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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - What types of curveballs does Nintendo need to throw at Sony and Microsoft to minimize any damage felt by their new console launches? Were you right?

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DarkD said:
They said they would be showing off smash bros and 3D mario this E3 so I think that will help a lot.

The biggest thing for them though is gonna be 2 things:

1) price cut, it will probably come either at E3 or approaching christmas. People are hesitant on buying the console because they feel that a price cut is imminent and don't wanna be pissed off that they didn't wait.

2) Sony and Microsoft's consoles have to have their images deflated. Microsoft has already started with all of its DRM crap. In response, amazon already reported that Wii U sales went up 800% as of the console debut. However people still hold out hope and still think that either of the two consoles could beat the pants off of the Wii U. Once E3 is over Wii U sales will almost certainly go up provided that neither of the two have a truly amazing E3.

"Wii U sales will almost certainly go up provided that neither of the two have a truly amazing E3. "


What else, a rich advertisement and steller first parties titles. Sources say Nintendo don't feel comfortable marketing the Wii U console before the Summer update and compare to the Spring update, this suppose to be one HUGE update. As if your booting the console up for the first time. My is that the update could be live during, their already about to be marketing demos and putting up ads by next week. One of the Locations is Disney World. (Smart Move Nintendo)

I'm sure Sony will do the same, just wish they lower the power a bit. Seven free ram is nice for gamers and fanboys, but to the mass market, its going to shy away a lot of customers. Gaming is not only for adults Sony, the PS4 should have games that are assessable and appeal to more then one audiences.

Don’t follow the hype, follow the games


Here a little quote I want for those to keep memorize in your head for this coming next gen.                            

 By: Suke

A price cut if they can, though the WiiU will already look to be the cheapest option out of the 3, MS will more than likely undercut Sony but not enough to get close to the WiiU, especially if they do a price drop.

They should just release 2 or more "big" games. Mario Kart and SSB U or Mario Galaxy and anew Zelda title? They have plenty up their sleeves and we should get a good look at what they'll plan to do at E3.

Minimize damage? LOL Smash Brothers, Mario, Mario Kart are possibly coming this year. Other consoles have used game fees and will most likely be more expensive with subscription fees for the best experience on them. That question should be directed towards Sony and Microsoft. Sony and Microsoft need to convince me why i should choose them over the other for my second console this generation.

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For Wii U: It needs games...either 3D Mario or Mario Kart this holiday (the other in early Spring 2014), added into Wind Waker HD, Wii U Party, Wii Fit U, Wonderful 101, Pikmin 3, and a few key 3rd party titles like Sonic Lost World and Rayman Legends. Also some heavy advertising and maybe some aggressive bundling if they want to avoid having to actually cut the price. Finally, the 2nd update needs to speed up load times even more and smooth out the entire operating system so that Wii U feels like a high quality product that's worth $300 or more. Even if they won't be able to match the overwhelming HYPE that Sony and Microsoft will have for launching new hardware, I see Wii U doing well during the holidays and holding its own once those key games arrive. Then into 2014 Nintendo will have Yarn Yoshi, Sonic Olympics, either 3D Mario or Mario Kart, hopefully Monolith Soft's X, Bayonetta 2, Shin Megami Tensei X Fire Emblem, Retro Studio's title, all leading up to Smash Bros. launching Holiday 2014. I'm very optimistic that from this August on (starting with Pikmin 3), Nintendo will steadily regain momentum for Wii U with consistent quality game launches and without any major droughts or gaps.

For 3DS: Nothing. Nintendo 3DS needs NO help. I don't care how well PS4 and Xbone do at launch...ain't nobody gonna be able to stop the BEAST that is Nintendo 3DS with a one-two punch of Pokemon X/Y in October and The Legend of Zelda 3DS in November. Those two plus Monster Hunter 4 (in Japan), Animal Crossing, Mario & Luigi, Mario Golf, and the 3DS' already incredible library will ensure that it's smooth sailing for 3DS right into 2014.

Upcoming Games To Get

Definite: Kirby Star Allies (Switch), Mario Tennis Aces (Switch), Fire Emblem (Switch), Yoshi (Switch), Pokemon (Switch), Kingdom Hearts 3 (PS4), Monster Hunter World (PS4)

Considering: Fe (Switch), Donkey Kong Country Tropical Freeze (Switch), The World Ends With You (Switch), Ys VIII (Switch), Street Fighter V: Arcade Edition (PS4), Kingdom Hearts 2.8 Remix (PS4), The Last Guardian (PS4), Shadow of the Colossus HD (PS4), Anthem (PS4), Shenmue 3 (PS4), WiLD (PS4)

Wii Fitness 4 U



I feel there's still a lot of money potential in the interactive fitness games

Push Retailers to advertize new and used game prices on Wii U games.


That and launch a few games, but Nintendo is launching half a dozen quality games, maybe more, so that's not a problem.

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After seeing the X-bone unavailing, its all but certain that ps4 will follow in the way of the X-Bone in regards to being a MEDIA system first and a game console 2nd. This means Nintendo will truly be the last company (of the 3) that has its main focus on GAMES. This alone will make them more favorable in the public/gaming media eye. So really, the Big N needs to do NOTHING (sony/ms are killing themselves) except get those heavy hitter games (zelda/pokemon/smash/metroid/dk...ect) out there but in HD this time. None of this "one good game every 4 months" bull crap.

It should sell pretty damn good the second half of this year, in Japan/Europe Pikmin 3 and Luigi U retail version release the same day and I think thats a good time to do a $50-70 price cut and release a new marketing campaign, in NA do the same on Aug 4 when Pikmin 3 releases.

From that point thru christmas we have W101, Splinter Cell, Rayman, Batman, Watch Dogs, COD, Skylanders, Disney Infinity, Wind Waker, Sonic Lost World, Wii Party, Wii Fit U, Jist Dance and Mario Kart U.

For Black Friday have 8gb Wii U w/Wii Fit U plus Balance Board and 32gb Wii U with Mario Kart U bundles for $300 each. Those should sell really well and thats the week I assume the PS4/X1 will release.

Save 3D Mario for Q1 2014 to continue post holiday momentum and Smash Bros in Q2. Throughout the year release Retros game, Bayonetta 2, X, FExSMT, Yarn Yoshi and a few other games. A new Zelda plus Wii Sports U as Holiday 2014 titles.

In 2015 a price cut to $199 and big games like New Super Mario World, a 2D Mario game that feels fresh and new, and Nintendo Land 2. Other games like Zombie 2, F-Zero, Kirby could release this year.

2016 will probably be the last big year for Wii U, Donkey Kong, Star Fox and whatever Nintendo franchises that havent been released yet. For the holiday release a Console/Handheld hybrid as a "3rd Pillar" when Wii U and 3DS have 1-2 decent years left.

I think Wii U will sell really well layer this year thru 2015 then slowly decline for the next 2-3 years, basically just like Wii but about half as well. I think PS4/X1 will start off slow for there first 2-3 years like there predecessors since they will likely have $400+ price tags and PS360 will have good support thru 2015. After that point they will start to be the major consoles due to price coming down and 3rd parties shifting support.

When the herd loses its way, the shepard must kill the bull that leads them astray.