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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Nintendo E3/ND 2013 Thread: That's A Wrap! The Wait Begins for E3 2014!


gamrConnect, What Game is Your Game of the Show?

Bayonetta 2 (Wii U) 15 14.42%
Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze (Wii U) 4 3.85%
The Legend of Zelda: A Li... 1 0.96%
The Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker HD (Wii U) 2 1.92%
Mario Kart 8 (Wii U) 24 23.08%
Pokemon X/Y (3DS) 4 3.85%
Super Mario 3D World (Wii U) 5 4.81%
Super Smash Bros. (3DS/Wii U) 16 15.38%
X (Wii U) 25 24.04%
Other 2 1.92%

My top ten most anticipated to see at E3:

10. Yoshi's Island 3
9. Sonic: Lost World (WiiU)
8. Project X
7. Zelda: ALttP 2
6. Mario Kart
5. Wind Waker HD
4. Bayonetta 2
3. Smash Bros (WiiU)
2. Mario Universe (Galaxy 3)
1. Retro Studio's game. (The anticipation of both what it is and how badass it is).

Around the Network

My top 5.

1. Project X- Xenoblade's successor, and the sequel to the game Takahashi called "an experiment". Lets see the results.

2. Super Smash Bros 4- Just....awesome fighting being co-deved by Namco Bandai? I wanna see it in action.

3. Pokemon X/Y- Diagonal Walking.

4. Wind Waker HD- Remake of my favorite game of all time.

5. Retro's Project- I know that this will jump up a couple ranks once I see a trailer, but for now I don't know enough and the rumors are bugging me. Nintendopie  Was obviously right and I was obviously wrong. I will forever be a lesser being than them. (6/16/13)

JWeinCom said:
According to the website there will be 4 demos available... Going by their website...

Pikmin 3, Wonderful 101, Super Mario 3D, and Wind Waker HD. If so, I'll be mildly disappointed. Not too psyched to try Pikmin or Wind Waker HD. Not that I'm not looking forward to those games, but I've played through WW several times, and Pikmin 3 is pretty much a known quantity. Kind of excited to try Wonderful 101, and Mario 3D is the game I want to play most of all.

Of course, they could just be using these silhouettes to avoid showing off the more surprising titles. Personally, I'm hoping the demos will be... Mario 3D, Smash, Retro's Next, and Sonic Lost World.

Mario and lugi dream team and new super lugi U  also has a shilloute on the site tho.  So I don't think its a hint at the demos. 

great thread! I also would like a ticket for the starship iwatachartz ;)

More hype!

Nintendo and PC gamer

Around the Network

Everyone's been added to the Starship (even those who really didn't ask... but in your heart I knew you wanted to join )! We've crossed the 100 man mark (Congrats to JWeinCom for being the 100th passenger!). This mechanical monstrosity of hype cannot be stopped.

And it looks like Nintendo is preparing for the E3 goodness. A little over 10 days to go. ^_^


You're welcome! *sniffle*


Thanks man. :D


Welcome aboard, and thanks for the compliments. ^_^

10 days till the E3 Nintendo Direct. That ND this morning already built up some hype

I hoping for some of this too.

can you guess what game this is?

My Hummingbird

3DS Friend Code: 047387541842

I was thinking about Retros new game... thinking about which revival would be awesome, I though about Custom Robo... So I went ahead and searched the gamecube opening 'cause I kinda recalled it was awesome...
Yep, I see a lot of potential for a revival...


3DS code: 1289-8222-7215

NNid: Menx064

menx64 said:
I was thinking about Retros new game... thinking about which revival would be awesome, I though about Custom Robo... So I went ahead and searched the gamecube opening 'cause I kinda recalled it was awesome...
Yep, I see a lot of potential for a revival...

YES!!!! YES!!!!!! YES!!!!!!!

Ive mentioned in like 7 threads about how much I want a new Custom Robo, it was one of my favorite Gamecube games. Its up tjere with Star Fox and F-Zero as far as games that need to be revived.

When the herd loses its way, the shepard must kill the bull that leads them astray.

menx64 said:
I was thinking about Retros new game... thinking about which revival would be awesome, I though about Custom Robo... So I went ahead and searched the gamecube opening 'cause I kinda recalled it was awesome...
Yep, I see a lot of potential for a revival...

Here one with better quality.