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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Official Super Smash Bros. Brawl Thread

@ riot i was doing random and got snake i am not that good with him. Most of the time i was trying to F smash or Down smash but he the type that you should be killing with this tilts. As for sheak i am not that good with her it seems or at lest i have troble killing ppl with her, but this is ture for every one i play i am good at putting dmg on ppl but bad at killing them. I realy should play fox his up smash kills mix with his speeds makes him soo good. As for sheak it seems her up smash is good just a bit hard to land for some resion. My be i just need more prates.

Smash ID: Jski - 0559-6620-9873

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Fox is an intresting character. I was watching some melee vids of Fox and he looks like a lot of fun. I might give him a try, so I can attemp those cool combos.

I am Washu-bot B, loyal servant of Final-Fan, the greatest scientific genius in the universe!

The only problem i have with fox is his refort attk i do not think i could use it effectively. I have gotten too use to falco refort attk hehe.

Smash ID: Jski - 0559-6620-9873

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@ JSki. Sheik's Up smash, Forward smash, and up B can be used for KOing.

Sheik has a fairly long hyphen smash (cancelling out of your dash with an Up smash, making you slide a bit during the attack). Giving her Up Smash more range. It fairly fast and the upper hitbox has huge vertical knockback. Her Foward smash can potentially KO at around 130 damage without DI (the second kick KOs, the first kick sets up for the second one but it can be DI'd out of, so be careful). Her Up B's 'disappearing animation has great knockback making it a decent KO move. However it is extremely noticable so be weary of using it (note: You can Up B out of a shield. You just gotta come up with ways to safely hit with it).

@ Everybody; I sure am envious of those japanese brawlers. Their games look soooo FUN.

Sheik's fair can also gimp.

I am Washu-bot B, loyal servant of Final-Fan, the greatest scientific genius in the universe!

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Dam shea your better at lucario then i am. I am going to sit in a corner and cry! Hehe what you think?

Smash ID: Jski - 0559-6620-9873

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Jski said:
Dam shea your better at lucario then i am. I am going to sit in a corner and cry! Hehe what you think?

I don't know.  That was my first time using him.  I never got to duel your Lucario so I don't know.  Although, I kind of like him.  I might start using him regularly.


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shizzlee said:
Jski said:
Dam shea your better at lucario then i am. I am going to sit in a corner and cry! Hehe what you think?

I don't know. That was my first time using him. I never got to duel your Lucario so I don't know. Although, I kind of like him. I might start using him regularly.


He is realy nice but i think he ever better vs ppl who do combos because you can timer there attks and use his counter to start a combo of your own. The realty good ppl with lucario can pull off some nice combos such as jab jab side specle into another side specle into jump fair fair down air kill! well i think may be making up part of that but you can get early kills like that with him just he has no true spike. You can do a lot of things after jab jab such as tilting up down forward. I cant do any of his good combos at best i can spam with him sadly. I did not know you wanted to duel my Lucario i will get back on if you want me to.

That a good video i nosed that the marth never used blad dancing and peach never hip attked. They also where dashing full time is there a setting to let you do that or do you think they where just that good?

Smash ID: Jski - 0559-6620-9873

Add me if you wish but PM me if you do.

just the thought of Shea using cheap ass Lucario gives me nightmares. She's already too good as it is. But with Lucario, she would be impossible to beat. Lucario is completely broken.

I am Washu-bot B, loyal servant of Final-Fan, the greatest scientific genius in the universe!