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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - The Animal Crossing: New Leaf thread

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Who is your favorite character in Animal Crossing (final round)?

Brewster 0 0%
K.K. Slider 4 26.67%
Isabelle 4 26.67%
Tom Nook 3 20.00%
Mr. Resetti 1 6.67%
Kapp'n 2 13.33%
Blathers 1 6.67%
Pete 0 0%
Joan 0 0%
Gracie 0 0%
sethnintendo said:

VGC AC fans FC list (remember to notify whoever you are adding so they can add you)

SethNintendo - 0216-1095-1009

SethNintendo, I  already have you registered. I am downloading the game now so hope to see you around maybe.

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It seems I'm the dontaing type. I enjoy making museum collections. Nintendopie  Was obviously right and I was obviously wrong. I will forever be a lesser being than them. (6/16/13)

That was wierd. :O
Btw, how did yal get Isabella to give you fruit?

I think I just experienced my first "time-out" (internet connection dropped or something) while visiting a different town?!

axumblade said:

I just had Astro, Ninpie, and Delphin in my town. But I think I lost my connection.

I got scared because I saw a loading screen with Resetti in it. o.o;;;;

I thought my 3DS froze and the devil (Resetti) was about to come haunt me or something...!

Around the Network

This is not a double post... it is. :/

axumblade said:
MDMAlliance said:
Anyone start visiting each others towns yet? I tried to get a lot of work done, but all I could do was pay off the down payment for the house and pretty much take all dem fruits from mah trees (muahahahahaha!). Oh, and my approval rating is 71%.

Sooo........ guise?

I just had Astro, Ninpie, and Delphin in my town. But I think I lost my connection.

I got scared because I saw a loading screen with Resetti in it. o.o;;;;

lol Me too. I was like oh god please don't tell me I have to deal with this guy already. D:

Anywho's, wanna retry?

axumblade said:
MDMAlliance said:
Anyone start visiting each others towns yet? I tried to get a lot of work done, but all I could do was pay off the down payment for the house and pretty much take all dem fruits from mah trees (muahahahahaha!). Oh, and my approval rating is 71%.

Sooo........ guise?

I just had Astro, Ninpie, and Delphin in my town. But I think I lost my connection.

I got scared because I saw a loading screen with Resetti in it. o.o;;;;

Hahaha.  This is my first Animal Crossing game so I'm a bit of a newbie.

Anyway, I am pretty sure to be friends we both have to add each other so I guess I'll try to find the friend codes and names and stuff.

Mine is: 4554 - 0185 - 7267

Name thingy is: troll

axumblade said:

My town would probably be a bad place to visit with my roommate watching the stream. Maybe we could go to someone elses town?

You guys can come to my town... even though it's quite a bore. 

Do you guys need my 3DS Friend Code? If so, I'll edit it into this post.