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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Microsoft Quieted The Critics at E3.

ethomaz said:

Zizzla_Rachet said:

Ok...So you have to check in so that the cloud updates your console..How different will this be when PS4 adds Gaikai..something that is not a luanch feature for the PS4..but in 2014(if it's not delayed) How will it work?..

Nothing will change with Gaikai... you will only need internet when you will use some feature that needs internet (PSN Store, Multiplayer, Video/Message Chat, Gakai, etc).

If you want to play a game offline for ever... you can too... no checkin... no internet connection required.

Wrong...If Gaikai is to offer cloud processing for a PS4 your not going to able to play offline....

So the only games that you will be able to play offline are games that don't have gaikai cloud power...


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Zizzla_Rachet said:

ahhhh I meant Console not being Multiplatform...Once The deal with Microsoft has to be renewed EA will probly release it on PS4..But Microsoft might moneyhat that...but for now it'sstill console exclusive to One/360

lol yeah it is console exclusive but seems more like timed console exclusive

I need to see more about it... for now it seems generic and for generic I already like CoD.

Zizzla_Rachet said:

Wrong...If Gaikai is to offer cloud processing for a PS4 your not going to able to play offline....

So the only games that you will be able to play offline are games that don't have gaikai cloud power...

Over 90% of the library... this cloud processing is PR talk... and in PS4 only if the devs wants to use... it is always better to make the things in the consoles due the latency and speed.

Zizzla_Rachet said:
oniyide said:

Why does cloud need to update my console? Havent PS3, 360, PC, vita, freaking WIi update without it? As for Gaikai, dont know, personally i dont really care about the cloud. MS or otherwise. 

Video games have required a disc to play for years. WITHOUT DRM at all in terms of CONSOLE gaming. Hell with PC you still have more choices than you do xboxone, at least my PC non DRM disc doesnt become a paper weight after ive used it.

Does having dedicated servers make that much of a difference? In terms of PC people could modify and almost make up their own rules for a lot of games online, so that in combination to not having to pay for it, I dont see the benefit of LIVE or any of the console online services over what has been going on for PC over the years. Angry Joe was right in what he said. period.

Personally im not a big PC gamer becasue of stuff like DRM, yes the games are cheaper and look better than their console counterparts but i like actually owing my games and the ease of use, thats the tradeoff for me, which i have been comfy with. Xbone seems to take more elements from PC than any of the other systems, which defeats the point of CONSOLE gaming, for some people you might as well use the PC, since you at least avoid the over the top DRM and have the PC benefits

PS3,360 don't have cloud Ps3 uses firmware and Xbox 360 is something like windows update..and PC updates depend on your individual game or OS...Steam Is all Digital DRM...

Well..XBOX One will not require disc to play after you have install your disc...and you keep your disc in the event that you want to sell the game to a supported retailer..

Yes Dedicated servers makes that much more of a difference..I wonder what angry joe has to say about PS4 having Paywall for multplayer gaming...

LOL...Sony annouces that their retail disc only based games wont have DRM...So I guess that is good..But Xbox Games won't require retail disc after you install...and have DRM to ensure a taangible profit....Which one is better?...Xbox One...why?..Becuase you can sell your install disc as a used game..

Actually PS3 does have cloud, but you need to be a plus member and I believe it is only used to store files. My point was an update is an update, you can update a system WITHOUT cloud. What are the benefits are their to using cloud versus what they have been doing for years?

Which is worst than what we have been doing for years at least IMO. I could either a just get the game digitally and just speak the whole disc process or just put in the disc and sell that disc to WHOEVER i wanted to

Angry Joe has never been a Sony fan. But thats besides the point, PC has dedicated servers and consoles dont so again, what is the benefit to console online services versus PC ones? Note that i dont single out MS here.

??that makes no sense at all. the disc wont work on another system, which is what some of the hoopla is anyone, you have to be naive to think you can run that game on places like GS and BB. Unless you can find some ignorant fool who doesnt know any better but if you can, more power to you. No Sony way is better, why? becasue you can sell to whoever you want and buy from whoever you want and it will work. and I imagine that used copies of xbone games will be more expensive, since they are less valuable.


Quote tree edited - Kresnik

They failed to address the 1000-pound elephant in the room. I'd say they played it safe by showing games games games and nothing else. It's funny actually that they are bundling Kinect with each console but failed to show people why they would need it at E3. Do they not have confidence in their product? What about the TV/Entertainment features? Not even mentioned. THEIR BIGGEST ADVANTAGE OVER PS4 WENT UNMENTIONED. Do you know how big of a mistake that was?

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ethomaz said:

Zizzla_Rachet said:

Wrong...If Gaikai is to offer cloud processing for a PS4 your not going to able to play offline....

So the only games that you will be able to play offline are games that don't have gaikai cloud power...

Over 90% of the library... this cloud processing is PR talk... and in PS4 only if the devs wants to use... it is always better to make the things in the consoles due the latency and speed.

Sorry bro...But labeling PR talk is ignoring the fact that Ps4 won't seem all that fexible when it comes to Cloud Processing...And what happpens when devs build games that require cloud at all times...Sony avoids talking about Gaikai whenever possible.....some devs like the ones behind Titan fall already claim that their games are not possible with the cloud...


NobleTeam360 said:
In terms of showing off games MS blew Sony out the water. But the fact that Sony announced consumer friendly policies they pretty much automatically won E3. I mean all Sony showed was a bunch of multi-platform games.

I take it you really didnt watch sony's E-3 all that close this is a list of sony's titles via e3


  • Knack (Sony)
  • DC Universe Online (Sony Online Entertainment)
  • Planetside 2 (Sony Online Entertainment)
  • Hohokum (Sony Santa Monica)
  • The Order: 1866 (Ready At Dawn)
  • Killzone: Shadow Fall (Guerrilla Games)
  • Infamous: Second Son (Sucker Punch)
  • Drive Club (Evolution Studios)
  • Unnamed Move Game (Media Molecule)

Third party


  • The Witness (Jonathan Blow)
  • Secret Ponchos (Switchblade Monkeys)
  • Outlast (Red Barrels)
  • Ray's The Dead (Ragtag Studio)
  • Tiny Brains (Spearhead)
  • Basement Crawl (Blooper)
  • Transistor (Supergiant Games)
  • Don't Starve (Klei Entertainment)
  • Octodad: Dadliest Catch (Young Horses)
  • Galak-Z (17-Bit)
  • Mercenary Kings (Tribute Games)

Maybe some of these games are not your cup of tea, but its not fair to make it seem like the xbox one annonced a 100 titles and sony announced none.

VGKing said:
They failed to address the 1000-pound elephant in the room. I'd say they played it safe by showing games games games and nothing else. It's funny actually that they are bundling Kinect with each console but failed to show people why they would need it at E3. Do they not have confidence in their product? What about the TV/Entertainment features? Not even mentioned. THEIR BIGGEST ADVANTAGE OVER PS4 WENT UNMENTIONED. Do you know how big of a mistake that was?

Millions of people saw the reveal where they spent almost an hour explaining the features of the Xbox One and Kinect.

People were complaining about the lack of games at the reveal and Microsoft promised that E3 will be all about games and no talk of TV, which

they did.

Now Microsoft did not say anything about Kinect or the features and people are still not satisified. Sigh!

VGKing said:
They failed to address the 1000-pound elephant in the room. I'd say they played it safe by showing games games games and nothing else. It's funny actually that they are bundling Kinect with each console but failed to show people why they would need it at E3. Do they not have confidence in their product? What about the TV/Entertainment features? Not even mentioned. THEIR BIGGEST ADVANTAGE OVER PS4 WENT UNMENTIONED. Do you know how big of a mistake that was?

You are killing me... Microsoft shows games and exclusives (more than Sony) and do not show Kinect that much... And they are failing...
When they show a lot of Kinect, they are failing...
When they show what the Xbox One can do other than games... they are failing...

So far basicaly everything Microsoft is doing it a failure if we read all your replies.
Not sure how credible you can be anymore on any Microsoft topics... But keep going, it is enjoyable at least :)

Yes, they silenced this dude:

And these three:

And this man:

And this gentleman:

And these people:

And Jim Sterling:

Well, you get the picture, even in Brazil the MS is being criticized in major news outlets. It is as silent as a Megadeth concert...

My grammar errors are justified by the fact that I am a brazilian living in Brazil. I am also very stupid.