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Forums - Gaming Discussion - None of the consoles are better than the other

I know a lot of you guys are really into the console wars and that is fine and all.  Afterall this is a sales site.  But please stop saying one console is better than the other.  There is certain facts out there that could be considered better than the other.  Example being specs in a console.  Yes the PS4 is more powerful than the WiiU for example but does that make it better?  No it does not.  Some people like the games more on WiiU than any game they would like on PS4.  And no they are not wrong, it is an opinion.  There is no right or wrong in opinions.  I for one will openly admit that I am a fanboy of games such as Halo, Gears, Uncharted, Metal Gear, and Pokemon.  This is the primary reason I joined with this site.  I wanted to see how well each game was selling.  But after lurking for about 3 years to being extremely active in the last 7 months I keep seeing people saying game A is better than game B, or Console A is better than Console B.  When really none are better than the other, they all come down to opinions.  It is ok to point out facts such as specs, metacritics, sales, etc.  I get all that, but do not be so arrogant to say your opinion is the only right one.  I love Halo but I won't say it is better than Mario Galaxy.  For one Mario Galaxy is an amazing game (while recieving an amazingly high metacritic), but it also comes down to if that person likes Mario Galaxy more than Halo and Vice versa.  We are all gamers here so can we calm down about what brand a console is and just focus on games that we truly do like.  I know this will not change anything but please be respectful of each others opinions and don't state your opinions as facts.


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Opinions are like assholes, fuck them.


note: not agreeing with jay, just giving him advice to deal with it


If expressing opinions was so wrong, why would forums even exist ?

Wrong, my console of choice is the best

Bet reminder: I bet with Tboned51 that Splatoon won't reach the 1 million shipped mark by the end of 2015. I win if he loses and I lose if I lost.

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Bullshit, Jay. Bullshit.

Translation: "Please don't state your opinions, because they're opinions".

Akvod said:
Translation: "Please don't state your opinions, because they're opinions".

Translation:  Don't state your opinions as facts.


JayWood2010 said:

Translation:  Don't state your opinions as facts.

"None of the consoles are better than the other" is an example of an opinion stated (albeit grammatically incorrectly) as a fact.

JayWood2010 said:
Akvod said:
Translation: "Please don't state your opinions, because they're opinions".

Translation:  Don't state your opinions as facts.

Translation: "I can't tell if someone's stating an opinion unless they explicitly write 'IMO'".