...

nah, noone should and I doubt it was one person behind it (heck I imagine Balmer championed it) if anything perhaps the person/s who convinced the team to drop it are in trouble?


These policy didn't come from the Xbox division... no one should get fire! not even #dealwithit