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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Resident Evil 7 poster points to E3 reveal (Rumor)

Otakumegane said:

Not sure about 6, but at least 5 should've been on the Wii. Resi 4 sold well on the Wii.

Should have, but it wasnt.

Conegamer said:

That was purely a power issue (apparantly); something which the Wii U doesn't have to worry about as much. 

If the Wii could play 5 or 6, it would. Because every other Resident Evil game is avaliable on Nintendo platforms, so 7 also being on the Wii U seems highly likely (if not certain).

 And what if RE7 is actually a game thats pushing PS4 and Nextbox?

Pavolink said:

And yet Revelations port is even on Wii U.

A port of a 3DS game doesnt mean much, especially if RE7 is a PS4/Nextbox game. Would be like saying RE5/RE6 would have been on Wii because a RE4 port was.

Mr Khan said:

Where, i should note, it is more redundant than on PS3 or 360, as there's more likely to be cross-platform ownership between current Wii U owners and 3DS owners who were likely to buy Revelations.

I dont think this means anything at all. If RE Revelations sells less on Wii U than on PS360, it will have nothing to do with the 3DS version. It will have more to do with the userbase size and the RE fanbase on PS360. Revelations will be a good way to get some fanbase for the series on Wii U, but using a Revelations port as an excuse for why RE7 should/will be on Wii U is really silly.

I mean, Capcom put a Monster Hunter port on PS3 and one on 360. It meant nothing.


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Carl2291 said:
Conegamer said:

That was purely a power issue (apparantly); something which the Wii U doesn't have to worry about as much. 

If the Wii could play 5 or 6, it would. Because every other Resident Evil game is avaliable on Nintendo platforms, so 7 also being on the Wii U seems highly likely (if not certain).

 And what if RE7 is actually a game thats pushing PS4 and Nextbox?

It could well be. We don't know yet, but I find it unlikely they wouldn't even consider a Wii U version looking at their other support. I'm sure it'd be easy enough to scale down.


Here lies the dearly departed Nintendomination Thread.

Conegamer said:

It could well be. We don't know yet, but I find it unlikely they wouldn't even consider a Wii U version looking at their other support. I'm sure it'd be easy enough to scale down.

Where I would again point to Resident Evil 5 and Resident Evil 6.

Im kinda surprised there hasnt been a RE5&RE6 double pack released yet.


Cool, another dude bro shooter.

Too early, and also they must be rethinking what the next step in the RE-saga is after two numbered duds.

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So soon? I don't think this is true, that or 7 is being rushed to hell.

Hope the next ones a reboot

Wagram said:

So soon? I don't think this is true, that or 7 is being rushed to hell.

A teaser for it wouldnt really indicate theyre rushing it.

Look at how early we saw RE5 for example. We had a full blown (Awesome!) trailer for it 2 Years before release.


Fake indeed. But I would welcome a new RE game.

How is this too soon? Capcom like to milk their franchises and it wouldnt surprise me if it became an annual release.