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Forums - Gaming Discussion - square enix ff 15 and kingdom hearths 3 will be multiplatform , ps4 and xbone

sales2099 said:
V-r0cK said:
sales2099 said:

Ya......which is very interesting. All those years of bragging......and now your all holding your breath and holding your keyboard trigger fingers steady.

How do you guys play this off. Because this is a major developement. You just lost a 7 year exclusive.

Kingdom hearts too, as it was also heavily expected to be PS4 exclusive

I thought it was evident that Sony fans are just strong in general.  Like how Sony was on top with PS1 and PS2, then did bad for awhile for PS3 yet look at the Sony fans, still strong.  You think this will break down Sony fans?

I figure it would be disconcerting at least, given the length of time.

I guess after FF13 E3, the fans have learned to deal. But even so, fans still clung to Versus as a PS exclusive, right up to the bitter end (this morning).

I'll be honest I am a little upset.  I mean its great more people get to play it and all, but I guess im just upset at Square and disappointed that Square themselves have been labelling this as an exclusive for years only to lie.  I personally got the PS3 for FF Versus 13.  

The other upsetting thing is that Square hasn't been supporting Sony at all this gen with no exclusives so at least they could've kept Versus 13/15 for Sony.  I think the FF13 games are the only real Square games that came to PS3, which is a multiplat (Tomb Raider, Hitman, Deus Ex doesn't really count).  After all the sucess Square's got from Sony's PS1 and PS2 this is how Square treats them (like 8/10 of square's top selling games came from playstation).

But I know at the end of the day its just business (bad business?) and everybody will just have to live with it and move on.

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sales2099 said:
leo-j said:

Well, I guess this means people will pay 100 dollars more for the same games on xbox one, and worse graphics, noticebly

oh cmon.this certainly ain't a PS2/Xbox graphics gap were talking here.

Well, that can be much worse. Imagine they use the ESRAM like the DDR5 and the console explodes O_O

Or even worse, a troll message after 23 hours offline saying "You really should have gone with the PS4 version"

Don't take it personally xbox gamers, I'm just joking.

YES!! I can't wait to have to verify my brand new, unsellable copy of Final Fantasy XV every day to keep playing!!

CPU: Ryzen 9950X
Motherboard: MSI MEG X670E GODLIKE
SSD: Kingston FURY Renegade 4TB
Gaming Console: PLAYSTATION 5

expected when Sony never mention they are PS4 exclusive during their press conference...

I cant believe this shit !
Sony Fans were waiting years for versus13 and kh3 and now this shit.
A whole generation wasted - no versus - no -kh3 instead they give us ff13 and 13-2.
All the time they said pls be patient, pls wait a little longer everone believed that we were waiting because the game is going to be this good.
Now they decided to fuck all ps3 users and make the games multi.
Fuck you Se and fuch you nomura.
The annoucment of this 2 games made the whole e3 now it´s was just medicore.
Im out

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Soriku said:

Pretty surprised at KH3 being multiplat actually...Xbox One owners who haven't played a KH game before are going to be so lost.

Nomura hasn't claimed he hates Xbox at all. That's something fanboys made up.

He looked depressed and drunk during that pre-recorded message, I disagree.

How cool would it be if there was a video of Nomura eating an hamburger on the floor.


edit: drunk obviously

I don't understand what the problem is. I understand that the main KH series was on PS2 and Sony had Final Fantasy games, but think about it SE needs the money. I was gonna buy a PS4 because of this and a Xbox One for the exclusives. Its funny I look around the internet and people are very upset at SE for making them multiplatform. So what? Final Fantasy started with Nintendo and KH games have been seen on Nintendo consoles. I guess the fact that its on the Xbox One makes it a problem.

I wanna say its because FF blew on on a Sony console, but I will never know... hell I like all the consoles! It would be nice if Nintendo can get KH3 since Dream Drop was on the 3DS.

3nix said:
I don't understand what the problem is. I understand that the main KH series was on PS2 and Sony had Final Fantasy games, but think about it SE needs the money. I was gonna buy a PS4 because of this and a Xbox One for the exclusives. Its funny I look around the internet and people are very upset at SE for making them multiplatform. So what? Final Fantasy started with Nintendo and KH games have been seen on Nintendo consoles. I guess the fact that its on the Xbox One makes it a problem.

It doesn't make it a problem per se. But asking people to be patient for an exclusive just to make the game multi plat is kinda screwing over the fans.

Also, it moved to Playstation from Nintendo due to size limitations. I don't know if they'll gain much by making these new games multi plat when not much XBox fans care about them.