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@ JSki. Sheik's Up smash, Forward smash, and up B can be used for KOing.

Sheik has a fairly long hyphen smash (cancelling out of your dash with an Up smash, making you slide a bit during the attack). Giving her Up Smash more range. It fairly fast and the upper hitbox has huge vertical knockback. Her Foward smash can potentially KO at around 130 damage without DI (the second kick KOs, the first kick sets up for the second one but it can be DI'd out of, so be careful). Her Up B's 'disappearing animation has great knockback making it a decent KO move. However it is extremely noticable so be weary of using it (note: You can Up B out of a shield. You just gotta come up with ways to safely hit with it).

@ Everybody; I sure am envious of those japanese brawlers. Their games look soooo FUN.