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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Official Super Smash Bros. Brawl Thread

I tried renaming a song. When I did, it no longer worked. I changed it back to its original name and it worked again. odd.

Around the Network

Oh God, the songs! They're like honey and rainbows being poured into my ears. And I haven't even gotten through the Mario songs yet! Truly epic.

^ i agree the music is one of the best things of the game

i really like this one

Yep! all of the songs are amazing and beautiful!

pichu_pichu said:
^ i agree the music is one of the best things of the game

i really like this one
the song make me memories from my pokemon stadium, the music in this game is fantastic, like Mario Galaxy


Around the Network

LOL, our friends over at (fans and remixers of classic VG music) are going beyond freak'n estatic with all these songs.

One of the posters uploaded his favorite 50 or so so if you don't want to wait for the bit torrent then take a peek at them. The list is 192kbps MP3.

My favorite so far? Imagine fighting to this Tetris Remix (this song starts out awesome, becomes epic)

For those that have played Donkey Kong Country, I recommend listening to the King K.Rool Ship theme, likewise StarFox 64 fans will love the "Starwolf" song

I can't believe no Galaxy music made it in. Good Egg, Gusty Garden, Purple Coins, Athletic (1-2 of SMB3), and Battle Rock themes kick ass!

^yeah, same - maybe they ran out of space and thought the classic music deserved to be in it more

I like Bacon said:
I can't believe no Galaxy music made it in. Good Egg, Gusty Garden, Purple Coins, Athletic (1-2 of SMB3), and Battle Rock themes kick ass!
yeah they should have put in galaxy music that would be awesome!! but sadly they didn't.


double post sorry!!