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Forums - Sony Discussion - CONFIRMED: Gran Turismo 6 announced for PS3, releasing Holiday 2013

walsufnir said:
Munkeh111 said:
walsufnir said:
Munkeh111 said:
I just don't really understand this, releasing a hardcore game know for its legs and longevity about 1 month before a new console launch? Doesn't make much sense to me

10-year-plan for PS3.

They released GoW II for PS2 after PS4 launch, but that was fine because of BC. This just means that all their hardcore racing fans sit around with PS3s. I would be shocked if they don't release a PS4 version within a year or two

I get the 10 year plan, but this isn't how you keep it going. You keep it going for another 3 years by making it cheaper, not puting your best selling franchise on it months before the PS4 launches

It will all be good if PS3 eventually surpasses the Wii in sales ;)

Doesn't matter. It will be nice if it can finally actually be profitable, especially if it does keep selling in newer markets, such as Brazil where they are now making some

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I love Gran Turismo, with 3 years of development time I'm sure they'll add a lot of content to make it well worth the purchase.

A PS4 release might have been the smarter idea, but at least I have an excuse to set up my wheel again and spent a solid few days racing without having to buy a new console.

*fingers crossed for V8 Supercars*

Really hope this is on PS3/Vita/PS4, a PS3 only version will under perform greatly. After The Last of Us, and Beyond I am done with PS3. I would gladly pay $100 for GT6 on PS4, but I won't spend a dime on it for PS3. No joke, I bought over a dozen copies of GT5 so friends and family could play online. I have been hundreds of hours on every GT game including importing GT4:P.

This game should be a poster child for PS4/Vita connectivity. It just blows me away how Sony kills their big guns. MS and Nintendo leverage the crap out of Mario and Halo, while Sony seem to do all they can to destroy their biggest franchise. Utterly stupid.

Stop hate, let others live the life they were given. Everyone has their problems, and no one should have to feel ashamed for the way they were born. Be proud of who you are, encourage others to be proud of themselves. Learn, research, absorb everything around you. Nothing is meaningless, a purpose is placed on everything no matter how you perceive it. Discover how to love, and share that love with everything that you encounter. Help make existence a beautiful thing.

Kevyn B Grams


taus90 said:
I think its a brilliant move by Sony, releasing GT6 for PS3 (along with vita would have been better).. it shows the confidence they have knowing that PD has GT7 already in the development for PS4 for 2014 release.. and drive club for the launch... they did the same thing with Resistance and Killzone series

PD is a relatively smaller studio. In all likelihood, it took them 3 years just to make GT6. Expect another 3-4 year wait for GT7.

Xbox: Best hardware, Game Pass best value, best BC, more 1st party genres and multiplayer titles. 


It will be interesting to see what the sales and reception will be this late in the generation. I am feeling a God of War Ascension level of response.

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sales2099 said:
taus90 said:
I think its a brilliant move by Sony, releasing GT6 for PS3 (along with vita would have been better).. it shows the confidence they have knowing that PD has GT7 already in the development for PS4 for 2014 release.. and drive club for the launch... they did the same thing with Resistance and Killzone series

PD is a relatively smaller studio. In all likelihood, it took them 3 years just to make GT6. Expect another 3-4 year wait for GT7.

You want them to milk their franchise till everyone get's bored of it? Just remember that it's a racing game, they don't have to release a new game every frickin' day, just like some other racing IP.

85M PS3s sold by the end of 2013 (not factoring in a price drop).

taus90 said:
I think its a brilliant move by Sony, releasing GT6 for PS3 (along with vita would have been better).. it shows the confidence they have knowing that PD has GT7 already in the development for PS4 for 2014 release.. and drive club for the launch... they did the same thing with Resistance and Killzone series

And also the 80 mil user base suddenly wont just stop playing their PS3 coz PS4 launched,
and also people like me living in country were console launch are always a year late, GT6 is an exciting prospect for us..

And for the whole picture, this show how much Sony is committed in supporting PS3 even as PS4 looms large, unlike MS



Good one

If true, way to shoot yourself in the foot Sony.

That'd be like Nintendo releasing Super Mario Galaxy 3 for the Wii the day the Wii U launched.


Here lies the dearly departed Nintendomination Thread.

Deyon said:
sales2099 said:
taus90 said:
I think its a brilliant move by Sony, releasing GT6 for PS3 (along with vita would have been better).. it shows the confidence they have knowing that PD has GT7 already in the development for PS4 for 2014 release.. and drive club for the launch... they did the same thing with Resistance and Killzone series

PD is a relatively smaller studio. In all likelihood, it took them 3 years just to make GT6. Expect another 3-4 year wait for GT7.

You want them to milk their franchise till everyone get's bored of it? Just remember that it's a racing game, they don't have to release a new game every frickin' day, just like some other racing IP.

The guy didn't say or imply anything like that, geez...