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Forums - General Discussion - Do you feel bad when you pass by an Ugly person or someone else who is not perfect, without smiling?

For me it would depend on the woman's expression but I don't think me smiling at anyone would do anything. But if my experience in this world has thought me anything it's that nobody is perfect especially good looking people

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or someone else who is not perfect?
news flash, no one's perfect.
everyone has an ugly side.

 Been away for a bit, but sneaking back in.

Gaming on: PS4, PC, 3DS. Got a Switch! Mainly to play Smash

I don't think that other people's moods depend on whether or not I smile at them.

i usually smile at people :P
yes im ugly :p

sometimes a smile is enough to make your day a pinch better...


idk, i try to be nice to everyone, ugly or not. but id admit a pretty woman would keep my interest longer, i might ask about her day or a convo starter like that to see where it went. >:D


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I smile at everyone in situations like that. I don't think you would have hurt her feelings in any way though, especially considering people don't smile at others that often.

-Newcloud- said:
For me it would depend on the woman's expression but I don't think me smiling at anyone would do anything. But if my experience in this world has thought me anything it's that nobody is perfect especially good looking people

You would be surprised how far a smile can go! :)

I don't live in a city, so no big "Shopping malls" full of bustling people and hence, I always have time to stop and have a chat and help people out if I see them in need, probably helps that my day-job is to look after the elderly, sick and ill.

However, regardless of what someone may look like, just remember we all bleed the same colour of blood and everyone will eventually get old, wrinkly, senile and hence "ugly" thus you may need someone like me to help change your underwear and help you shower, feed you and help you live a semi-normal life eventually. - Then some snobby person will walk past and ignore you and the cycle shall continue.

--::{PC Gaming Master Race}::--

I usually try to be nice to everyone. As long as you don't mess with me I won't mess with you! But to be honest I would of probably done the same thing just walk away or act like I didn't notice.

well.. i see myself as a friendly bubbly person and i usually smile when i walk by people, and no i'm not an ugly person :p .. but sometimes i have those bad days where i never feel the need to smile at all. not to mention that some people stare at you which i find rude quite honestly.

You shouldn't feel bad. It sounds like you're becoming more self aware - basically getting older. Everyone treats attractive people better in all aspects of life, even if they are only slight advantages. Over time they can add up. The Freakonomics podcast just did a piece discussing attractiveness is the key attribute to get tips. It's way more important than actually doing a good job.

Also what is considered attractive is based on everyone's own perspectives and genetics.

FYI smiling at people is a sign of intelligence. I wish I still had the article to reference that though.