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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Anti-"Gamers" who hate other systems/games should not be called gamers

@OP: I both agree and disagree.
A true gamer at heart will be able to enjoy a good game regardless of platform, but a true gamer will also have a platform which is much preferred over others in most cases.
However, this does not imply that people should bash another console or platform if they don't generally agree with its design, games, audience or whatever.
I call myself a gamer because I spend a lot of time gaming and I've been into it for over 2 decades, and my preferred platform has shifted many times.
I started off on the NES, which I loved to death (still have it), and then I got the Sega Master System (was a real Sonic fan when I was a kid) while I had my Amiga 1200 (the beastly one...) and I loved both equally.
Then I bought myself a Playstation in 1996 and fell in love with that, experiencing 3D graphics for the first time and brand spanking new gameplay never before seen. Then I bought a PS2 in 2002 and absolutely loved that as well, maybe even more than the first one.
Now, I'm loosing faith in consoles as a whole, and over the course of 2-4 years I've become more and more a PC gamer at heart.
So I guess its fair to say that PC is my platform of choice. That does not mean I can't enjoy games on other platforms though!
I've played games on 360, PS3 and Wii and liked several of them, allthough none of them enough to warrant a purchase.
I do experience that on internet forums, cross platform gaming is not accepted. Not because people are opposed to the idea per say, but no one thinks you're earnest about it!
Almost everyone assumes you're some console or others rabid fanboy, even at the slightest positive remark in any direction and they create great big chasms of contrast between the platform.
Guess what? All platforms have a common denominator; they're built for gaming.

Will this bashing cease? No way.
We'll just have to live with it, true gamers or not, and all one can do is try to remain at least civil in one's berating of preference.

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NFGBlinkAC said:

This is seriously getting so annoying to read all the hate towards something, especially with these so called "gamers" saying stupid stuff like this. What ever happened to liking a game/system because you were a gamer? Now its:

Xbox Fanboy: Zomg the PS3 SUX!!!!

Wii Fanboy: Our system is the best cuz it's innovative!!!

PS3 Fanboy: **** Halo and the 360!


Wtf happened to everybody? It's impossible to have a actual good conversation with a gamer without the fanboy coming out saying stupid ****.

Civil, intelligent conversations don't go very far on a message board.  If there isn't something spurring someone to action, they take no action.  Sad, but true.

Numbers are like people. Torture them enough and you can get them to say anything you want.

VGChartz Resident Thread Killer

Wow, Weezy I like your funny posts but when you try debating you really do fail at it. You just keep on saying "ROFL YOUR GAMES ARE SHIT" over and over and over.


What Kasz point is is that somebody like me who doesn't like FPS should be able to appreciate a very good FPS as a good game even if they don't like it personally. If you can't appreciate extremely good games for what they are then your aren't really a gamer.

If somebody doesn't like platformers I still expect them to recognise that SM64 is an extremely good and revolutionary game.

I think they just feel insecure on their purchase and think that their console is inferior. Then they try to find the flaws in other consoles to feel better and more secure. Its screwed up like that. Its like the pc vs mac situation.

The consoles i own are way better than all the other systems. ;)
j/k and if you don't believe me, click on my games-collection XD

Tempus fugit Nintendo manet.


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I hope I didn't start a flame war admins >.> lol, also just woke up.

Oh how I miss the old gaming days where poser "hardcore" gamers didn't try to label themselves and fail at it miserably.

weezy said:

Wow.. I respect ppl like me who have a select amount of games(across all platforms) they like.

rather than abunch of shitfest games some dude has and they think they are hardcore.



you just got the pwning of you life and if you ever got pwned worse i feel bad for you .

 There's been something I have been meaning to get off my chest...........  I own Chickenshoot. As long as someone has good-excellent games as well, I am personally willing to take a pass on the ones that are less than stellar. Besides, if you have not played Chicken Shoot than all you can do is parrot another response about how bad the game is. I can personally tell you it is more boring than watching the blue screen my tv has when nothing is playing. I will admit to being a bit of a game slut, I will play just about anything. but then again, I am willing to give a game a chance and base my own opinion AFTER playing it. I am renting Heavenly Sword right now and I don't care for it. I had already played the demo and was not impressed but I wanted to give it a  real try so I put it on my Gamefly list.  Having few games is just as likely to make you an elitist as a gamer. Oh, and I haven't put up my Nes/Famicom games. I also own Bible Adventures and Superman 64. Hybrid Heaven is another over looked anti-classic. That is a b-movie in videogame form- priceless. 


"But as always, technology refused to be dignity's bitch."--Vance DeGeneres

Feel no shame valen, I own Redneck Rampage...

PS: Like your avatar! Jan-I-Tor rocks! What a dude... Ted is also a nugget; "No, no Ted! You're giving him sad eyes!"

"Its all I got!!"

valen200 said:
weezy said:

Wow.. I respect ppl like me who have a select amount of games(across all platforms) they like.

rather than abunch of shitfest games some dude has and they think they are hardcore.



you just got the pwning of you life and if you ever got pwned worse i feel bad for you .

There's been something I have been meaning to get off my chest........... I own Chickenshoot. As long as someone has good-excellent games as well, I am personally willing to take a pass on the ones that are less than stellar. Besides, if you have not played Chicken Shoot than all you can do is parrot another response about how bad the game is. I can personally tell you it is more boring than watching the blue screen my tv has when nothing is playing. I will admit to being a bit of a game slut, I will play just about anything. but then again, I am willing to give a game a chance and base my own opinion AFTER playing it. I am renting Heavenly Sword right now and I don't care for it. I had already played the demo and was not impressed but I wanted to give it a real try so I put it on my Gamefly list. Having few games is just as likely to make you an elitist as a gamer. Oh, and I haven't put up my Nes/Famicom games. I also own Bible Adventures and Superman 64. Hybrid Heaven is another over looked anti-classic. That is a b-movie in videogame form- priceless.


Not to mention Hybrid Heaven had a really interesting battle system. The "Learn moves as they're performed on you" aspect made battles interesting. Too bad the control interface was so clunky and the way it was set up made it so you only used a few stand by moves rather then being varied and changing up your combos. It's a shame i bet someone could execute a game like that really well.

Kasz216 said:

Not to mention Hybrid Heaven had a really interesting battle system. The "Learn moves as they're performed on you" aspect made battles interesting. Too bad the control interface was so clunky and the way it was set up made it so you only used a few stand by moves rather then being varied and changing up your combos. It's a shame i bet someone could execute a game like that really well.

 I always felt Hybrid Heaven was "this" close to being a revolutionary game, but it just made some fatal misteps.I would honestly be interested in seeing the concept being revisted. 


"But as always, technology refused to be dignity's bitch."--Vance DeGeneres