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Forums - Gaming Discussion - I Believe DriveClub Will Outsell Forza 5. And You?

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Forza 2 also sold well over a million copies by itself before it was bundled.  Also when it was bundled there where 360 consoles available that didn't have it bundled since the arcade version of the 360 never came with Forza 2 bundled in it. 

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I dont think it will outsell forza. I dont think the game will be that good either, i just dont think Evolution studios got enough talent to pull it off

Xeilyn said:
I dont think it will outsell forza. I dont think the game will be that good either, i just dont think Evolution studios got enough talent to pull it off

Yea ok Enough Talent? They have developers from former studio liverpool and the Lead Designer of PGR. They definitely have the talent and from reading what they are trying to accomplish with this game, the Vision too. Regarding sales, Forza is a BIG launch title for MS cause it seems to me that they got nothing else but Drive Club will definitely outsell it in europe where ps4 will own and it's probably all up to the US to see who really wins.

I honestly have to laugh at all the people agreeing with this opinion. A brand new unproven racer outselling Forza 5 LOL

Not many racing fans on Xbox I presume, just looking at Forza sales. So yeah, Drive Club wins the race.

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No, but because Forza 5 will be multiplataform, meaning XBOX360 and Xbone
However, Driveclub WILL sell around 2 million copies in my prediction, which is great for a new console.

My grammar errors are justified by the fact that I am a brazilian living in Brazil. I am also very stupid.

WagnerPaiva said:
No, but because Forza 5 will be multiplataform, meaning XBOX360 and Xbone
However, Driveclub WILL sell around 2 million copies in my prediction, which is great for a new console.

Forza 5 will not be multiplatform there will not be a 360 version.

Kresnik said:
walsufnir said:
sniper989 said:
no way Forza is a well known franchise

Please give reasonability at least a small chance. Of course it is - it is well known by gamers. It's bundled a lot, it already had 4 iterations, in Germany the free-play-stations always have Forza installed, it has quite good sales... This is like saying Killzone is not a well-known franchise (while I think it's not so well-known like Forza).

I think you read that wrong:

"No way, Forza is a well known franchise"

is how I read it.  Since he was answering the question in the title.

Phew! Glad I wasn't the only one!


Here lies the dearly departed Nintendomination Thread.


Wait so you mean to tell me a new IP such as DriveClub will outsell a game from a well-established franchise? Not only that but the Forza franchise is the highest rated racing game of the 7th generation, talk about a definitive racer.

No chance of outselling Forza. None.
Might outsell the Motorstorm games though.